A New Beginning

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"Who are you texting?" Jenna asks me as I answer Alexander.

"Who are you texting?" Jenna asks me as I answer Alexander

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"Why?" she asks.

"Because he won't leave me alone," I say.

"He still loves you," she says. 

"Do you have any money?" I say to Jenna.

She shakes her head. "Sorry girl. Maybe you should cash one of those checks," she says, pointing to the end table.

I open the end table drawer to see six or seven of Alexander's checks he sent me over the past six months totaling more than 100,000 dollars, but I refuse to accept help from that man. I can do this. I will do this.

I slump down onto the couch behind me and sigh. 

Alexander texts back again and I look at his text. 

"I know we've talked about this, but did you look into the validity of the post?" Jenna says, glancing at my very swollen pregnant belly

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"I know we've talked about this, but did you look into the validity of the post?" Jenna says, glancing at my very swollen pregnant belly.

"I didn't, but it's not even about that at this point, Jenna. He had a stack of contracts in his desk. He lied to me!" I say.

"Maybe he did, but I'm gonna be honest with you, girl. It sucks out here. We are poor. We need money. I miss my job and you are having this man's baby. Don't you miss him at all?" Jenna says.

"Of course, I do. But I can't give in to that kind of behavior, Jenna. I have to know I'm not being lied to," I say.

"I'm sorry. You're right. Of course, you're right. How do you feel? Can I get you anything?" Jenna says.

"I'm hungry, but we only have $20," I say.

"Savannah, just use the money he sent you. Think of it as child support. You're having the man's baby soon. You need to eat."

I nod. "You're right." I grab a check from the drawer and hold out my hand for Jenna to help my big butt off the couch. 

"What are you in the mood for?" Jenna asks.

"Oh, I dunno. Maybe..." I say but there's a knock at the door.

"I'll get it," Jenna says. She walks to the door and there's a delivery man there. 

"Delivery for  uh... Savannah Duley," he says.

"Just put in inside," Jenna says.

"There are several items," he says.

"Several?" Jenna asks.

"Yes, Ma'am. Some are quite large."

She glances at me and says, "What should he do with them?"

I waddle over to the door and say, "Who sent them?"

He looks down at the tablet and says, "Alexander Holt..." Then he blinks his eyes, glances up at me, down at the name and says, "Alexander Holt?"

I tap my large pregnant belly and say, "Guilt."

The man smiles and says, "I see. Well, he must be feeling rather guilty. Where should I leave it all?"

"Um, You can bring it all in here," I say, showing him into the small room I began setting up for the baby.

"Alright. I'll get started then."

I sit back down as the delivery guy brings in box after box. After unloading a total of about 20 boxes, he says, "That's all."

"Thank you," I say. 

He turns around as he leaves and says, "Um, are you, uh, free? You know, for dates or anything?"

I look down at my belly and say, "I wish I could say yes, but things are complicated right now. Sorry."

"I understand. But, hey, uh, if that changes, here's my number." He hands me a piece of paper with his phone number on it and walks out the door.

"Girl, you should've said yes. He was fine," Jenna says. "Why do men not like me that way?"

"Oh stop it. They do! You go on dates all the time. I bet he only asked me because of Alexander," I say.

"Maybe. Do you want to open the boxes now or later?" Jenna asks.

My phone dings. 


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