𝐃𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮.

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My glossy eyes stayed on bill, my cheek stinging from his sharp hand, my shaky hands near my torso.

"What happened here?" The manager asked, holding a radio.

"Someone attacked him, I tried to help" bill pleaded, his hands running through his black locks.

"Did anybody see who it was?" The man questioned.

"y/n was with me, the guy ran away" bill sighed, reaching for my hand.

"Is that true ma'am?" He spoke, looking over at me.

My lips stayed sealed, bill's red hand enveloped into mine, my messy hair framing my sore face. Bill's deep stare turned to me, words leaving his gaze. I already knew what he wanted me to say, his hand squeezing mine.

"Yes it's true" I whispered, gazing at the ground.

"You may leave, if you see the person again please report him" the man huffed, kneeling down.

Bill dragged me along with him, my feet barely stable on the floor. Part of me still confused on why he slapped me, what did I do? He had no reason to hurt Asher like that, he only wanted to help me. It's not like people would believe my word over bill, especially since everyone else will back him.

"Well that was eventful" Paul chuckled, opening the small exit gates.

"Not the best way to end the day but at least it was nobody here who did it" Tanya agreed.

I let out a low sigh, pulling away from Bill's grasp before following behind the group towards the bus stop, the sunset forming above.

I tugged at the silver dress around my body, the fabric itching my burnt skin, my tan lines left exposed. Bill sat at the vanity table, applying his usual dark eye makeup, his knuckles completely scraped. I dragged my hand through my hair, trying to make it look more voluminous. The loud music from outside could be heard, the beats making the mirrors shake slightly, the smell of strong cologne running through the room.

"you better not tell anybody about earlier" bill hummed, zipping up his makeup case.

"I won't" I murmured, slipping my heels on.

"Can you stop being weird with me?" He frowned.

"I'm not." I whispered, gazing over at him.

My loud footsteps edged closer to him, my bag sat on the drawers. Before I could reach for it bill caught a hold of my arm, pulling me onto his lying lap.

"I'm sorry for slapping you, I didn't mean to." He pouted, his thumb rubbing against my hand.

"Yes you did." I scowled.

"No I didn't. I was just angry but not at you, Asher. I thought if you found out that you'd leave me for him, I couldn't risk that happening" he smiled, tilting his head.

"I already told you. I want you not him, how many times do I have to explain myself?" I huffed.

"Never again. Just one more chance?" He asked, kissing my shoulder.

"You already know the answer bill." I sighed, slouching into his warm chest.

"Good girl" he whispered, pecking my lips.

His free hand lifted up to my sore cheek, caressing it this time as he locked lips with mine. I gently cupped his strong jaw, pushing my tongue into his mouth, his overlapping with mine. There's no point in lying to myself, nothing he does can change how I feel about him, I hate myself for that. If I give up now I'll lose everything I've ever wanted, him.

A quiet knock landed on our door, my lips leaving Bill's, slipping off of his lap to answer the door. Freya and Georg stood at the door, their hands intertwined.

"Are you two ready?" She asked, peering into the room.

"Yeah" I nodded, leaning against the frame.

Bill handed me my bag, throwing on his leather jacket before leaving. I shut the door with a slam, discarding the key card into my bag, bill's hand falling onto my waist. We all headed to the elevator, meeting Sophia and Tom inside.

"Where's Beth?" I questioned, looking around.

"She's downstairs with Gustav" Georg smiled, playing with his hair.

I nodded, tapping my heel against the marble floor, awaiting for the door to open. The sound of glasses clinking came into the elevator, the yellow light flickering as the doors slowly opened. Me and bill left first, the others stumbling behind us, setting my eyes on everyone outside. A small entertainment stage sat outside, chairs and tables scattered around, an open bar near the cafeteria.

Beth waved her hand in the air, pushing through the noisy crowd to reach her, drunk people dancing to the music above. Neon string lights hung over the structure, waiters struggling to keep up.

"Finally" Beth laughed, pulling out my chair.

I plopped down next to her, bill heading over to the bar with Tom.

"I can't believe someone attacked Asher" Beth whispered, holding my elbow.

"I know" I muttered.

"Why do I get the feeling you know who did it?" She frowned, her eyebrows raised.

"I don't, it was some random man" I shrugged, patting my dress.

"Oh well the police didn't find him, Asher ended up in hospital with a broken nose and popped lip" she sighed.

"Oh my." I gasped, feeling ashamed.

I knew bill wasn't as nice as I thought he was but I didn't think he was the fighting type, he always seemed so sweet. I feel guilty though, if I didn't go off to look for Asher he wouldn't be in hospital right now. I genuinely thought bill was changing, I don't know anymore. I barely know him at all now, everything seems so different.

"Who's that girl?" Beth scowled, nudging me.

My eyes wondered over to bill, a brown haired woman wrapped around his waist, her red set dancing around as she swayed. Bill slid her a drink, pulling out his phone, her hand falling onto his belt. Tom was laughing next to him, the woman taking a hold of Bill's phone..

Twisted love.|| BILL KAULITZ Where stories live. Discover now