Chapter eighteen

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A few days have passed and IMP is getting clients again. Blitz, Moxxie, Mille, and Lonna are off doing their jobs; Stolas doing paperwork in Blitz's apartment as he hears a knock on the door.

¨Who is it?¨ Stolas asks, as he gets up to open the door.

Another knock on the door; Stolas now seems a bit panicked.

¨Who's there?¨ Stolas asks, again in a shaky voice as he reaches for his phone to call Blitz.

¨It's Fizz.¨ An unfamiliar voice claims.

Blitz answers the phone. ¨Hey Stolas, not the best time right now.¨ Blitz says, as gunshots are heard in the distance.

¨Well Blitz do you know anyone by the name of Fizz?¨

The line goes quiet for a moment. Only the sounds of gunshots letting Stolas know that Blitz didn't hang up. ¨Uhh yeah I do... Why?¨

¨Well he's at your apartment door. Can I let him in?¨

¨Yeah sure just make sure he doesn't break anything while he's there i'll be back in a little bit byeeeeeee.¨ Blitz hangs up the line.

Stolas opens the door to see the face of Fizz, an odd smile on his face as he walks through the door and looks around the nearly undecorated apartment.

"Damn this guy hasn't changed a bit since I've last talked to him has he?" Fizz asks, with an oddly fitting raspy voice.

"You know Blitz?" Stolas asks.

"Of course I know Blitz, he was like my best friend when we were younger. Well at least until he..."

"Until he what?"

"Well that's something you and him have to talk about. Also what the fuck are you doing here?"

Stolas a confused expression on his face and then the dots connecting as his face turns to a smile.

"Well you see I'm being... hunted? No well... Yeah. So I'm hiding out here because no one is looking for me here."

Fizz looked more confused by the second as Stolas speaks saying, "Wait wait wait so a prince of hell is hiding out... In an imp's apartment? Hahaha. Wow that's... Wow."

"Well I'll have you know that Blitz's status has no effect on my relationship with him." Stolas says with a slight hint of anger in his voice.

Fizz replies, "What are you too dating or something?"

Stolas looks at Fizz "... Well I uh-"

Blitz opens the door abruptly and starts singing "Guess who's back. Back again. Blitz is back, tell a friend. Oh hey Fizz didn't expect to see you here ever since I blew you up."

"YOU WHAT?!" Stolas asks.

"It was an accident, we figured it out... It only took like... 20 years?"

"Yeah it was just a misunderstanding is all." Fizz says.

Stolas looks back and forth to the two imps. A confused expression flooded his face.

"So let me get this straight, you blew him up and he forgave you?"

"I also burnt down the place we worked but that was because I blew him up but yes.."

Stolas rolls his eyes "Of course you did. Did you also overthrow the government while you were at it." Stolas says sarcastically.

Blitz replies, "Well that's a story for another time Stolas."


"I'm joking jeez."

Fizz looks at Stolas "You still didn't answer my question."

"I'm sorry, what question was it?"

"Are you dating Blitz?"

Blitz looks at Stolas as Stolas looks at him.

"Well it's complicated. We aren't right Stolas?" Blitz asks with a look of glee.

"I uh... I suppose but-"

"So no, we're not dating, Fizz." Blitz says

Stolas smile turns to a frown as he sits back down to continue the paperwork he starts as the two imps start catching up.

A few hours pass, Blitz and Fizz are still at the table talking. Stolas, now done with all of the paperwork he had to do, is laying on the couch trying to sleep but can't. Still thinking about the words Blitz spoke "We aren't right Stolas?"

Stolas thinks to himself. He wouldn't want to date me anyways so it's not like me saying I would like to change that... Right? The only reason I'm here is because he has to keep me safe for the book.

Stolas too caught up in his thoughts unaware that Fizz has left and Blitz is sitting next to him.

Blitz returning Stolas to reality says "You okay? You've been laying down not moving for a while now."

"Huh... Oh yes I'm fine Blitz."

"You sureeeeee?" Blitz says with a smile on face

"Yes Blitz i'm sure." Stolas says with a sigh.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing... It's just that..." Stolas paused thinking of a way he can word it without making Blitz have to pick. "It's just the way you said that we weren't dating... It hurt."

"Well Stolas we aren't dating."

"I know. But you said it like you wouldn't want to."

"Stolas... If anything you wouldn't want to date me. I mean you're a prince so there is a huge social gap there. Just to name something."

"I can fix that, you know if hypothetically we get married you'll be a prince too."

"Haha very fu- wait really?" Blitz says, looking deep into Stolas sparkling eyes longing for truth in his statement.

"Yes Blitz really, Prince Blitz of The Ars Goetia."

Blitz chuckles at the title. "Yes, very funny. An imp being a prince; hell would go cold before then."

"I can make that happen if you want as well Blitz." Stolas now looking into Blitz's eyes with a warm smile.

Blitz rolls his eyes at the comment.

"No really Blitz. There are a whole lot of things I can do for you all you have to do is ask." Stolas says with a wink.

"Stolas are you..."

Moxxie walks in through the front door seeing Blitz and Stolas both on the couch together in an awkward voice he and says, "Hey sir, Stolas. I uh... oh... ohhhhhh i'll be back in... just call me when you two are-"

"IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK IT IS MOX!" Blitz yells as Moxxie closes the door.

Blitz's eyes return to Stolas' "where were we?" Stolas says looking softly into Blitz's beaming eyes.

"I think I was asking you what all of this was really you trying to... Start something?"

"What if I am Blitz?"

"Well then you better be sure that you'll be able to finish it." Blitz says a grin forming on his face.

Stolas with a slight blush on his face says, "Oh that won't be a problem."

Moxxie outside in the hallway walking towards the exit of the apartment building calls his wife. "Mille guess what?"

"What is it Mox, did someone jump you again? I swear if-"

"No Mille I think that Blitz and Stolas are uhh ya know. Doing it."

"You mean their fucking?"

"Yes... That"

"About time they did something."

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