Thirty seven

49 2 1

Question of the day! Sorry it's been a bit since we've done this but what's your favorite food and why

Moxxie stubbles out of the portal that Stolas made for both him and Millie. Moxxie is trying his best to stand without falling over but that ends miserably when Moxxie falls, tumbling over his own feet and falling face first into the grass in front of their house.

"Aww Mox slow it down hun. You had a lot to drink let me help you up." Millie said in a comforting, yet commanding voice. As she picks up Moxxie off the ground, carefully making sure that Moxxie isn't hurt from the fall. Millie pats off the dirt on Moxxie's shirt and carefully grabs his side slowly leading him into the house.

"Milliieee Haave I told you Howw much I adore you" Moxxie slurred out looking towards Millie but not directly at her.

"Yes hun you have, you did when we got married you kept telling me all about how much you adore me. You were even in tears." Millie chuckled while telling Moxxie about their wedding day.

Once both Millie and Moxxie got inside the comfort of their home Millie dragged Moxxie into the kitchen to get him some food and water.

Moxxie, just wanting to sleep, put up a bit of a fight trying to pull away from Millie but Millie was not having it and made sure that Moxxie sat down and drank some water at least.

"Millie, I don't need this stuff. I just want to sleeeeep." Moxxie says as he starts to get up, walking while holding the wall for support.

"Mox... Look at yourself. You're drunk. Just drink some water and I'll make you something to eat just sit down hun."

Moxxie turns around looking at the face of his loving, caring wife. A warm smile coating her face as Moxxie heads back towards the table, his body easing up as he takes a seat.

"Thank you." Moxxie says, with a smile as he looks up at Mille who is searching the fridge for anything to give to him.

A few silent moments follow as Mille closes the refrigerator door with some pizza in hand."Here Mox eat this just to put something in your system. It should make you feel somewhat better." Mille reasons with a smile.

Moxxie looks at the pizza with utter disgust as he visibly gags. "I'm not eating that" Moxxie replies in a seemingly offended tone. Mille rolls her eyes as Moxxie continues to criticize the visional unappealing slice of pizza.

"Hun just eat the damn pizza." Mille says demandingly.

"Noooo you can't make me, I don't want pizza." Moxxie said while pushing away the plate of pizza.

"Gosh you act like a child when you're drunk Mox." Millie said while rubbing her temples. "What would you like to eat than?" Millie asked in a pleading tone.

"I want..." Moxxie quickly stood up and rushed into the kitchen surprisingly not falling fully on the floor but stumbling ever so slightly. He opens the freezer and grabs a bag of dino nuggets and puts them into Millie's arms with a big smile plastered on his face.

"I want these. Pretty please can you make them for me my amazing wife." Moxxie said with puppy eyes looking straight at Millie.

With a sigh Millie nods her head and starts to make Moxxie his food. "In the meantime while this is cooking you go shower and change so that once you eat you can go straight to bed."

Moxxie in a joking act puts up his hands saluting Millie saying "Aye aye captain!" Millie just shakes her head and laughs while Moxxie waddles away.

Millie silently gets back to cooking while softly humming a random tune she has in her head. As she hums she gets lost in thought just thinking of all the fun times with Moxxie.

'It's been awhile since he's been drunk. It's almost like having a kid.'

Once the food is all done Millie quickly cleaned up the kitchen and put down the plate with Moxxies dino nuggets and waited for him to be done.

Moxxie walks out of the room in pink pajamas that don't fully match but Moxxie seemed very content with what he was wearing.

He sat down next to Millie saying "Thank you so much for this Millie you're the best ever." Moxxie slowly ate all his food while Millie herself got ready for bed making sure there was water on the nightstand as well as ibuprofen because she knows he will need that in the morning.

Moxxie got up and headed to bed after putting away his plate. Millie soon after got into bed as well, holding him close to make sure that he doesn't get hurt.

"Goodnight Mox sleep well. I love you." Millie said while kissing his forehead and Moxxie just mumbled back half awake.

The blinding light of the sun came through early morning waking up the couple. Moxxie opened his eyes to quickly shut them again with a bad headache from being hung over from the night before.

"Good morning hun how are you feeling?" Millie asked with a concerned look on her face when she saw Moxxie putting a hand over his face.

"I'm okay... Just hung over." Moxxie replies with a groan.

"Here take these" Millie replied while handing him two ibuprofen which Moxxie graciously accepts and takes them with the water by the bedside table.

Both of them got up and out of bed getting ready for the day to go to IMP to see Blitz. Moxxie was going to give him a piece of his mind.

After Millie and Moxxie headed out the door they arrived shortly after at IMP and both hoped out of the car.

Moxxie was the first one in the building seeing Blitz half awake on his chair. "Blitz you mother fucker." Moxxie said angrily while stomping over to Blitz. "Heeyyy Mox hows it going?"

"You know I rarely drink and you said those didn't have alcohol in them. Sir, that was really rude. What if Millie couldn't handle me."

"She could you're both here and okay so she did. Plus Mox you needed time to let go and just be goofy." Blitz said as he put his feet up on his desk.

"Well next time warn me, got it?" Moxxie demands.

"You got it." Blitz says while smiling knowing that he would again do the same thing to Moxxie. Even though Moxxie was mad at Blitz both of them had a fun time and were not truly mad at each other and Moxxie knew that Millie would be there no matter what so all was okay.

With all that being said and done with by the two of them Blitz pulled out the todo list that Moxxie made and started to list off the clients that they had.

When Blitz is done reading off the list, occasionally looking up to meet Moxxie's gaze. He says, "So who's ready to get these assholes? I need something just like this to get my mind straight after last night."

Moxxie and Mille look at each other and then back to Blitz as Moxxie asks, "Anything you want to share, Blitz?"

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