Fourty two

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"Good morning Blitzy." Stolas says as he wakes up in his bed with Blitz laying next to him.

"Good morning. Damn I forgot how big of a place you got here." Blitz says as he stretches and gets out of the bed.

"Well... Yes I am royalty after all. I even have a whole staff team to keep the place nice." Stolas replies.

"Oh? Do they get you things too?" Blitz asks.

"I suppose. Why do you ask?"

Blitz opens the door and immediately makes eye contact with one of the staff as he says, "Get me a  coffee right fucking now!"

The smaller staff member looks up and replies, "Under who's request?"

"Uh... Mine?" Blitz replies with a puzzled expression on his face.

"No." The staff replies as he walks away.

"Fine whatever... I'll do it myself. I bet I could make coffee better than that little-" Blitz says before getting cut off.

"Are you leaving already Blitzy?" Stolas asks with a sad tone.

"No, I'm just getting coffee." Blitz replies as he walks out into the hallway and makes his way to the kitchen.

*15 minutes pass*

Blitz humming to himself with a cup of coffee in hand knocks on the door to Stolas' bedroom. As the door creaks open Blitz walks in and puts the cup down on the table. "Stolas I got you some coffee I know you're not much of a morning person so maybe this could get you up and ready for the day." Blitz reasons.

"Blitz, did you listen to a word I said last night?" Stolas asks.

Blitz confused by the question replies, "The royalty shit yes I listened."

"No, the stuff after that. About you know manners and how you should treat people here?" Stolas replies.

"Oh... Uh... I must have been too tired because I don't remember that." Blitz reasons. "Anyways I made you some coffee."

"I don't want it. You can have it." Stolas replies as he gets up and walks out of the room.

"But I made it for you... I don't want it... I don't even like coffee, it just tastes like dirt." Blitz says to himself as he starts to walk outside of the palace.

*20 minutes pass*

Blitz walks over to a bin and throws the cup of coffee into it. "Fucking stupid ass coffee. How am I supposed to remember all of that shit. There was so much talking just be thankful I fucking remember anything." Blitz cries out.

A staff member walks up to Blitz and slowly starts to back away after seeing him. Blitz looks up at him and says, "Oh you again. I bet you're happy that he didn't want the coffee aren't you? You little fucking bitch."

The staff member runs back inside, dropping the trash he was holding. Blitz walks over and picks the trash up and puts it into the bin. "Stolas doesn't like dirty floors even if it's outside." Blitz says to himself, as he walks back into the palace.

"Sometimes I really hate how big this place is." Stolas says to himself.

"Have you seen Blitz? I've checked every room and I can't find him." Stolas claims to his staff.

"I saw him crying over a bin outside a bit ago." one of his staff members reply.

"He was crying?" Stolas says with a surprised tone.

"Yeah he threw a cup out and was just there. It was very odd."

"Did I hurt his feelings about the coffee? No, no Blitz doesn't care about that. It's just coffee." Stolas says to himself.

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