Chapter twenty three

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Question of the day!

What's a random fun fact you know?

Stolas and Blitz arrive back at the apartment. Lonna, Mille, and Moxxie are still at Ozzie's enjoying their night. Stolas and Blitz enter his apartment together and close the door behind them.

Stolas looking deep into Blitz's eyes as he says, "I really did enjoy tonight Blitz I don't think you k-"
Stolas gets interrupted by a kiss from Blitz.

Stolas now blushing turns away from Blitz as he tries to process what just happened. Moments later he turns back around towards Blitz and repeats "I really enjoyed tonight Blitz and I just wanted you to know if you ever wanted to do that again I'll always love to do it." Stolas' eyes meet Blitz's as he moves closer to him.

Blitz staring into Stolas eyes with a soft gaze says, "I would want nothing more then to be with you forever."

Stolas feels a rattling sensation as he wakes up.

"What the? Where am I?" Stolas says demandingly.

"You're back at my place you idiot." Blitz says as he backs away and starts to look out the window. "Lonna's spending the night with Mox and Millie. And the second we got home you just passed out on the couch. It's been like 2 hours and I wanted to make sure you were all good." Blitz says as his eyes return to Stolas.

Stolas looks at Blitz, his face still blushing from the events that occurred in his dream. "So Blitz did you enjoy tonight?" Stolas asks with a soft smile as he tilts his head slightly.

"Honestly I did enjoy tonight. I didn't think I was going to but I did. Unfortunately I don't think we are going to be doing that again anytime soon." Blitz claims as he sits on the couch next to Stolas.

"That's understandable, Blitzy. There was one more thing I wanted to ask you."

"And what would that be?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to possibly make our relationship official?"

"You mean get engaged? Are you crazy?"

"W-well I didn't mean we have to. It was just a suggestion."

"I can't get engaged to you, I don't even know if you love me!" Blitz says, with a harsh tone

"You don't think I love you?" Stolas says with a shocked expression.

"Well I didn't say that exactly..." Blitz says well, looking down at his feet contemplating what to say next.

"Then what did you mean by it?" Stolas questions.

"I just meant that I didn't know if you did... Not that you didn't."

"Well I do, so do you have any other reasons?"

"What if I just don't want to?" Blitz replies

"Then just tell me and I won't bring it up until you want to."Stolas says with a slight frown.

"I mean I don't not want to... It's just that I don't think it would be the best thing for you. Your image and all that royalty stuff. People won't look at you the same." Blitz says with a sigh.

"Blitz it's common knowledge at this point that me and you have slept together. Everyone knows it. My image isn't anything for you to worry about. I just would feel better if I knew that you feel the same way towards me as I do towards you."

"Well I uh... I don't know if I do." Blitz says with a shaky tone.

"That's okay then I'm glad we had this talk. Now excuse me for a moment. I need to collect my thoughts." Stolas says as he goes into the bathroom and locks the door.

Minutes go by which turn into an hour Stolas still inside of the bathroom. Blitz sitting on the couch keeping a watchful eye on the door as the TV is playing to drown out the eerie silent night.

Blitz stands up and knocks on the bathroom door. "Stolas? You alright? It's been an hour, you kinda have to come out now."

"I just need a few more minutes," a soft voice says through the door. Blitz feels the pain in Stolas' voice but knows it's for his own good.

"Alright just... Let me know when you're out." Blitz says as he returns to the couch. 15 minutes go by and Stolas finally leaves the bathroom, his eyes red and puffy as he sits next to Blitz he says, "I wanted to apologize for my previous advances; they were unprovoked and clearly unwelcomed. I apologize." Stolas says, bowing his head to Blitz.

"Stolas I do like you a fair amount but I just know that if we became a couple that hell would go mad. The royals would hate you and me more than they already do. And I just don't think that I would benefit either one of us."

"Blitzy it would benefit me so very much to be with you. I don't care about the consequences as long as I have you by my side, nothing else matters. And for benefiting you I can give you anything you need, after all I am a prince. And if we were to get married you would be one too."

"Yeah yeah I know that you already told me all about that. I just can't do it. I'm sorry Stolas." Blitz says as his eyes look anywhere but Stolas' eyes with a slight blush on his face.

"That's alright and if you ever reconsider i'll be here for you as I always try to be. Also I think it's about time I test the waters again with my safety at the palace."

"I think that's a good idea." Blitz says as he looks towards Stolas.

"You can come by anytime you'll like Blitz. I will always make time for you." Stolas says as he opens a portal. His voice sounding rather cold towards Blitz right now so he can't understand all that Stolas is currently feeling.

"Wait! Stolas. Can you just spend the night here? One last night? Please?" Blitz says in a pleading tone. A desperate attempt to keep the semblance of balance.

Stolas closes the portal while looking back at Blitz with a smile on his face saying, "Of course Blitz anything for you."

Stolas walks back towards Blitz. A look of joy coating his face as Stolas does this.

Stolas and Blitz lay down on the couch as they cuddle up close to each other. Stolas drifts off to sleep relatively quickly, Blitz lays awake scared for what's to come but thankful to not be alone. Or at least not alone for tonight.

As Blitz wakes up he sees Stolas already awake sitting on the couch looking at Blitz. Blitz sits up fast and looks at Stolas, a look of shock overtakes him as Stolas says, "I was waiting for you to wake up so I could go Blitz."

"Well that's not weird or anything. How long were you watching me sleep, you weirdo?" Blitz asks with a groggy voice a clear indication that he has just woken up.

"Well Blitz it has only been... 20 minutes? Something around that. Anyways, I'm going back to the palace now. I appreciate the care you have shown me over these last few weeks and I promise I won't forget it. I'll see you around Blitz." Stolas says as he walks through the portal back to the palace.

A look of utter sadness forms on Blitz's face as he falls into the couch. tears forming in his eyes. A silent whimpering sound muffled by the pillows. Blitz, alone for the first time in a long time. All alone, Stolas is gone, Lonna is out. Nothing but himself and his thoughts.

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