The Cast

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"Savannah!" Jonas hollers after the show. "Girl! You were amazing! I've never seen a more beautiful, poised, and convincing Marie Antoinette!"

"Stop," I say, blushing. But I'm still in costume and I do a twirl.

"I mean it. When you walked onto the stage crying right before they chopped off your head... wow. I mean, you had me crying the way you begged and pleaded for your life."

I smile and say, "Thanks."

Jonas moves closer and says, "I saw your billionaire in the audience. Does that mean you guys are back together?"

"No. Not in the slightest sense does it mean that," I say and scan the crowd of people for Alexander. I don't see him, but a few other cast members come up, congratulating me for the performance.

"Savannah, that was great," my friend Tyler says. 

"Thanks," I say. "Your performance as Louis XVI was nothing short of impressive."

"Savannah, that was amazing!" Nolan says, hugging me. "Plus, you were so hot. Are you free tonight? Because I like that Marie Antoinette side of you." He winks at me and nudges my side. 

"Savannah," Alexander says, "Let's go."

I glance over at him and sigh. Then I say to my cast members, "Sorry, guys. I guess I'm leaving."

"No! Stay with us!"  Nolan says. "We're having a party after."

I'm not really sure why, but I look at Alexander, whose eyes are searing Nolan, and I say, "Sorry, guys. I can't."

"Aw, Savannah! He can come too!" Nolan says.

"Yeah, Savannah! Bring your boy toy!"

I turn to Alexander and shrug. "Well?"

He says nothing and I can tell he doesn't want to, but I say yes anyhow. 

"Okay! We're in!" I say.

I hear a low growl from Alexander as he crosses his arms and pouts, so I pull him along and to my dressing room.

"Meet back here in 20 minutes!" Nolan hollers.

I turn around and smile, waving at him to acknowledge him as we walk away.

"I don't want to go out with them," he says and locks my dressing room door.

"I know," I say and turn to take off my costume and wig.

"I thought we were gonna go have dinner?" he says.

"We will another night," I say.

"Are you punishing me for not telling you about Mariah?"

I point to the fasteners on the back of my dress for him to unhook them for me, and I say, "No. I worked hard with my cast members for this play, and I want to go celebrate with them."

"I don't like the way that Nolan was looking at you."

"You don't like the way anyone looks at me," I say.

"That's true. But he's not a bad looking guy."

"So? What does that have to do with anything? If he was ugly you wouldn't care if he was looking at me?"

Alexander shrugs.

"That's a lie," I say and slip out of the dress, slide into my jeans, and slip my sweater over my head.

"Probably," he says.

"It is. Besides, Nolan isn't looking at me that way, okay? So chill." I walk back over to him, and I say, "Nolan's as gay as they come. He'd be more interested in taking you to bed than me."

He chuckles and says, "Well, I guess if this doesn't work out."

I laugh. "Stop."

"So where will we be going with all these cast members of yours?"

I shrug. "A bar, I guess."

"And will I be invited over for playtime afterward?" he asks.

I slip on my shoes and walk over to where he's leaning his back against the door with his arms crossed and I say, "Maybe if you're a good boy." Then I kiss his nose, then his chin dimple, then finally his lips. 

"Mmm, then I'm gonna be a very good boy."

I laugh. "That means a bad boy," I say and wink at him, and we walk out the door.

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