𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧𝐞.

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I sat in my messy room, my makeup still scattered about from yesterday, Harris's clothes stacked up in a pile next to me. My legs sunk into the cold wood, the dull room filled with fading memories. I could hear Sophia packing her clothes, low hums leaving her distant lips. I glared at the small suitcase bill had brought me, my hands bouncing against my warm legs.

"I'm ready, are you-" Sophia paused, peaking down at my hunched body.

"What's wrong?" She asked, kneeling down in front of me.

I squinted my sore eyes, my brows furrowing.

"What's wrong with you?!" I scowled.

"huh?" She hummed, her lips pushed up.

"Not only did bill murder Harris but we've also been kidnapped if you hadn't noticed?!" I spat.

"I haven't seen anything about a killing. Maybe you drank too much?" She frowned.

I widened my eyes, looking up at her soppy expression.

"Are you insane?" I snickered, pulling at my face.

"I don't know what's gotten into you lately, but I've missed Germany and Tom." She admitted.

I chuckled lowly between my tears, my nails pressing into my forehead as the front door opened. Sophia got up from the floor, rushing towards her packed suitcase, heavy footsteps overpowering hers.

"y/n!" Bill yelled, pushing my door open.

"Oh fuck off!" I screamed, throwing a remote at him.

He dodged the long remote, his mouth clenching together as he swatted Sophia away. She obliged, running downstairs to the car. Bill let out a huff, swinging open my closet, pulling out a few of my clothes. The suitcase unzipped with an annoying tone, heavy breathing leaving Bill's parted lips.

"Are you going like that?" He questioned, pulling at my leg.

"I'm not going." I whispered, rubbing my temples.

"really?" He joked.

He shoved my crumpled clothes into the suitcase, tossing in a few pairs of shoes before heading into the bathroom. He placed my makeup into a plastic bag, swinging it around in the air like a toy. I lay my head against my bed frame, the metal pushing into my skull, bill glancing down at me.

"Come on" he nudged, patting down his dark jeans.

I shook my head weakly, biting at my dry lips. He rolled his eyes deeply, grasping my right arm, my body weighing him down.

"Stop being a little bitch!" He growled, attempting to lift me up.

I stared blankly at the ceiling, bill tugging at my wrist harshly, the suitcase shaking as he bumped into it.

"fine, I'll drag you out then" he tutted, gripping a handful of my knotted hair.

I held onto his knuckles, my body being ripped out of the bedroom in a hurry.

"Let go of me!" I cried, kicking my useless legs.

The carpet soon burnt against my sore skin, the harsh steps making it worse, almost free falling down them. I winced at the pain in my chest, the skin being a deep red colour as we made it outside. The low sun immediately bursted through my eyes, the car engine omitting a horrible smell.

Bill wrapped his arms around my waist, picking me up before throwing me into the car. I kicked at the locked door, Sophia pouting at my rash actions.

"Someone isn't happy" Tom taunted, reversing off of our driveway.

I covered my face, wanting to rip my eyes out. The seatbelt underneath me occasionally sticking into my ribs, the booming music playing on the radio.

Sophia ran her comb through my messy hair, trying to make me less distressed, sunglasses being shoved onto my face. She wrapped a grey jacket around me, forcing my arms into the holes, the softness tickling me slightly. Bill and Tom stood outside, smoking a cigarette whilst discussing their next 'move'.

"y/n. I know you don't want to go, but we don't really have an option anymore. We've tried everything, it's best if we just accept it." Sophia sighed, pecking my cheek.

I ignored her twisted words, opening the car door with a nudge, bill looking down at me suddenly. The white trainers on my feet reflected against the car, my body sweltering from the heat.

"Let's go" bill hummed, gripping onto my hand.

I hesitated before dragging my suitcase along, Sophia's desperate eyes looking my way. My lips curled down, stumbling ahead towards the airport. Maybe she's right, not that i want to admit it. I'll always love bill but Im not in love with who he is now. I always had a vision in my mind of who he was, what he was like, now I know it was all a dream. I guess you do get what you wish for, although sometimes it's not what you imagined.

I scanned the familiar airport, remembering how happy I was leaving this place, thinking I had a new start. However this time I feel punished, like a little puppy who had chewed the couch. I hung my head low, bill collecting our boarding passes, paparazzi swarming outside. My feet tapped against the glossed floor, avoiding each interaction.

"Are you hungry love?" Bill asked, lifting my chin up.

He tilted his head, lifting up my black sunglasses, his lips pressing into mine gently.

"We should grab some food" he smiled, looking at Tom.

I quickly pulled back down my glasses, following behind bill towards the dining areas. I stuck my free hand into my pocket, picking at my new nails. The strong smell of ketchup lingering in the air, people rushing through. Bill held out his hand, motioning for me to sit down in the wooden chair. I huffed as I did, planting my elbows on the rocky table, the legs not stable underneath.

Sophia slid a sticky menu towards me, my glossy eyes looking down at the bad selection. I shivered lightly as bill placed his hand on my thigh, his thumb rubbing against the cloth..

Twisted love.|| BILL KAULITZ Where stories live. Discover now