𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐞𝐭.

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I awoke from my much needed nap, bill watching a comedy show next to me. I rubbed at my eyes as I sat up, dangling my feet from the warm bed. An annoying shooting noise echoing into my ears, the television downstairs blaring. I pushed up my lips, sliding on a beige jumper before leaving the boiling room. My feet tapped gently against the carpeted stairs, shoes scattered by the front door.

I peaked my head around the lounge, Gustav throwing a fit.

"Where's Sophia?" I asked, scratching my sore neck.

"Outside I think" Tom shrugged, shoving crisps into his mouth.

I nodded as I headed into the kitchen, the back door slightly ajar. My eyes set on a moonlit Sophia, her head burrowed into her knees. I shut the door before plopping down next to her on the step, rubbing her clothed back.

"are you okay?" I questioned, knowing the answer.

"no. How am I supposed to be? Everything is so fucked up." She cried.

"I know. I need to talk to you about something" I hummed, holding her tightly.

Her cloudy eyes stared up at mine, drying away a tear that fell.

"what is it?" She sighed.

"I can't stay here Sophia. We both can't." I huffed, slight panic in my voice.

"why?" She whispered.

"I'll tell you everything soon but you have to trust me, we aren't safe here." I assured.

"Where are we supposed to go?" She hummed, sitting up.

"I don't know yet, maybe America? we can rebuild our band together away from this mess." I groaned.

"sounds good but when will we leave.?" She smiled softly.

"Tomorrow but listen to me, you cannot tell anyone that we are leaving. It has to be a secret." I tutted, my eyebrow raised.

"But what about Tom." She spoke, her voice low.

"You'll meet someone new, I just need you to trust me." I smiled, brushing her long hair backwards.

She nodded, pulling me in for a needed hug, the moon shining down on us both. She shot a glance up at me, her finger trailing across my red neck.

"Did bill do that?" She asked, her lips parted.

"Don't worry about it." I sighed, pecking her head.

"hm. So what's the plan?" She questioned, tilting her head.

"Make sure you have everything, when the time comes I'll distract bill and the others whilst you pack the car." I insisted.

"Whose car?" She snickered.

I shrugged, my lips curled up, her eyes lighting up slightly. I gave her one last hug before we went inside, her heading up to bed whilst I made a cup of tea. I'm not sure how I'll distract bill yet but I'll do anything, anything to keep her safe. I think leaving Germany will be good for the both of us, the memories here aren't so good anymore. I can't risk loosing anyone else, especially not Sophia.

I picked at my nails, my hands shaking slightly. The rest of the boys went out shopping but of course bill stayed, said he needs to spend time with me. As if. I took in a deep breath, zipping up my jacket before shoving on my fluffy boots. A soft knock came on the door, Sophia looking around before opening her lips.

"Are we ready?" She whispered, her bags behind her.

"Yes." I huffed, grabbing my belongings.

I placed my bags next to her, shooting a glance at her as I ran downstairs. I set my eyes on bills car keys, dangling off of the fridge. I quickly yanked them, pushing them into my pocket.

"What are you doing?" Bill hummed.

"Nothing. I'm just going out for a cigarette" I chuckled, my lips smushed up.

"Go on then" he frowned, his eyebrows raised.

I squinted my eyes shut, heading towards the back door. He caught up with me, my mind spinning as I slammed the door into him, a loud groan escaping his mouth.

"Now Sophia!" I yelled, pushing my weight against the heavy door.

Her loud footsteps ran out of the house, my hands struggling as I pressed the unlock button on the keys. Bill suddenly got loose, pushing me into the wall behind.

"You ungrateful bitch!" He screamed, dragging me into the kitchen.

His sharp knuckles glided against my face, his nails digging into my skin. I hit the floor with a loud thud, my nails sinking into his shoulder as I yelped in pain.

"I gave you everything!" He yelled, gripping my throat.

I coughed lowly, pulling at his strong hands, his face scrunching up above me. His evil eyes sunk into mine, the anger burning from his skin. His dark hair hung over my red face, his belt pushing against my bruised legs, blood pouring from my face.

"Get off of her!" Sophia cried, pulling his hair.

"Just go! Leave me" I sobbed, glancing up at her.

"No!" She frowned, kicking him intensely.

His hands fell from my neck, Sophia pulling me up, her face covered in fear.

"You stupid whore" bill growled, slapping Sophia.

I gasped, jumping in front of her. Bill shoved me away, bumping into the counter. I quickly moved my blurry gaze to the kettle, the water still boiling hot. I grabbed it instantly, running towards bill. I gripped his shirt, his face turning to mine as I threw the water on him.

He screamed as he covered his face, rushing over to the sink. I discarded the empty kettle, pushing Sophia out of the house. The packed car sat in front of us, hopping into the front as Sophia joined me. I immediately started the car, my whole body shaking. I darted from the house, not looking back as my lap started to pool with blood.

"We need to go to the hospital" Sophia pouted.

"Not now. I'm fine" I sniffled, pressing the gas heavier.

She slumped into her seat, her gaze still firmly on me, the bags hitting against my seat as I drove faster..

Twisted love.|| BILL KAULITZ Where stories live. Discover now