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-8:30am- I let out a disappointed sigh, not gaining a wink of sleep last night

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I let out a disappointed sigh, not gaining a wink of sleep last night. My tired gaze turned to my arm, a long visible scar left behind, my fingers trailing across the bumpiness. Freya sat in the white plush chair opposite me, a tiny bit of drool falling down her face. I chuckled quietly, sitting up in the cold bed, scanning the dimly lit room. A fresh pair of clothes neatly stacked on top of the monitor, my feet hitting the glossy floor.

I reached up for the basic clothes, dropping them into my arms before ripping off the hospital gown. I discarded my old clothes into the disposable bin next to me, pulling up some black joggers. A constant beeping noise ran through my ears, shuffling outside of my door. I raised my eyebrows, adjusting my tank top as I peaked out of the window. My gaze brightened seeing Sophia and Beth, talking to someone who seemed to be hidden.

I opened the door, heading towards them. I suddenly stopped in my tracks, seeing Gustav arguing with a nurse, his words severely slurred.

"Morning!" Sophia hummed, snatching my arm.

"Wait." I gasped, being tugged along.

I harshly pulled away from her, bumping into someone behind me.

"Sorry" I muttered, rubbing my arm.

"No problem" a deep voice spoke.

My head immediately propped up, my eyes turning to bill, holding a coffee in his hands. His soft lips curled up at me, his hair being the same from my nightmare.

"Stop staring!" Beth nudged, slapping the back of my head.

I quickly turned away from him, my heart pounding as if I'd ran a marathon. My body stayed put, my feet wanting to scurry away.

"I heard about your accident" bill huffed, rubbing my shoulder.

"oh." I whispered.

"I'm glad you woke up though" he laughed, his nails pressing into my arm.

I pushed my lips together, staring blankly at Sophia, her hand wrapped around Tom.

"When did you guys meet?" I interrupted, raising my brow.

"We met a few weeks back, at a party." Beth winked.

"Not that bill has shut up about you" Georg snickered, playing with his hair.

"Shut up" bill scowled.

"I uh-" I paused, running back to my room.

I sped through the door, holding my back against it firmly, my breathing hitched. I cupped my mouth, not wanting to disturb Freya. My eyes teared up slowly, my throat becoming tighter and sore. How is it possible that I predicted how he'll look in the future? This isn't how we met in my dream but it sure has the same embarrassing feeling, I can't even look at him.

"Are you okay?" Freya yawned, scratching her head.

"yeah" I gasped, wiping my eyes.

She hunched over onto her knees, rubbing her cramped neck.

"Can we go, please.?" I begged.

"Of course" she smiled, stretching her legs.

I nodded, throwing on a pair of spare trainers left for me, my hair dangling over my red face. Freya shuffled around, packing her bag before walking over to me. I glanced up at her, flipping my hair backwards as she led the way.

I kept my eyes low, clinging onto her arm, the sun shining onto my fearful face.

"Are you checking out sweet?" A nurse asked.

"yes." I mumbled, picking up a pen.

She slid me over a sheet, signing my name at the bottom before pushing it back to her.

"Take these daily for two weeks, it'll help with the stress" she smiled, passing me a brown paper bag.

"Thank you" I sighed.

I held the bag in my hands, rushing behind Freya to the exit doors.

"Wait for us!" Sophia yelled, her bracelets banging together.

I rushed towards the car, swinging the passenger door open, plopping myself inside.

"Why are they here?" I questioned, looking at Freya.

"You mentioned bill yesterday so we thought we'd all do something together tonight" she teased, sticking her tongue out.

"No. No you didn't understand me!" I groaned.

"Huh?" She tutted, starting the car.

Sophia and Beth joined us in the back, my head slamming against the leather seats. I moved my glare to the window, seeing bill in his car next to us, his fingers moved slowly as he waved at me.

My feet barely kept up with me as I ran upstairs, not bothering to take in my old home. I quickly shut myself into my bedroom, looking down at the messy floor. The boys voices came closer, echoing into my dull room. I face planted into the bed, a sweet scent shooting up my nose.

A small knock came on the door, my brows furrowing.

"Go away!" I screamed, my tone blurred out by the sheets.

I burrowed my head deeper as the door opened, heavy footsteps closing in on me. My bed went down a little as someone sat down, my hands barricading my face.

"I'm sorry if I was too full on." Bill sighed.

"I just want to be alone." I whispered, dangling my feet from the bed.

"I understand but I brought you something." He added.

My eyes peered up, staring down at the small black box, being fairly similar to the one in my dream. He motioned for me to open it, my hands hesitantly moving towards it. I yanked at the red string, pulling off the lid to reveal the exact necklace he gave me as an apology. I pushed the box away, shaking my head.

"Don't you like it?" He asked, pouting his lips.

"I don't want it." I admitted, sitting up.

"Sorry. I just thought you could do with something nice after everything that happened" he pouted, slouching back.

I glossed over his sad face, my lips curling down. I can't hold a horrible nightmare against him, I know that wasn't him. Non of it was real and if I'm going to recover then I need to accept that.

"It's lovely" I muttered, picking it up.

His gaze turned to mine, a grin appearing on his pale face. I pushed the cold metal up to my neck, clipping it on tightly..

Twisted love.|| BILL KAULITZ Where stories live. Discover now