𝐃𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰.

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I switched the shower button off, squeezing the water out of my hair before reaching for a towel. I could hear bill rummaging around in the bedroom, his shoes slapping against the floor. The smell of cigarettes lingered into the bathroom, the steamy mirrors dripping water onto the floor.

"I'll be back soon, I'm just going to see Tom" bill yelled.

"alright" I sighed, dragging a hairbrush through my knotted hair.

The main door slammed shut, shaking the bathroom door slightly. I used my free hand to wipe the steamed mirror, now able to see myself, reaching for the hairdryer.

(Beth's pov)
I stretched out my tanned arms, watching as the sun slowly went down, my empty drink shining down onto the concrete.

"I'm going to head up" I smiled, looking at Tom and Sophia.

"Take y/n's bag up, she forgot it" Tom motioned.

I nodded, grabbing her knitted beach bag before giving Gustav a kiss, his blonde hair pricking my face.

"See you later" I smiled, waving at them all.

I tied up my cover up, the bright pink colour matching my painted nails. The whole reason I'm heading up early is to check on y/n, after all she'll know by now. I do hope bill didn't cheat on her, especially with Freya. I know Freya and y/n have been close for a long time, it would completely ruin our band aswell.

"Beth! Wait up" Georg yelled.

"What's up?" I asked, tapping my foot.

"I've got to help Paul with something so can you run this up to Freya?" He questioned, waving her phone around.

"Sure" I nodded, taking it from his sweaty hands.

"Thank you" he smiled.

I threw Freya's phone into y/n's bag, beginning to walk again, the hotel doors opening automatically. The sweet smell of cinnamon ran through the lounge area, the sticky floors catching me off guard. The illuminated elevator already open for me, a woman stepping out, flashing a warm smile as she passed me. I tapped onto the third floor button, humming as the doors closed, the flicking of the cameras above making me curious.

The brown bag swayed next to me as I exited the elevator, heading to Freya's room first, her's being before y/n's. My hand slipped onto the doorknob, twisting it with ease, the door opening quietly. I tiptoed into the room, knowing she'd probably be asleep. My heart suddenly dropped, my eyes wider than ever.

"you feel so good" she panted, gripping onto bills dark hair.

"This is so much better" bill groaned, bucking his hips under the white sheets.

I froze immediately, my shaky hands wiggling the bag by my side, my mouth gaped open. Their sickening moans echoed through the room, sloppy kisses following.

"You forgot your phone." I scowled, throwing her phone onto the marble floor.

The pieces of it scrambled across the floor, the screen completely broke, both of them jumping up. I clenched my jaw tightly, catching their sorry gazes.

"What. What are you doing here?." Freya stuttered.

"I was returning your phone. I can't fucking believe you" I yelled.

"It's not what it looks like!" She panicked, covering her chest.

"Don't you dare! Both of you disgust me." I scoffed.

"Please don't tell her." Freya begged, her brows turned up.

"She deserves better." I whispered, walking away.

I slammed the door shut, my head falling low, my eyes closed. I can't believe it. Why would they do that to her? She's been nothing but caring and this is what she gets in return? I doubt she even knows, but how can I be the one to break her heart?

(Y/n's pov)
I hummed loudly, applying the dark mascara to my eyelashes. The sound of flip flops came closer to my room, my eyes perching up, hoping it would be bill. I need to apologise for not trusting him, I should've known he wasn't cheating. Especially not with Freya, she would never hurt me like that. I've been trying to trust people more easily but it's hard, you never know people's true intentions. From now on I'm going to try my best, I want to spend my life with bill and that won't happen if we don't have trust.

The main door opened with a slight click, a smile appearing on my face, my eyelashes plumped up. My eyes fell onto Beth, her face distraught, my bag in her shaky hands.

"Are you okay?" I laughed, giving her a hug.

"Not really. Listen-" she stopped, staring at the ground.

"Wait wait! Don't worry nothing happened, Freya was actually helping bill." I smiled.

"Oh." She murmured, her brows furrowed.

"I know. I'm relieved though, I should've trusted them." I hummed, retrieving my lost bag.

"Y/n." She whispered.

"Yeah?" I chuckled, my smile reflecting onto her.

"it's nothing." She pouted.

"Are you sure?" I frowned, dusting down my skirt.

"Yeah, don't worry about it." She sighed.

Bill ran into the room, bumping into Beth, his face covered with sweat, his eyes falling onto me.

"There you are" I tutted, pecking his wet cheek.

"Your not mad?" He asked.

"About what?" I snickered, pushing out my hip.

"uh, that I took longer than expected?" He laughed, flashing a look at Beth.

"Only a little" I shrugged, walking over to the vanity.

I plopped down my small beach bag, taking out my melted lip gloss, my lips desperately needing moisture. I swiped a thin layer on, pouting in the mirror.

"I'll see you at dinner" Beth huffed, running out of the room.

The cold breeze from outside lingered into the warm room, bill's hands slipping around my exposed waist. His chin falling onto my shoulder, my hair being pinned down, his eyes scanning over my outfit.

"Why are you so sweaty?" I asked, nudging him.

"I don't know actually" he laughed, his voice shaky.

His finger trailed over my new necklace, his lips curled downwards. His racing heartbeat pushed into my back, his lips locking onto my head. I'm glad I came here, now I've got the person I've wanted forever..

Twisted love.|| BILL KAULITZ Where stories live. Discover now