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I slowly patted my hands down the cotton black dress, the open back giving an edge to it, my silver jewellery complimenting my tan. I quickly applied a thin layer of gloss to my lips, slightly pouting in the bathroom mirror. I pushed the tube into my bag before leaving the bathroom, turning my gaze to Freya and Georg. They seem to be taking it slow now but getting back on track, I'm happy for her he's a good guy. Luckily she didn't care about our kiss, it was a meaningless one anyway. We were both unhappy and it just happened, I know he regrets it too.

"you look hot" Freya gagged, pulling at my dress.

I snickered softly, watching as she struggled to put her silver heels on, the glitter reflecting onto the floor.

"Don't do anything reckless tonight" Georg tutted.

"Not too reckless" I smiled, gripping onto my bag.

"Last thing we all need is bill kicking off again, I seriously don't know what's up with him." He sighed.

"He'll be fine" I shrugged, helping Freya up.

She unlocked the door with a light click, Sophia, Tom, Gustav and bill all waiting by the elevators. We headed over to them, Sophia flashing a smile at me as I pressed the button. Bill's eyes scanned down my body, almost feeling his hands trail over me. I shivered as I entered the cold elevator, everyone cramming inside after. I stayed at the back corner, bill staring straight at me, his dark eyes making me nervous. The tension between everyone had become overwhelming, the feeling mutual. My eyes fell from his gaze, waiting for the others to step out, almost tripping over.

My heels tapped against the marble floor, the bitter wind clashing with my body. Once we'd reached the car park Freya started swaying her hand around, hoping to catch a taxi. I gently leaned onto the pillars, my feet crossed.

"How are you feeling?" Bill asked, startling me.

"good" I hummed, avoiding eye contact.

"Great, you look gorgeous" he grinned.

"thanks." I muttered, my eyes scanning over the dark car park.

"you're not wearing the necklace I gave you?" He frowned.

"No, I'll give it back to you" I sighed, my lips pushed together.

"Keep it, it looks good on you" he whispered.

I quickly left his presence as a taxi pulled up, a sigh of relief leaving my parted lips. I hopped into Freya's taxi, hoping Gustav would take the fourth seat. I clenched my eyes shut in annoyance as bill jumped in next to me, his strong cologne filling the small car. Everyone stayed silent, the drivers music filling our empty ears.


My eyes glossed over the blue lights covering the club, palm trees surrounding the entrance, my lips curling up. I headed in first, looking around. The smell of liquor flew up my nose, my heels sticking to the ground. The loud music followed, booming through my eardrums. I stumbled over to a free booth, slapping my handbag down with a thud before slipping in. Freya sat opposite me, bill jumping to the other side as if it was a contest. I clenched my jaw, his neediness starting to bother me. If I'm going to move on I need to be away from him, not right next to him. He's just making it harder, I know he's trying to sweeten me up.

"I'm going to grab a drink" I whispered, looking at a cheery Freya.

"They have waiter service, no need to" she grinned.

"There is a need" I huffed, getting up.

I smoothed over my crumpled dress, walking over to the neon lit bar, placing my elbows onto the counter.

"What can I get you?" A woman asked, cleaning a glass.

"Strawberry daiquiri please" I smiled.

She nodded before wondering off, my gaze turning to the tall man standing next to me. His soft green eyes meeting with mine, his messy blond hair framing his face perfectly. His lip piercing catching my attention, the light hitting off of it.

"and you are?" He questioned, his arched eyebrows raised.

"sorry, I'm y/n" I chuckled.

"Chris, nice to meet you" he laughed, bending over the counter.

"Do you live in Barcelona?" I asked.

"yes actually, I moved here around a year ago to continue real estate" he snickered, tying his hair back into a man bun.

"wow real estate huh?" I joked.

"what do you do?" He grinned, tilting his head.

"I'm a singer, I live in Germany" I blushed, my face heating up.

"I would've guessed a model" he winked.

A smile grew on my face, my hand moving to my bag, looking for cash.

"How about I buy that" Chris hummed, sliding a €5 note across to the woman.

"Oh really you don't need to do that" I pouted, nudging him.

"I'd never let a beautiful girl like you buy her own drink" he whispered.

"you're sweet, are you single?" I questioned, raising my eyebrow.

"matter of fact I am" he murmured.

"well text me" I smirked, writing my number onto a napkin.

"oh don't worry I will" he nodded, taking it.

I shot one last look at him before returning to the booth, bill's sharp eyes throwing daggers at me. I slumped into my seat, taking a sip of my fresh drink, the seeds brushing over my tongue.

"Who was that?" Bill frowned.

"Non of your business." I scowled, rolling my eyes.

"It will be soon." He muttered, sipping his beer.

My gaze moved over to Chris, his eyes already on me. His tongue swiping over his piercing, his lips wrapped around his whiskey. I'll admit I'm still hurt by what bill did, maybe that's why I'm doing this. To distract myself from the pain, however I'm aloud to explore. I don't know if I could ever forgive bill for what he did, especially because he did it with Beth. I guess we'll see what happens.

My lips curled up gently, sitting back into the leather seating, my eyes scanning over Chris..

Twisted love.|| BILL KAULITZ Where stories live. Discover now