Chapter seventeen

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Writer here: Sorry about not uploading yesterday, I had a lot going on and didn't have time to write out a chapter, as an apology I will be posting 2 chapters today.

I know that this story has only been out for less then 2 weeks but i'm already very close to the goal i've set for it by the end of the year. I truly appreciate that you all seem to like it so far. Just a reminder to any of you that have questions about scheduling or pacing please leave a comment and I will be sure to give you an answer as soon as I can. Again thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy part 17 and all to follow.

Side note: Make sure you do comment on whether or not you would prefer daily uploads or tri-weekly uploads. Daily uploads will have chapters be shorter while tri-weekly will have them be longer. If no one replies then I would probably just start posting these 3 times a week.

Blitz, Lonna, Mille, Moxxie, and Stolas all enter IMP.

Blitz looks at Moxxie "So how many clients did we build up in the two weeks I was out?" Blitz asks curiosity with a smile.

Moxxie replies, "Well sir actually me and Mille cleared all of the clients out. You do know we can do the job without you being here right?"

Blitz's expression shifts to one of surprise as Moxxie tells him what he and Mille did. Blitz stares blankly for a moment before saying, "Wow guys good job I'm genuinely impressed with you both."

Mille and Moxxie both happily accepting the compliment.

"Anyways... Wait so we have no clients?" Blitz asks.

"Well yes but only because we already did the kills so it's a good thing." Mille says with a smile on her face, clearly happy from the nice words.

Blitz, now confused, goes to his office. He asks himself "What the fuck do we do now?"

Stolas walks into the office and closes the door behind him. "Blitz are you alright? You seemed a bit... out of it back there, if something's wrong we can talk about it if you'll like. I don't mind dear." Stolas says, his voice full of concern for him.

Blitz looks up at Stolas, his eyes tearing up. "Oh Blitzy it's okay don't worry i'm here it's okay. You're okay dear. Take as long as you need to calm down. I'm right here if you need anything." Stolas says as he takes a step closer towards Blitz.

After a few moments Blitz starts to calm down he looks back at Stolas and says, "T-they don't need me... They did the job better without me. Just the two of them. I'm holding them back aren't I? I have to be. I'm the problem right..? Right, Stolas you won't lie to me tell me i'm right." Blitz says, as panic takes control of his voice.

Stolas looks down at Blitz, Blitz's expression becomes more and more clear of sadness and disparity.

"Blitz, listen you're not holding them back at all or a problem to them, it's probably just that they work better as a smaller unit because of their relationship. They ran into plenty of problems that they wouldn't have if you were there with them. I was with them and I couldn't even come close to filling your shoes in these... operations." Stolas says truthfully his voice, full of reassurance.

Blitz looks up at Stolas and says, "D-do you really mean that?"

"Yes dear I do." Stolas says, as he checks to make sure that the others didn't see Blitz being so vulnerable with him.

"They're all talking in the meeting room Blitz so if you're ready we can go talk to them and figure this out?" Stolas asks.

"Yea sounds nice let's go." Blitz says as he gets up and out of his chair heading to the office's door.

Blitz and Stolas leave the office looking at the others who are standing in the meeting room patiently waiting for them.

As Mille sees them leaving the office she says "Hey guys nice of you to join us. So what do you want to do now that we don't have work? Party? Or something like that Blitz? We missed you while you were gone for those weeks.¨

Moxxie, nods his head in agreement.

Lonna turns to Blitz and back to her phone. A small smile on her face.

Blitz looks down at the ground thinking of what he wants to do. What he really wants to do is go home and sleep. Which is quite odd because he has just been sleeping for two weeks. On the other hand it seems like the others want to celebrate Blitz being back.

Blitz says, ¨Okay guys I have an idea. Let's go and...¨ Blitz pauses thinking of something that would be entertaining enough but not too tiring for him to still enjoy. ¨Uhh...¨ Blitz, looks at Stolas who is looking back at him with a softening smile on his face. Blitz, now feeling more comfortable says with a smile ¨We can go and just hang out here?¨

Stolas says, ¨That sounds like a wonderful idea Blitz. I'll be sure to enjoy this time we have together. I have a lot to tell you, some things did happen when you were out.¨

Blitz looks at Stolas with panic in his eyes ¨What types of things? Bad things? Is it something I can help with?¨

¨No, Blitz nothing truly bad it's just that some... past issues have been coming up again that I must deal with. It's nothing for you to worry about Blitzy.¨

¨So if it's nothing for me to worry about then why are you telling me about it?¨ Blitz asks in a confused tone.

¨Well I... I just thought that maybe you would want to know that if I seem absent more while in your presents it isn't anything you are doing it's just that I have things weighing my thoughts.¨ Stoals reasons.

Blitz, now clearly bothered by the nearly unexplained reasoning for Stolas' worry says, ¨So are you going to give me the privilege to know what exactly these 'past issues' of yours are?

Stolas, looks at Blitz now for the first time, truly realizing the dimly lit atmosphere surrounding Blitz's workplace. The soft carpet flooring and smooth walls truly help hide the businesses true purpose.

Stolas looks back to Blitz and says, ¨Within time i'm sure i'll tell you all about it but for now I think it will be for the best if I deal with this on my own.¨

¨Well that sounds dumb. What if you need help or something? Wouldn't it be better if I was able to help from the beginning?¨ Blitz reasons.

¨No Blitz I said I can deal with this on my own and I will do that's final. Ok?¨ Stolas demands.

¨Understood... No need to be a bitch about it." Blitz says with a smile.

Moxxie looks to Millie who's already looking at him. Moxie whispers ¨It's true love they're fighting over nothing and Blitz has only been up for... two hours?¨ Both of them start laughing silently.

¨Sounds about right.¨ Mille whispers. While still laughing.

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