wedding dresses and scandals

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"Thanks for coming with me," I say to Jenna as we browse yet another bridal boutique for me to try on wedding dresses.

"Of course, girl! I wouldn't miss this for anything," she says and pulls out a dress and says, "What about this one?"

I shake my head. "No. They're all wrong. What am I gonna do? I'm marrying one of the richest men in the world, Jenna. I have to look like a billion dollars."

She taps her chin for a moment then says, "I've got it!" Then she grabs my arm and pulls me out of the store. 

"What? Where are we going?" I say as we walk down the Manhattan sidewalk. Brady hurries to follow us since he now escorts me everywhere I go and he whispers, "Ma'am, this wasn't on the approved list of places you were going today."

I sigh and reply, "I'm aware. Can we just go with it?"

"Boss won't be happy."

I roll my eyes and say, "Is he ever?"

"Where are we going?" I ask Jenna as we continue down the sidewalk.

"Almost there," she says.

We walk into a small building that doesn't seem much of anything at first. A man with a thick Italian accent comes out of the back and says, "Who are you? Why are you in my shop? Oh Jenna!" he says when he sees Jenna standing. "What can I do for you today?"

"Rico, this is my friend, Savannah. She needs a dress for her wedding."

"How much you pay?"

I shrug. "Whatever. Just give me the most beautiful dress Manhattan has ever seen."

He rubs his chin a moment and says, "You no worry. I give you everything you ever wanted." then he kisses my forehead and walks into the back for a moment.

"Jenna," I whisper. "Who is this guy?"

"He's a famous clothing designer."

"And how do you know him?" I say.

"He comes into the firm a few times a week to have us write contracts for stuff."

"Oh. What kind of contracts?"

"I think they're for his designs or whatever. I'm not really sure," she says.

Rico comes back out and says, "Get up there," and he points for me to get on the platform. then he begins measuring every inch of my body.

"So, you like satin, lace, chiffon... what you like?"

"Um..." I say, "I'm not really sure. Maybe lace or satin."

He stands back and looks at me and says, "No, no, no. You are too pretty for satin. You need lace. I make you lace."

"Okay, then. Lace it is," I say and step down, glancing at Jenna.

"When is the wedding?" he says.

"June 30," I say.


"The Plaza."

"Oooh," he says. "Very nice. I just read Mr. Holt, New York's finest businessman also get married there this summer."

"Yes," I say with a glance at Jenna. "Same day, matter of fact."

"Is he...are you?"

I smile. "I'm his fiancé."

Rico steps back with his hand on his chest and says, "Oh my, then we must make you the most beautiful bride, signora!"

Laughing slightly, I say, "I think he would love that very much if you would make me the most lovely bride."

Rico walks to the back and emerges a few moments later with samples of lace, showing me several. "Pick."

"Um... that one," I say, picking the floral scalloped lace. 

"Yes," he says. "It is perfect for you."

Once I pick out everything for my dress, Jenna and I walk a few blocks down the street to my "approved" location for lunch and Brady says, "I'll be over here, Ma'am," and he walks away and to the corner of the cafe to watch me while I eat with Jenna.

Jenna and I sit in a booth and she glances at Brady and says, "Why is he following you around again?"

"Because Alexander is paranoid."

"Paranoid about what?"

I roll my eyes and say, "He thinks I'm going to get raped or killed by someone because I'm engaged to him or held ransom for money."

"Is he wrong though?" Jenna says.

I shrug. "Maybe not."

A waitress walks up and says, "What can I get ya?"

"I'll have a Coke, fries, and a buffalo chicken wrap," I say.

"And for you?" she says to Jenna.

"Can I get the boneless wings with fries with a Coke?"

The waitress walks away and Jenna starts scrolling through her social media, but as she does, she looks up at me several times. 

"What?" I say.

She says nothing.

"Jenna, what is it?"

"Nothing," she says.

"No. You have to tell me."

"I'm sure it's nothing," she says. I grab her phone and gasp when I see Alexander with his arms around a woman.

 I grab her phone and gasp when I see Alexander with his arms around a woman

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I pull out my phone and text Alexander. 


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"C'mon," I say. "I want to go see him."

"Why don't you go alone?" Jenna asks.

"Just come with me," I say.

"What about our food?"

"We'll take it to go."

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