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The sweet smell of croissants and chocolate filled my nose, the fresh air brushing against my body as I headed into the lunch area. Freya wanted to speak to me which I'm guessing is her attempt to apologise, I do value our friendship that's why I'm going. It took her long enough to message me, I started to think she'd turned against me. As for Sophia still nothing, she's too hung up over Tom to bother speaking to me.

My eyes scanned across the big cafeteria, the sound of plates clashing together in the distance, piles of food laid out opposite me. I noticed her sitting outside, her hair slashing against her face as she searched around for me.

"Over here!" She yelled, waving her hand.

I pushed through the long line, earning a few groans from people. My stomach was already growling, seeing all the delicious food, not knowing where to look. My hand gripped over the hatten brown chair, sliding it backwards with a slight shriek. I lay my small bag on the table, my gaze meeting Freya's.

"I'm glad you came, I didn't think you would" she smiled, passing over a fresh cup of coffee.

"Thanks, well I do value our friendship" I shrugged.

"I just wanna say sorry, I should've defended you." She pouted.

"Why didn't you?" I asked, wrapping my lips onto the cup.

"I don't know honestly, everyone was looking at me for an answer but I wasn't even there to witness what happened" she frowned.

"He randomly kissed me, I thought he was being genuine but then he called me a whore when you all turned up" I sighed, looking around at the scenery.

"I see it now, especially after last night." She hummed.

"yeah about that. I need to apologise to Asher, he was so sweet to me and I just wasted his time" I muttered, feeling ashamed.

"Well why don't we grab some lunch then go find him together?" She grinned, holding my hand.

"Sounds good" I chuckled.

I got up after Freya, following behind her into the cafeteria. The plates and glasses neatly hung on wracks near the bread, the cutlery just below. I took one for myself and Freya, passing it to her before looking around.

I still feel terrible about yesterday, I should've gone with Asher or went back to the hotel. Choosing bill was a mistake, not only did I make a fool out of myself I also hurt someone. At the time I was wasted and could only think about bill, although it's no excuse.

The pastry flakes fell onto my bare legs as I placed a croissant onto my plate, adding some chocolate drizzle on top. The selection is great but I'm a picky eater, I'm not a big fan of fancy food I'd rather just eat a pizza. I was the first to return to the table, noticing Georg and Bill making their way over.

"Don't even think about it." I scowled, holding the free chair next to me.

"Oh come on, I want to talk to you." Bill huffed.

"Georg!" Freya squealed, throwing her plate down.

She wrapped her long arms around his torso, his muscles flexing as he hugged her. I was too distracted by them two to notice bill had somehow moved my hand, his fingers breaking off some of my croissant.

"Seriously?" I groaned.

"Sharing is caring" bill shrugged, shoving it into his mouth.

"Freya I'll catch up with you later" I frowned, getting up.

Bill's strong hand gripped onto my waist, pulling me backwards.

"Just let me talk to you" he murmured.

"Why should I?" I scoffed, flicking his hand away.

"Please" he pleaded.

I let out a low groan before plopping back down, my back firmly locked into the seat, my shoes dragging on the floor below.

"I'm sorry about last night, I didn't even sleep with that woman." He sighed.

"Yeah right" I snickered.

"I didn't, I got carried away and fell asleep on the couch in the lobby. I didn't realise she gave me hickey's until this morning" he mumbled, seeming sorry.

"You embarrassed me. Again." I hummed, shaking my head.

"I promise I'll make it up to you" he smiled.

I stared at him for a moment, not being able to tell if he was lying. I already told myself that he's not getting another chance. I reached for my bag, leaving the table, quickly running out of the packed cafeteria.

I set my eyes on the pool bar outside, needing to find Asher. I could already see Tanya and Paul sitting down on the same sun beds as yesterday, a few band members next to them. The hot concrete floor burning into my flip flops as I walked, the sun shining through my eyes.

"Hey Paul" I smiled, patting his back.

"My favourite girl!" He laughed.

"When did you get here?" I asked, placing my bag next to him.

"About an hour ago, thought I'd see everyone first" he grinned.

"Okay well I'll catch up with you later, I need to do something" I laughed, removing my cover up.

I threw the black cover up onto Paul's sun bed, stepping into the cold pool ahead, seeing Asher serving drinks. My legs went as fast as they could, splashing myself in the face a few times.

"hey" I whispered, leaning on the bar.

"Oh hey" he smiled, throwing a towel over his back.

"I'm sorry about last night. There isn't anything going on between me and bill, I know that now." I sighed.

"Listen, I think you're a great girl but I saw the way you looked at him." He huffed, crossing his arms

"That's in the past, I want another chance. I promise it's over between me and him" I begged.

"I do believe in second chances so I'll give you one but tonight I'm taking you out. Just me and you" he grinned, gripping my hand.

"I can't wait" I winked, a wide smile on my flustered face.

He slowly slid over to the counter, making my usual drink, slightly flexing his muscles as he did so. A loud splash happened behind me, my head turning to face bill. not again..

Twisted love.|| BILL KAULITZ Where stories live. Discover now