Chapter twenty nine

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Happy new year!

Blitz, Mille, Moxxie, and loona are listening to the video of Stola signing. Stolas looks at the screen and then at Blitz. "How did you-?" Stolas asks in a confused tone

"Fizz sent it to me. I didn't ask how he got it but damn you're good at singing."

Stolas with a slight blush says, "Thank you Blitzy but we have a more important matter at hand. Our relationship matters."

"Oh yeah... I love you. I want to be with you forever." Blitz says, still looking at the screen.

"I uh... Blitzy can you look at me when you say that?"


"Why not Blitzy?"

"I'll cry and I don't want to cry right now." Blitz says with a sniffle.

"Fair enough Blitzy, I love you too, and I also want to spend the rest of my life with you. I'm very thankful that you have finally decided." Stolas says with a smile as he sits next to Blitz looking at the screen as well. He leans his head on Blitz's shoulder and relaxes.

Moxie and Mille look at each other with a smile as the video comes to an end. Blitz and Stolas both get up and head into his office as they close the door behind them. Stolas looks at Blitz and asks, ¨Are you absolutely sure you want this?¨

¨Yes i'm absolutely sure.¨ Blitz says with a smile. A look of utter happiness overtakes his face as he hugs Stolas for what feels like minutes, as Blitz pulls away he says, ¨Thank you.¨

¨For what? I don't see what I did.¨ Stolas says with a confused look on his face.

¨Thank you fro just being you. I wouldn't like to change a single thing about you, you were so passionate with me and always gave me time to process. You also never gave up on me. I cant say how much you matter to me.¨

¨Awwww¨ Moxxie says as he opens the door. ¨Are you two finally together now? Can we put an end to the chase for o-¨

Blitz interrupts, ¨Moxxie I swear I will fucking end you!¨

Moxxie closes the door while backing up, not blinking. A look of panic on his face as he turns to Millie as he says, ¨Yeah they're absolutely together now.¨

Stolas gives Blitz a hug and says,  ¨I wouldn't change a thing about you either, and I understand why you pushed me away from the start. I'm just happy that now we can be together.¨

¨Well I still have to worry about your wife don't I?¨ Blitz asks in a questioning tone.

¨Well ex-wife but  I should be able to handle that. Just don't make it public knowledge of all of this.¨

¨Don't tell me what to do, i'll tell, who I want when I want to.¨ Blitz says in a sarcastic tone.

¨It doesn't count if you tell people that already know that we're together. So who exactly would you tell?¨

¨Well uh i'll tell... someone.¨ Blitz says with a soft voice.

Stolas laughs as he says, ¨it's okay soon enough people will find it out. Hopefully by then we would have this whole situation under control.¨

¨Speaking of that how about you go back to my place so we can get something else under control.¨

¨What are you... ohhhh. Blitz you have the crystal now we don't have to do that anymore.¨

¨Oh I know I want to this time.¨ Blitz says with a grin.

¨... You didn't want to do it before?¨ Stolas says with a tone of sadness.

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