The Ring

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"Savannah, we're leaving in 20 minutes," Alexander says from the bedroom as I'm fixing my hair for the party.

I peek my head around the bathroom door and say, "Alright." But then I realize I need to get my poop in a group and hurry up or else I will not be ready in time. I finish curling my long blonde hair, add some diamond earrings to my ears, and put on the diamond necklace Alexander gave me before I step out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. Alexander is standing there like he just walked off the pages of GQ in a black tuxedo with his dark hair slicked back. 

He walks over to me, places his hands on my hips, kisses the curve of my neck, and says, " look like an angel."

I turn my head and kiss his lips. "You're not so shabby yourself."

With a grin, showing the dimple in his chin I love, he says, "Ready?"


"Is this the dress I paid 10 grand for?" he asks as we walk downstairs and to the driveway to our car.

"Yes. Are you angry about the price?"

He opens my car door, saying, "Not at all. It suits you very well."

When we arrive at the Plaza, he allows the valet to park the car and we walk inside together. I don't know why since the party is for me and Lex, but I'm nervous. His whole family will be there, including people I've never before met, and I'm worried about what they will think about me. I'm also worried about seeing the women of his past again, his father and stepmother, and so many people. I love Alexander, but his life before me intimidates me.

We walk inside and immediately are inundated by people.

"Savannah!" Jocelyn screeches with her arms up high, hurrying up as soon as she sees us.

Alexander glances down at me with a small smile and squeezes my hand as Jocelyn throws her arms around me.

"Ahh! Why haven't you called?! Have you gone dress shopping yet?! I want to come with you!"

"Joc," Alexander says, "Chill. You'll make her change her mind."

Jocelyn rolls her eyes and says, "If you haven't scared her away by now, nothing I say will."

She grabs my hand out of his and says, "Oh my god. This ring is gorgeous! Alexander, what did this ring cost you?"

"I'm not telling you that," he says and looks away from her. 

She laughs and says, "You don't know, do you Savannah?"

I shake my head. "No. He didn't say."

"C'mon, brother. Tell us what you spent."


"Xander, tell us," she prods some more.


"Aw, c'mon. What's it gonna hurt?"

I can tell he's really frustrated now, and he looks at me and then at her as she asks him once more and he blurts out, "Three million."

I gasp and he glances down at me as I look at the gigantic ring on my left hand.

"Alexander," I say. 

Placing his arm around me, he leans down, kisses my lips, and says, "You're worth more than that."

I continue kissing him and reach my arms up, holding his face in my hands. 

"Aw, you two are so sweet! I'm not at all jealous of my brother's sweet love while I'm over here waiting for my man to make a move," Jocelyn says before I hear her walk away.

"I can't believe you spent so much..." I mumble.

"What will it get me?" 

I giggle. "Oh, lover. You just wait."

He chuckles and I feel his arms enclose me. I know the guests are watching us, but I don't care because this man spent three million dollars on a diamond ring for me and I'd kiss him stark naked in Times Square for that. 

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