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𝟐𝟑:𝟒𝟎𝐩𝐦The quiet sound of the nearby waves crashing, a cool breeze blowing across the horizon, the humid air still lingering over me

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The quiet sound of the nearby waves crashing, a cool breeze blowing across the horizon, the humid air still lingering over me. Violin's and piano's played ahead of us, the soft music bringing a comforting environment. Beth's eyes were still wide, a tint of red plastered in her waterline, her nails scratching together under the table. I could tell something was up with her, she's barely said two words since earlier, it's starting to worry me. I should've let her finish her sentence but I was too excited about the good news, now I wonder what she had to say. Freya has this look on her face, as if she's done something terrible, her eyes haven't met mine at all tonight. Maybe it's the alcohol but I still feel like I've missed something, that I wasn't supposed to see.

"Are you okay" I whispered, nudging Beth.

"yeah of course" she smiled.

"If you need to talk to me, you can" I hummed, patting her knee.

"I can't." She muttered, her voice shaky.

"Anyone want a drink?" Bill interrupted.

"Same for me" Sophia winked, her eyes half shut.

The rest agreed, their empty glasses shining under the moonlight. Bill shot a glance at Beth, her jaw tensing before she got up to help him, her sandals scraping against the concrete.

(Bill's pov)
My loose belt slapped against my leg, the jewels from it  creating light spots, my boots in sync with Beth's sandals. I slapped my hands on the open bar, ringing the small gold bell, no waiters to be seen just yet.

"So you didn't tell her?" I asked, staring at her guilty face.

"How can I?" She frowned.

"Basically you're lying to her then" I shrugged.

"No. You're lying to her, not me." She scowled, gripping her elbow.

"Maybe. Listen I don't need you ruining this for me so how much?" I questioned.

"Are you insane?!" She yelled, her eyes wide.

"Only a little" I joked.

"I won't take your disgusting money. My friendship is worth more than that, she deserves better." She added, her teeth grinding together.

"Really? If it was then you would've told her." I tutted.

"How can I tell her that her partner and supposed best friend are sleeping together? It'll break her heart, I can't watch that again." Beth pouted, her eyes low.

"Well I won't tell her. So I guess I win" I snickered.

"You're sick, you know that right? If you don't want her then just tell her that, stop hurting her" she scoffed, clenching her fists.

"It's funny. Seeing how much she'd hurt just to be with me" I sighed, flicking a straw.

Her lips stayed sealed, the guilt pouring from her glossy eyes, her pink nails creating small holes in her red hands. It's funny actually, I used to believe in love, the kind that makes you feel sick every time you see them. The kind that makes you feel warm inside, makes all your insecurities go away for a moment. Now I know how stupid I was, love was never real, not for me anyway. The first woman I poured my heart out to ended up cheating on me and using me for my money, I'll never forget that horrible day. She changed me, I'll never be who I used to be and I don't care. I may be alone but I'll never be lonely, there's plenty of women out there.

(Y/n's pov)
I let out a hum, stretching out my sun kissed legs, the sun melting into my body. My light green and white bikini stuck to my body, the tan lines exposed as I slouched into the sun bed, my cold drink nearby.

"Afternoon everyone" Tanya smiled, plopping down on a free sun bed.

"Hey" I waved.

"I have some plans for tonight" she winked, rummaging around in her white bag.

"Thank god" Sophia groaned.

"We're going to a rave near the beachfront, they even have a foam pit" she hummed, waving the purple tickets around.

"What's a foam pit?" I asked, my brows raised.

"It's basically a ball pit but replaced with coloured foam, it's amazing but don't get it in your eyes. Paul made that mistake in Mexico." She tutted.

"I thought I was going blind" Paul frowned, his bald head illuminated by the sunlight.

"Seems fun" I laughed.

"What time?" Bill asked, slapping my thigh.

"Nine thirty till twelve" Tanya yawned, slouching down.

I nodded, taking a sip from my pin-a colada, the pineapple juice tinging in my mouth. Bill pushed his sun bed next to mine, the space between us now gone, his hand slipping between my thigh gap. I admired his beauty, the dark eyeshadow no longer covering his eyes, the honey colour visible again. His metal eyebrow piercing lit up, reflecting onto my stomach. I think this is the happiest I've been this whole year, I never thought that the person who made me hurt would then fix me. I'm just glad he saw past the pettiness and finally made a move, a meaningful one.

"I never apologised" I whispered, turning to face him.

"For what?" He asked, his eyebrow raised.

"For not trusting you yesterday, I should've known you wouldn't cheat on me" I laughed.

"No need to apologise, I understand" he smiled, tapping his fingers along my leg.

"Well I promise that from now on I'll trust you, no matter the situation" I snickered, rubbing his veiny arm.

"Good, I won't hurt you" he whispered, pecking my lips.

I kept my eyes on him, his soft lips curled up slightly, his hair tied back for once. If this isn't proof that people can change then I don't know what is, bill is the perfect example. I truly do love him, I admire every moment. Beth caught my attention, her eyes throwing daggers at bill..

Twisted love.|| BILL KAULITZ Where stories live. Discover now