I'm a poor girl

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We get to my cabin and I sit on the edge of the bed, thinking about whether or not I belong here.

"Can I ask you something?" I say.


"Why did you ask me to come?"

"I like you. You're not really like the women I usually date, and you're like a breath of fresh air."

"Is that a compliment?" I ask.


"Did you spill your coffee on me on purpose?"

He laughs. "No. It was convenient though. When I saw you, I really wanted to talk to you. I think you're gorgeous. I might be a wealthy man, Savannah, but I'm still just a man. My words can fail me too."

I walk over to him and play with his shirt collar as I kiss his cheek and lips. 

"Tell me about your burdens," he says. "I told you mine."

He backs me up to the bed and sits me on his lap, straddling his legs, as I say, "You didn't tell me all of them."

"Still, it's your turn."

"Fine. Well, just because I don't care about it doesn't mean I don't need it."

He stops kissing around my neck and says, "You need money?"

"I'm not taking yours."

"What do you need money for?" he asks and moves my hair to kiss deep on the curve of my neck and shoulder, pulling my hips against him, which causes my legs to wrap around his hip. He lets out a moan and cups my backside in his hands.

"Savannah, what do you need money for?"

I don't respond and his hands move up my skirt, taking a nice feel of my thighs.

"Savannah, tell me what you need money for."

I cup his face in my hands as he feels around on my bare thighs and moves to my bare backside, lifting me up slightly.

"I won't ask you again," he says through our kissing.

"My uncle has been allowing me to rent his apartment, but it's not cheap. It's taken most of the money I got from my parents' death settlement. Now I don't have money to pay for school."

He lifts my shirt over my head and unclasps my bra before lifting me up and switching positions.

"Savannah, this is not okay. I want to help you."

 "I'm not taking your money, Lex."

"Who says I'm giving you the choice?" he says, slipping my skirt and thong down my legs.

He stands and lifts his shirt over his head and slides out of his pants, and I finally see what's hiding under there. God... he's mmm, wow. Like a Greek god in front of me.

He crawls across me, cradling my head in his hands as he kisses me.

"Savannah, tell me how I can help you."

I say nothing as we begin to move in rhythm and I gasp, feeling him inside me. I've never felt this feeling before and I'm happy, nervous, and worried all at the same time. I reach my hands to his face, holding him to my lips until he switches positions and I'm on top. 

Soon, he's in control again, gripping the headboard, becoming very concentrated and forceful as he holds my backside in his hand against his body. He grunts and collapses on the bed beside me, breathing heavily.

"Wow," I say. 

He glances at me from the corner of his eyes.

I want to tell him that was my first time, but I'm not sure how he'll react or if I should've told him before. So, I don't.

"How can I help you?" he says.

"I need a job. You're a big-time businessman. Can you find me a good job?"

"Yeah. I can do that."

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