Mr. Holt

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"I'm worried," I say.
"I am too," he says.
"What if they don't find him," I say.
"We will."
We go to the police station and when we walk inside the woman at the desk greets us, but Alexander doesn't ask to go to the detective's desk. He just walks in the back without saying hello, without anything. He just goes to the back.
"Lex," I say, glancing around as if we are breaking rules, nevertheless , I follow him to the detective's desk.
"Detective Garrett," he says.
The detective looks up.
"Mr. Holt. Good morning. What can I do for you?"
"What's being done to find my son this morning?" Alexander says.
"I assure you we are doing all we can, sir."
Alexander looks around the station, then back at the detective. Then he says, "I see probably 10 officers and other detectives sitting on their asses right now while my newborn son is out there in the hands of a lunatic! Yet you want to tell me you're doing all you can?!"
"Get these men off their asses and find my baby!"
"We have no leads," the detective says.
"The go find some! That's your job, damnit!"
"Lex," I say, pulling on his shirt. "Let's go."
"Sir," the detective says and nods his head.
We walk out of there and to the sidewalk where a woman approaches us.
"Alexander Holt?"
She hands him a letter and walks away without another word.
Alexander glances at me and opens the letter.

Your baby is safe. You can be assured of that. But I know I was quite certain I made myself clear to you and that woman already. Your baby will be returned to you without harm as long as you do what I say...
I want a billion dollars by Friday.
No police.

Alexander stops reading and hurries back into the police department.
"Look at this," he says, tossing the letter to the detective.
The detective scans through the letter and glances up at us.
"Do you have any idea who would write this?"
"I know exactly who wrote it," Alexander says.
"My father."
"Your father?"
"Yes. He's the bastard that won't sleep until he has every last dime of not just the money my mother left to me but also the money I'm leaving to Savannah and Sebastian."
"What proof do you have of this?"
"None. I have no proof, but I can get proof," he says.
"We need proof that he wrote this letter," the detective says.
"The proof I have is in Manhattan," Alexander says, but I'm not leaving until I have my baby.
"Well, we are at an impasse then because you won't have your baby until you have proof that your father wrote this."
Alexander glances at me and then to the detective and the he says, "Unless I just give him the money he wants."
"Alexander," I say. "That's a lot of money."
"I know, but we need our baby back. I can earn more money. I'll never have another you or another Sebastian."
"Well, that's up to you, Mr. Holt. But I agree with your wife. A billion dollars is a lot of money."
"I'm worth 17 times that."

Mr. HoltWhere stories live. Discover now