Chapter twenty one

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Question of the day! -
What's your favorite holiday song? Doesn't need to be Christmas any holiday song works!

¨I'm here because I need your help!¨ Fizz says, with a panicked expression.

¨What is it, Fizz? We just talked yesterday and everything seemed fine. What could have happened in the... 15 ish hours?¨

¨Well I got abducted when I left your place last night and I escaped and came here because I saw Stolas was here, and you were protecting him so I thought you might be able to protect me too?¨ Fizz replies, panic in his voice.

Blitz turns to Stolas and then back to Fizz. ¨Don't you have Ozzie to protect you? Isn't he like an overlord or something.¨

¨He's the sin of lust whats he gonna do fuck them so they leave?¨ Fizz asks, with a genuine expression.

¨Well... that's not exactly how that works you do know that right?¨ Stolas speaks up, now looking at Fizz whose clothes are slightly ripped up.

¨W-well of course I knew that it's just I didn't want him to worry is all.¨ Fizz claims. A surprised look on his face. ¨Wait, aren't you a prince?" Fizz asks, deflecting the attention, looking at Stolas with a small smile.

¨I am, yes.¨ Stolas says, with an inviting smile.

¨Why exactly do you need Blitz to protect you aren't you all powerful or something.¨

¨Well you see I am powerful but I can't... it's just complicated.¨ Stolas says, as he looks at Blitz. Blitz looks away and towards the ground.

¨So you two are dating!¨

¨NO!¨ Blitz shouts. ¨Why does every fucking one think we're fucking dating!¨

¨Maybe it's cuz you are?¨ Fizz reptiles as he sits on the couch.

¨No we aren't. Stolas tell him that were not.¨

¨Wait we aren't?¨ Stolas says sarcastically while laughing.

¨I swear I will throw you out the window if you don't stop!¨ Blitz says in a serious tone.

Lonna walks out of her room to see what all the commotion is about. ¨Is this about you and Stolas dating? Lonna asks, looking around the room seeing the faces of Fizz, Blitz, and Stolas.

¨Yes- I mean no. Fuck! It... yes. It is about that ok?¨ Blitz says, flustered as he takes a seat on the couch.

¨Knew it!¨ Fizz says looking at Stolas and Blitz. Both of them blushing while looking at each other.

"Do you want a medal?" Blitz says, rolling his eyes at Fizz.

"Well I mean I get enough of those already but I'll take another." Fizz says in a sarcastic tone.

"No need to rub it in or anything." Blitz says, with a smile

"So back to the topic at hand. I need you and Stolas to protect me from these people ok? Can you do that?" Fizz asks his eyes searching for an answer in Blitz's.

"I mean I could and also he has a name, Stolas.

"That is my name but that wasn't what you were calling me last n-" Stolas says, with a smile while benign cut off..

"ANYWAYS!... You need protection don't ya Fizz? Might as well stay here and make my apartment a secret service hideout." Blitz says, with a grin.

"Thank you! How much do I pay you?"

"Pay me?... I mean uh $1,000"

"Oh $1,000 a month is fair."

"A week..."

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