Fifty One

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Blitz, now arriving home after his experience from the night before, walks through the door seeing Loona already up and ready for the day in the office. "Hey Loonie. I'll be ready in a few just wait for me in the car." Blitz says, in a horse voice.

"Sure." Loona replies with a slight chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Blitz asks in an annoyed tone.

"Nothing, just hurry up." Loona claims as she makes her way outside.

30 minutes pass as Blitz and Loona make their way to the office. Moxie and Millie are already there, waiting for their arrival.

"Good morning Blitz!" Moxxie claims as he walks through the door.

"Hey Moxxie. Do we have any clients yet?" Blitz asks in a rough voice.

"No... not yet sir... Are you alright? Did you get some sleep?"

"I'm fine Mox just shut up." Blitz claims as he walks into his office.

"You think he-?" Moxxie asks before getting cut off by Loona.

"He got home less than an hour ago. He definitely did. I had to have Octavia use her magic to take me home because they were asleep together." Loona claims.

"I CaN FUckINg HeaR YoU!" Blitz yells through the closed door, his voice breaking on every word.

The room erupts in laughter as Blitz storms back into the office. "You need some fucking hobbies! Stop talking about my fucking sex life! Don't you guys have your own sex lives?! Christ on a stick just do your jobs and leave me alone!" Blitz demands as he goes back into his office.

"I've realized he is so emotional whenever he is with Stolas or does anything with him." Millie says.

"Well I mean... he doesn't have the easiest life, you should cut him some slack." Loona claims.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way... just an observation." Millie rephrases.

"Can you guys stop fucking talking about me for one minute!" Blitz yells angrily.

"And I DON'T get EMotiOnaL!" Blitz claims.

Moxxie looks at Millie and Loona with a blank stare as the day continues Blitz continues to get berated with questions from the trio about what really did happen with Stolas. Blitz, refusing to answer any questions gets them back on topic and completes the list of clients for the day.

"Well Blitz today was good. We got work done. Sooooo now maybe you can answer one question?" Moxxie asks.

"Ya know what... Sure Mox what is it."

"Really?" Moxxie asks with a shocked expression.

"Yup." Blitz answers.

"So... Did you two actually do it?" Moxxie asks, eagerly awaiting a response.

"Sorry Mox that's two questions I'll talk to you later." Blitz claims.

"W-wait! Blitz!" Moxxie yells as Blitz leaves.

"You're a fucking dumbass Moxxie." Loona claims as she heads home with Blitz.

"Millie... Am... Am-" Moxxie asks before getting cut off.

"No sweetie you're not." Millie answers with a smile.

"Thanks honey. Love you." Moxxie claims.

"Love ya too." Millie answers.

"Sooo Blitz.... Did you actually like..." Loona asks with a pause.

"Loonie please, I don't want to talk about it."

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