Chapter twenty six

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Merry Christmas guys! I know it's a day early but happy holidays!

loona hears a portal as the door to the apartment opens, Stols, Blitz, and Octavia walk through the door. Stolas and Blitz immediately sit down on the couch.

Octavia walks up to loona and says, "They were kissing before they got here so I think me and you should get to know each other a bit better. Just leave them alone for a while."

"Sounds good to me. I don't need two reasons to go out so let's go." loona says as she looks at Blitz, giving him a thumbs up with a smile.

Octavia and loona both quietly exit out the front door and look at each other asking what to do. Loona speaks up saying "Why don't we just go out to the town to see what's going on tonight. Maybe stop by a club so we can get wasted?"

loona playfully nudges Octavia knowing well that she would never do that. "I'm down for the town part but clubbing that's a no." Octavia laughs as her and Loona start to slowly walk into town.

They weren't far into their walk when loona awkwardly asks "Sooo... How do you feel about your dad being with Blitz?"

Octavia, still walking looking around at the shops, tells Loona truthfully "I don't mind it, he's happy and I'm glad that he is. My mother was not someone who could truly love so I hated seeing him sad all the time, but he's happy with him and that makes me happy too."

Loona looks towards Octavia and smiles "I feel the same. I'm glad that they are happy. I guess if this keeps up we are going to become sisters. I've never had any siblings unless you want to count Mox and Millie as some but they are more pests than anything"

"I suppose that's true we would be and I don't know with siblings either. I grew up alone with butlers so who knows." Octavia who was looking around at the shops stopped once she saw this cute little coffee place.

"Hey let's go there and just sit down for a while. I have a feeling they are going to be taking a bit." Loona quickly nods agreeing to go to the coffee shop though both of them have never been there.

It seems like a rather new place. Octavia leads the way well loona follows closely behind. As soon as Octavia opened the door there was a loud ding that could be heard throughout the whole store alerting the shop owners that a new person had just entered.

The coffee shop was rather silent and small but it felt very comfortable. Both Loona and Octavia walked up to the worker and looked at the menu. Octavia quickly knew what she was going to get but Loona was struggling to figure anything out not really understanding all this coffee stuff.

"What the fuck is this magical shit I thought there was just coffee. What the fuck is a 'Mocha coffee'" Loona asks in a moching tone.

"There is a lot of different coffee types. It's hard to choose loona but I think you would like it. It seems pretty good." Octavia looks towards the worker and polieltly asked "May I have a two Mocha coffee for me and my friend." Octavia asks as she quickly hands the worker the money and tells them, "You can keep the change."

"That will be out shortly. Feel free to take a seat anywhere." The biresta said. Both Loona and Octavia sat down at the bar stools at the front of the shop that looked out upon the town. Both of them were silent for a minute just staring outside not sure what to talk about before the biresta called out their orders.

"I have an order for Octavia and Loona ready up here!" Loona quickly hopped up grabbing both of the drinks quickly giving Octavia hers and Loona sits back down. They both take out the little green thing on the top of their coffee and start to slowly drink it.

'What the fuck is this magic its great how the hell does coffee taste like peperment??" Loona asked well taking another sip of her drink. Octavia laughing after hearing what Loona had said tells her "there is many different kinds of coffee you know Loona. These are just a few, there's so many more." Loona just stares at Octavia with both confusion and fascination that there can be so many coffees.

They both go back to silence for a minute before Loona asks "Do you have any funny stories of Stolas that I can make fun of when we get back? I have quite a bit of Blitz."

"Of course I do. He's rather particular at times. I remember this one time he was going on and on about having to be away for a few days and gave me proper instructions on how to take care of his plant. He gave me a whole lesson on how to it took like three hours and once he was done he made me resite everything before he left. But don't tell him that I kinda forgot some of the stuff but the plants are okay and he never noticed."

"Why is he so uptight about a plant?"

"I still have no clue till this day.." Octavia states.

loona quickly thinking about just one stupid time with Blitz brings up a story "Well one time when Blitz had first adopted me he didn't let me out of his sight. Any time I was gone for more than five minutes he would send out a literal search party. I once ran out of the house mad at him and didn't come back for like three hours and he sent out the M&Ms as well as calling the police to look for me. When I got back I truly thought he was going to be mad but this grown man just picked me up and told me to never do that again. I still do that but he knows im safe now." Loona says as she stirs around her coffee before she starts to talk again

"Also this one time Blitz came home so drunk he was saying the most random shit and kept telling me that there were going to be unicorns trying to take us. He also threw up everywhere which was a pain but you gotta do what you gotta do for the people you love."

Loona and Octavia kept sharing stupid and funny stories about their dads back and forth for hours; they were both laughing and just having a good time. The coffee shop was nearing closing time so they both got up and decided to leave and head back to the house.

"I'm glad we went out and had coffee. It was fun. I'm glad you might one day be my sister. I won't mind it." Octavia says.

"I'm just happy that they are happy and that we can now hang out more" Loona states as her and Octavia walk back. They finally make it back after being gone for a few hours and make sure that Blitz and Stolas arent fucking before they walk in so they dont get scared. "Dad, we're home!" Octavia yells out.

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