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-18:28pm-I sipped mindfully on a glass of champagne, glancing up at the soft sunset, my feet swaying in the pool below

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I sipped mindfully on a glass of champagne, glancing up at the soft sunset, my feet swaying in the pool below. The water gently hit against the concrete wall, a drop hitting my burnt face.

"y/n." Sophia growled, her shadow reflecting onto me.

I raised my brows, turning my tired gaze to Sophia, her hands on her hips.

"What's wrong?" I asked, tapping against my glass.

"What's wrong?? When were you going to tell me that Tom and everyone else is back?!" She yelled.

My eyes widened in confusion, Jordan and Harris staring at me like a hawk. I quickly got up from the ground, pulling Sophia by the arm into the warm house. I slammed the door behind us, placing my half full glass onto the counter before looking back at her.

"Who told you this?" I questioned, biting my lip.

"I saw a photo of them on twitter, but I'm guessing you already knew that they were back." She scowled.

"I'm sorry soph. I didn't want to worry you." I whispered, rubbing my head.

"I'm not a child! I don't need protecting y/n, stop treating me like a kid." She gasped, stomping her foot.

"I know you're not, I just didn't want anything to happen to you." I pouted.

"You could've told me. We're supposed to be friends." She sighed, tilting her head.

"We are!" I spat, clenching my jaw harshly.

Her eyes traced down my covered body, sweat dripping from my hot head.

"What is that?" She asked, pulling at my jumper.

I immediately swatted her hand away, holding my grey hoodie down, ignoring the sweltering heat inside. Her brows furrowed as she grabbed my arm, ripping up my hoodie. Her face dropped suddenly, her hands following as she took a step back.

"What the fuck." She hummed, cupping her mouth.

"I'm getting it covered." I scoffed.

"That's not the point! When did you get that? Did he do this?!" She bursted out, gripping onto the sink.

"It doesn't matter." I huffed, stumbling out of the kitchen.

I sprinted upstairs, my eyes darting for the open bathroom. I locked myself inside, pressing my back up against the white door. This is exactly why I didn't want to tell her, now she thinks I don't trust her. Which is a complete lie. All I wanted for us was a fresh start, we got it for a split second and then it happens again. She was so scared last time, I didn't want to put her through it another time.

I let out a sigh, ripping off my sweaty clothes, flipping on the shower with a click. I untied my messy bun, my wet hair hitting my sore back. My feet shuffled towards the cold water, soaking myself in its power.

I sat by the open window, watching the moon rise as smoke left my parted lips. A low chuckle left my lips, seeing a few trick or treaters running around, pumpkin buckets in their tiny hands. The street lit with a shade of purple lights, Halloween decor plastered to buildings. A small knock came from my door, my attention turning to the soft noise.

"Hey." Sophia whispered, her face scrunched up.

I glossed over her before turning back to the window, dragging from my burnt cigarette. She slowly sat down on my bed, wrapping her cold arms around my waist.

"I'm sorry" she muttered, burrowing her face into my skin.

"For what?" I chuckled, running my hands through her damp hair.

Her light eyes met mine, her body perching up onto the windowsill.

"I shouldn't have yelled at you, I know you're just trying to keep me safe." She mumbled.

"Don't worry about it, I'll tell you next time" I joked, nudging her arm.

I waited for her usual high pitch laugh but it never came, her eyes stayed plastered onto the white plastic. Her fingers twisted together, her face dropping down. I hummed lowly, throwing my cigarette out before pulling her in for a hug, her tears falling onto my hands.

"Soph." I comforted, my lips curled down.

"What are we supposed to do now? Everything is ruined again." She sobbed.

"No it's not. I won't let anything happen to you, I'll always put you before me." I sighed, rubbing her wet cheeks.

"That's what worries me. I don't want to lose you, you're all I have." She cried, picking at her painted nails.

"I promise, wherever you are I'll be near." I assured.

"I'm scared y/n." She pouted, her body shaking into mine.

I hugged her tightly, placing a small kiss on her head, her rosey perfume shooting up my nose. My eyes peered up, Harris's phone vibrating on our side table. I leaned over, attempting to shut it off. My lips parted slightly, seeing Bill's name pop up on his phone.

"Why would Harris be speaking to him?" Sophia asked, scratching her arm.

"I don't know.." I tutted, my voice cracking.

"He's probably just trying to get him to leave you alone, Harris cares about you a lot" she laughed, pinching me.

"yeah." I hummed, shutting off his phone.

I pushed my lips up, my eyes falling from Sophia's. I picked at the skin around my bitten nails, my head spinning.

"We're going to watch a horror movie, wanna join?" Sophia smiled, peaking her head under mine.

"Maybe later, I'm tired" I shrugged.

She nodded, kissing me on the cheek before heading out. I slouched back onto the headboard, my hands gently shaking as I looked back at his phone. Sophia is probably right, Harris wouldn't do this to me. To us. I need to trust him, but it's getting harder each day. This is what bill wants, however i won't let him rip me and Harris apart, I deserve better.

A high squeal entered my ears, the kids outside throwing candy around. I shut the foggy window, face planting into my pillow, the dull room eating me alive..

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