𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐞.

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I stared out of the half open window, smoke leaving my parted lips, the cigarette twirling between my fingers

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I stared out of the half open window, smoke leaving my parted lips, the cigarette twirling between my fingers. The bags under my eyes now clearly visible, dried tears left on my skin. I could see their shadows heading towards the cars ahead, the boys now leaving, giving me a chance to breathe. I adjusted my position, using my arm to balance me on the windowsill. Bill's dark hair glistened under the moonlight, slightly swaying on his shoulders as he walked. The chains around his neck creating shades of grey onto the concrete, his footsteps cautious but elegant. I could still smell his perfume on my clothes but not his touch anymore, only bitterness left from him. A sense of loneliness forming in my stomach like a virus, my throat sore from crying.

He opened the car door, stopping for a second before joining Tom. His soft eyes shot up at my window, making me take a step back, the curtain covering my shadow. The smoke building up in my room as I waited for him to leave, not wanting him to. The sound of wheels screeching gave me the conformation that he was now gone, for now. I can't believe he mocked me like that earlier, it's all a joke to him. I'm a joke to him. I feel stupid for allowing myself to melt under his touch, he knew I wanted him.

"are you awake?" A whisper spoke from outside my room.

"yeah" I hummed, scraping my dead cigarette onto the ash tray.

"I saved you some pizza" Freya smiled, holding a small plate in her hands.

"Oh, thanks" I sighed.

"What happened?" She asked, placing the plate down.

I stayed silent for a moment, watching her eyes flicker around my messy room. I let out a sigh before plopping down onto the bed, Freya soon joining me, her hand falling on top of mine.

"He taunted me. That's all" I shrugged.

"Are you sure? You seem upset" she pouted, her lips curled down.

"I'll be alright, just tired." I huffed.

"Okay, be up for 9 tomorrow." She winked, getting up.

"Night" I whispered.

"Night" she responded, quietly closing my door.

My eyes fell onto the white plate, my appetite no longer here. I latched onto the plate, tipping the slices into my miniature bin below before slamming myself into the mattress. I covered myself in my blanket, hoping for this day to end..

"Where is my beach top?!" Sophia screamed.

I rubbed at my heavy eyes, her voice sending me insane.

"I don't know" Beth scowled, her footsteps dragging along the floor.

"You took it!!" Sophia yelled.

I let out a low groan before jumping out of bed, my fists bawled up already. I swung the door open, watching their gazes turn to me.

"Stop fucking yelling!" I frowned.

"It's not me" Beth wined.

"Both of you." I scoffed, catching a glimpse of Freya.

"It's nearly nine, no point in going back to sleep" Freya shrugged, her hands rubbing together.

"That's not the point" I sighed.

I spun myself around, staring at the small fly next to my window. It's wings flapping together, irritating me even more. I reached for my old clothes from yesterday, throwing my jumper at the fly, satisfied when the buzzing stopped. I practically stomped over to my mirror, looking at my dull face in the reflection, my makeup already packed away. I traced my fingers over the pile of clothes left on my drawers, the smell of lilies lingering on them.

I tore off my pjs, reaching for the black short jumpsuit, the sun settling into my dark room. I have no idea what to expect from this trip, I'm just hoping it goes well. That's if bill doesn't taunt me anymore, knowing him he will. As long as I keep my distance I should be fine.

"Are all your bags packed?" Freya asked, her hands gripping onto my wall.

"Yea why?" I questioned, adjusting the strap on my jumpsuit.

"I'm putting the suitcases in my boot" she smiled.

"Alright, mine's there" I pointed.

I quickly shoved on some white socks as Freya dragged my suitcase out, leaving my hand luggage with me. I cringed as the sock band slapped against my ankle, sending a small amount of pain up my leg. My gaze moved to my bag, hovering over the bed. I dug through my hand luggage, desperately needing a hairbrush, my knotted hair draped over my face.

"Does this look okay?" Beth hummed.

"Yeah" I nodded, pulling the hairbrush through my hair.

"Great, are you nervous?" She asked, her feet patting against the floor.

"About what?" I chuckled.

"Well you know, new people and everything" she grinned, throwing over my trainers.

"Not really, are you?" I questioned, watching her glossy eyes.

"A little" she shrugged.

I let out a small laugh, stamping my foot into the shoe before throwing my hairbrush back into the bag next to me. I threw it over my shoulder, heading out to Beth in the lounge.

"What time is the flight?" I yawned.

"11:30 I think" Sophia yelled, rushing out of her room.

She quickly sprayed herself with perfume, throwing the small pink bottle over to me. I shrugged, spraying some on my body.

"Come on!!" Freya screamed from downstairs, her voice echoing.

I made my way downstairs quickly, Beth struggling behind me, Sophia still messing around upstairs. Her rushed footsteps running throughout the house, causing dust to fall. My eyes moved over to Freya's car, her windows steamed up from the heaters inside.

"Are we all going in your car?" I asked, the coldness biting at my skin.

"Yea, it's easier" she nodded, motioning us over.

"Dibs" I grinned, watching Beth's face drop.

I smugly got into the front, throwing my bag onto the floor as both of them got in, waiting for Sophia. She quickly ran outside, one shoe in her hand as she locked the front door. We all let out a laugh as she stumbled into the car, her sock now dirty from the grime outside.

"Let's go" Freya celebrated, the engine starting up..

Twisted love.|| BILL KAULITZ Where stories live. Discover now