𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥.

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                                   -3 years later-

"So, how has everything been?" Jane spoke, tapping her blunt pen

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"So, how has everything been?" Jane spoke, tapping her blunt pen.

"It's been great actually, our band is even bigger than before!" Sophia exclaimed.

I moved my gaze from the flower painting, scanning the dull therapy room, the light above flickering softly.

"And for you?" Jane asked, looking over at me.

"It's been good I guess" I shrugged, running my chipped nails across my jeans.

"You guess?" She hummed, tilting her head.

"I always have this strange feeling, as if he's watching me still" I sighed.

"I know it's been hard for you but he's gone, he can't hurt you anymore" Jane assured, pouting her red lips.

I slouched back into the blue plush chair, gazing up at the ticking clock. The annoying noise of a fly running past my ear every so often, Sophia shooting me a soft smile.

"So I'll see you both next week?" Jane smiled, patting her knees.

I nodded hesitantly, getting up from my warm seat, trailing behind Sophia to the exit. She opened the dark blue door, Jane waving as I left. My head hung low, pulling up my basic sun glasses, paparazzi crowding the lousy car park.

"Do you feel responsible for your friends death??" A man hassled, shoving a microphone into my face.

I swatted him away, pushing past Sophia towards our car, the black shade glistening under the low sun. I yanked on the door handle, pushing myself inside, the heat burning my skin.

"Just ignore them" Sophia groaned, chewing a piece of gum.

"Easier said than done" I huffed, starting the tired engine.

She pushed up her glossy lips, lounging back into the hot seat as I began the drive home. After we landed in America we stayed in a hotel for awhile, looking for a new home which wasn't too hard. Once we'd settled in we began setting up our band again, just the two of us though. I didn't want to get anyone else involved as I believed it would be disrespectful to Freya and Beth. One night Sophia met this guy, who ended up inviting us to a party to where I met Harris. I guess we're going well but a part of me still wonders what would have happened if bill never killed those people. Jane calls it post traumatic stress disorder but honestly I'm fine.

I let out a low sigh as I pulled out my keys, jumping out of the heated car, noticing Harris by the door.

"Hey gorgeous" he teased, waving a bouquet of flowers around.

I snickered softly, pecking his cheek before unlocking the heavy door. He followed me upstairs as Sophia went into the lounge, her low hums leaving my flooded mind. Harris lay the flowers on my vanity, slouching down onto my freshly made bed.

"How was it?" He questioned.

"Alright, boring though" I chuckled, kicking off my trainers.

He let out a low laugh, holding out his long arms. I fell onto his lap, rubbing my thumb across his shoulder.

"Are you doing anything this weekend?" He grinned.

"No, why?" I taunted, squinting my eyes.

"Well Jordan is having a Halloween party, I thought we could go." He pouted, kissing my hand.

"I don't know" I shrugged.

"Come on baby, it'll be fun" he assured, his green eyes melting into mine.

"Fine" I yawned.

He fell backwards onto the bed, my poster above shaking slightly, his lip piercing flashing into my eyes. He took a hold of my cheek, pushing his soft lips into mine, the lingering taste of lemonade filling my mouth. I gently ran my fingers through his long blond locks, savouring the bliss moment.

I plopped down onto the couch, Harris hugging my warm body, Sophia and Jordan cuddled up next to us. I turned my attention to the blaring television, a news interview coming up.

"So tonight we have Tokio Hotel with us!" The man exclaimed.

I dropped the popcorn from my fingers, Sophia jumping up slightly. My eyes fell onto a healed bill, a few burn marks still plastered on his pale face. Only his hair was different, it was shorter and now styled in a mow hawk, a small piece covering his face. He looked totally different from when I last saw him, his dark eyes the only thing remaining.

"As you can tell, the fans are extremely excited for your tour! Where will you be visiting?" The man asked.

"A few destinations, we don't know for sure yet but America will definitely have to be one" bill hummed, staring dead into the camera.

Harris rubbed my arm, putting his middle finger up to the television. A small chuckle left Sophia's lips, mine staying sealed.

"Ah that will be great, let's ask the fans!" The man yelled.

"I have a question for bill, what if you see your crazy ex?" She laughed, twirling her greasy hair.

My brows furrowed, clenching my hands slightly.

"Let's hope I don't, she's insane. I mean look what she did to me!" Bill huffed, pointing at his face.

"Total nutcase" Tom added, shaking his head.

"I bet she killed those girls" the girl scowled.

I bit at my lip, hopping off of the crowded couch. I ignored Harris's calls, running up the newly carpeted stairs. I slammed my bedroom door shut, falling into my bed. Ever since I left Germany bill has made it out like I was the crazy one, acting as if he was totally innocent. The only reason I attacked him was because he was hitting Sophia, I would've never done it otherwise. The rumours have followed me like a lost dog, some of my old fans turned against me. I guess that's what being a singer is like, one bad word and your life falls apart.

I let out a quiet scream into my pillow, digging my nails into my palms, his voice echoing through my ears. The gentle rain hit at my window, a gust of wind following. I yanked my blanket over my lifeless body, drowning out the blaring television..

Twisted love.|| BILL KAULITZ Where stories live. Discover now