It was him

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Alexander parks in front of the theater hall and turns to face me, stretching his arm out to brush his thumb across my cheek.
"You've worked very hard on this show and I'm not going to allow some asshole to ruin this for you. We are staying. I'm going to take care of this. I promise. I'll have my best men on this, working to get information about him and why he would want to follow you or hurt you."
I sigh. "Okay," I say, but I still feel uneasy.
"Just take yourself inside that theater and make me proud," he says.
He kisses my lips and I get out of the car. Just before I walk inside, I look back at him and he blows a kiss at me. Then I go inside the theater hall.
"Savannah! You're here! Simon hollers from the front of the hall near the stage," his black curls bouncing as he waves at me.
As much as I love this show, I really just don't feel like doing this right now. But I smile and walk down the aisle to the front.
"Are we ready?" I say.
"Get in costume," Simon says.
"We're doing a dress rehearsal?" I ask.
"Yes. I want to see what the whole thing will look like on stage. Show's tomorrow. Your costumes are already in your dressing room," he says and points backstage.
I walk up the stage stairs and head to the back of the stage to find my Act I costume. When I get in there, I see roses and a letter sitting on the vanity table. There's no return address or sender name, so I open the package. As I'm opening I read the card on the roses, assuming they're from Alexander.

Break a Leg

That's all it says. There is nothing about who sent it, and that isn't characteristic of Lex. I get the package open and see dozens of pictures of me. But I look more closely, I realize they're intimate pictures of me... pictures he shouldn't have been able to take.
Most of them are pictures of me when I was still living with Emberley and many of them are of me dressing, and showering, and some are of me crying.

 Most of them are pictures of me when I was still living with Emberley and many of them are of me dressing, and showering, and some are of me crying

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 I drop the photos onto the vanity and text Alexander

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 I drop the photos onto the vanity and text Alexander.

I lock the dressing room door and sit on the side of the room crying until I hear a knock

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I lock the dressing room door and sit on the side of the room crying until I hear a knock.
"Savannah, it's me," Alexander says.
I go over and unlock the door. Alexander walks inside and I lock the door behind him.
"Who sent you the roses?" He asks.
"It wasn't you?" I say.
"Then it must've been him. Alexander, I'm terrified. I don't understand why this is happening to me. Nothing like this happened to me before I met you," I say.
"What are you saying?"
"You don't find it at all curious that the same man sending me all this and doing all these things also has ties to your billion-dollar company?"
"It has nothing to do with me," he says. "I swear."
I turn away from him as I adjust my wig and I say, "I'm not as confident about that."

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