He's a lot...

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"Savannah, I know that was a lot to take in but..."

"It's fine. I'm fine..."

"Savannah, look. If you want to leave when we dock in the morning and never speak to me again, I'll understand."

Those big, puppy dog eyes are staring at me and I can't be upset. I want to be upset, but I can't. How can he want me to give up school? I mean, maybe he doesn't. I don't know. But I know that staring at this man in front of me right now, I can't say no to him.

"Alexander, that was a lot to handle, but..."

I reach my arms up and grab his face, leaning in to kiss him. We stand there kissing for a few moments and I hear the door creak, then out of the corner of my eyes, I see Jamie with fury in hers.

Alexander lifts his hand off my backside to my face, trying to get me to move my eyes off her and focus on him.

"Forget her," He mumbles, and lifts me into his arms. He stumbles forward and props me against the wall and we make out against the side of the boat for a few minutes. When our kissing is very heated and I can feel his growing desire for me, he says, "Let's go to the cabin."

"Okay," I mumble through our kissing.

He pulls me down the hall and to the stairs behind him and when we get to the cabin, he's already stripping his shirt off as he turns the knob on the door and kicks it open.

"Unzip me," I say as he's stripping off his shirt.

Our lips don't part as he reaches his arms behind me, yanking on the zipper of my dress. He starts cursing at it when the zipper won't budge.

"Damn this thing!"

I giggle and reach my arms behind me to unzip it, and it's at my feet.

He begins to kiss me passionately and I back up towards the bed. He lifts me into his arms and sits me on the bed, laying me back.



Speaking in between kissing him, I say, "Why was... that woman so ... I don't know... um...why did she...act like...she owns you?"

"Who? What woman?" he says, kissing down the front of me.

"The woman at the party."

He's kissing around my thighs and his eyes look up at me as he does. "Jamie? Don't pay attention to her," he says, and I can tell he really doesn't want to talk.
I feel shy as he's in my most intimate area, and I reach my hands down, brush my fingers in his hair, and inhale.

"Lex..." I gasp.


A little while later, I'm lying next to him on the bed as he watches the tv, and there's a knock at the door. 
"I'll get it," I say and slip into the shirt he has beside the bed before I walk to the door. 
I open the door and Jamie is standing there. 
"Oh," she says. "I thought this was Xander's room," and she looks me up and down as I stand there in only Alexander's shirt. 
I look back at him on the bed. "Lex, someone is at the door for you."
"Who?" he says.
To be a brat, I say, "I'm sorry, but what was your name again?"
She rolls her eyes and pushes inside past me.
"Xander, everyone's meeting upstairs for some cards."
"I'm gonna pass," Alexander says and waves his finger for me to come back over.
I walk back over and climb into the bed next to him. He kisses me and says to Jamie, "Tell Carol that her mission has failed."
Jamie huffs and angrily stomps out the door, slamming it closed.
Alexander grips my jaw in his hands, and as we kiss, he says, "I'm happy where I am."
"Lex..." I say as we kiss. "What did you mean?"
"About what?"
I run my hands across his bare chest to his shoulders and up to his face, "What you said to her... about Carol."
"Nothing. I didn't mean anything."
I'm frustrated because I feel like he's not being honest, and I stop kissing him and scoot away.
"Lex, be honest with me."
He leans forward, kissing me again. "I am."
I sigh.
"Sign the contract."
I'm surprised because I wasn't expecting that, so I don't say anything.
"Savannah, please," he says.
"I don't know what to say."
"Say yes."

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