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We arrive in Boston and check into the Four Seasons hotel. As I'm waiting for Alexander to get our room keys, Jenna texts me. She's been away on a business trip with the attorney she works for, and I forgot to tell her I left the city.

 She's been away on a business trip with the attorney she works for, and I forgot to tell her I left the city

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Alexander finishes at the check-in desk and comes over to where I'm standing, giving me a key to the room. We go up to the room on the top floor of this luxury hotel, and I step onto the balcony and look out over the Boston harbor.

"Are you hungry?" he asks, hanging up his suits in the closet.

"Yes. Let's get dinner before I have rehearsal at six," I say.

"What are you in the mood for?" he asks.

"Chips and salsa."

"Like a Mexican grill or something?" he asks.

"Yeah. I want to drown myself in queso dip," I say. 

He smiles and says, "Yeah. We can do that."

As we walk down the hall to the elevator, he texts someone and slips his phone away without saying anything. But then when we get to the elevator, I say, "Who was that?

"Your new security."

"Oh. Is this really necessary, Lex?"

"Entirely," he says and comes over to me, sliding his hands up my skirt as he kisses my ear and neck. 

"Lex," I whisper as I feel his fingers tease the edge of my thong.

"Mmm," he mumbles as he nibbles the bottom of my earlobe.

The elevator stops and an elderly woman steps on, letting out a cough, which causes Alexander to whisper, "Later," and stand beside me.

When we step off the elevator, my new security is standing there and Alexander shakes his hand. 

"Savannah, this is Brady. Brady this is who you'll be watching. This is my girlfriend, Savannah."

"She's in good hands, sir," Brady says.

I stare down the tall and very muscular man and wonder how many steroids he's taken to get himself pumped to such a size, and I say, "Do you work out all day long to get muscles like that?"

"Don't mind her," Alexander says. "She says inappropriate things sometimes."

I laugh. "I do not!"

"Don't worry, sir. I'm sure she'll be on her very best behavior," Brady says.

"Around you, I will. You look like you can wrestle an ox."

Brady chuckles and says, "Probably. I haven't tried it though."

"Might make more money that way," I say. "Be more exciting too." Brady chuckles as Alexander ushers me along.

"What's your deal?" I ask.

"Why do you behave this way?"

"What way?"

"You know exactly how I mean. Can we just go eat?" he says.


We get in the car and drive to the Mexican restaurant.

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