Chapter twenty four

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Question of the day!

Where is one place you want to visit?

Stolas returns to the palace, the guards let him through without a second thought. Stolas walks down the entrance like he has done countless times before, but this time happier which is quite odd stating the facts that he was hunted down not even a month before and was in hiding in a cramped apartment that should house one person at most that had to fit four for a small duration, three typically.

The familiar looking interior of the palance brings back memories which Stolas has forgotten. All the good times he has had with his family. Even if his marriage was arranged, his love for them wasn't love could be forced which is proven through the fact he loves his daughter and not his wife. His daughter, being one of the few people he truly cares for in all of hell.

Stolas looks around and sees the paintings on the walls as he continues down the hall seeing all the princes that have come before him. An empty canvas sitting on the wall. And then his picture. He still remembers the day it was taken as if it was just yesterday. The background, a galaxy themed dark glow of purple and blue. Colors of royalty and colors of space.

As Stolas makes his way to the main rooms he sees his daughter. His eyes light up as he sees her.¨Via? Is that you? I missed you so much. It's so good to see you. I'm sorry I couldn't see you sooner. I'm so sorry.¨ Stolas says, as he hugs his daughter.

Stolas, still hugging his daughter, sees Stella glaring at him with a angerful look as she turns around and leaves. Stolas letting Octavia escape his hug says, ¨I was getting hunted by some assassin cowboy so I had to hide. You know Blitz right? He kept me safe and saved me from the guy who was after me.¨

Octavia with a look of utter surprise still shocked that her father is back says, ¨I missed you to dad. But I have one question. Why?¨

Stolas with a questioning look asks, ¨What? Why what? I don't quite understand what you're asking me.¨

¨Why did he try to kill you?¨

¨I'm not sure as to why but I would assume it would be because someone hired him to kill me. Maybe someone who isn't happy with my previous choices.¨ Stolas says as he looks towards the door Stella has just left from.


"I didn't say that Via I don't think it's her. It's important that you still love her. She is your mother after all and that would never change.¨ Stolas says as he smiles at his daughter.

¨Okay dad whatever you say.¨ Octavia says while rolling her eyes.

¨Anyways would you like to do something today now that i'm back? Something to make it up to you for my absence recently?" Stolas asks as he walks with Octavia back to the living room.

¨Well maybe you could take me to see Blitz? I do have to thank him for protecting you for all this time.¨ Octavia says while looking at her dad.

Stolas looking back at her with a smile on his face says, ¨Of course we can but I don't think today would be the best time for that. Would it be alright if we go tomorrow?¨

¨Absolutely! In the meantime can you tell me everything that happened while you were gone?" Octavia asks as she looks into her fathers eyes with a soft gaze.

¨Of course let's go sit down and I'll tell you all about it¨ Stolas says with a smile as he guides his daughter to the chair next to him.

A few hours pass as Stolas and his daughter are now done catching up. Octavia has repeatedly asked to thank Blitz in person before the day is over Stolas eventually gives up and agrees. Stolas sends a text message to Blitz asking ¨Where are you currently?¨

¨At work¨ Blitz replies nearly immediately which is uncommon for him.

¨Can Via and I stop by? She really wants to thank you for keeping me safe.¨

¨Sure?" Blitz replies.

Stolas looks towards his daughter as he opens a portal to IMP. Stolas and Octavia walk through. They see Moxxie, Millie, and Blitz sitting around the meeting room table talking about finances. Moxxie, saying, ¨Sir we don't have enough money for all of that. Maybe we just do some more old fashioned promotions?

Blitz replying, ¨Moxxie we are in hell everyone wants someone dead. It's not like we can j- Hey Stolas nice seeing you here. Oh and you brought your daughter how nice.¨

Blitz's eyes meet Stolas' but as fast as they do they look away. Octavia walks up to Blitz and says, ¨ I truly appreciate what you have done for my father but I just want you to know that if something like this ever happened again I would like to be brought with him. My mom isn't the nicest person when he isn't around.¨

Blitz nods his head in agreement while saying, ¨Absolutely fine by me and it isn't a problem for me to help your father. I don't mind it one bit.¨

Moxxie and Mille look at the ordeal as it occurs and then something hits them. "Where's loona?" Moxxie says as he looks around the room.

As silence strikes the room Blitz grabs the book from off the table opening a portal while saying, ¨Shit motherfucker there is no w-¨ he gets cut off as he jumps through the portal not even 20 seconds later he comes back through still cursing with loona in his arms, loona on her phone allowing herself to be carried. Blitz puts her down on her feet while saying, ¨Moxxie how the fuck did you forget Loona?! What's wrong with you?¨

Moxxie replies, ¨How is it my job to watch your daughter?¨

¨Shut the fuck up Mox just take responsibility for once in your damn life!¨ Blitz demands.

Octavia, looking at Stolas saying, "This is the person that protected you and saved your life?¨

¨Yup isn't he perfect?¨ Stolas says with a dreamy look in his eyes as he sits down on a chair.

Blitz and Moxxie continue arguing until Mille pulls them apart, Blitz almost instinctively approaches Stolas, Blitz looking into his eyes no words being spoken by either one of them but the feeling of connection was felt by both.

Stolas breaks the silence saying, "Blitzy I as well am very thankful for your protection of me and I cant repay you for that if you require anything that I may assist in I will be more than happy to help.¨

¨In that case, there is something I need your help with back at my place tonight around 7?¨ Blitz says with a wink.

Stolas immediately says, ¨Yes of course I will be there at 7 on the dot.¨

Octavia walks up to Blitz and says, ¨Don't steal him for a month this time.¨

Blitz laughs while saying, "I promise I won't take him for that long. Its just some work stuff we have to figure out.¨

Moxxie and Millie look at each other while laughing. Octavia looks at Blitz and says, ¨That's fine just have loona text me when he gets there and when he is on his way home.¨

¨Sounds fair to me.¨ Blitz says as Stolas and Octavia start to leave.

Blitz turns back to Moxxie ¨You need to be better at advertising Mox. I'm sure that so many people want someone dead but don't know that WE can do it for them.¨

¨Sir for the last time. I can't force people to use our services when they don't want to.¨

¨That sounds like a you problem Mox.¨

¨How is that a me problem?¨

¨It's a you problem because if you don't get us more clients then you're fired.¨ Blitz says in a sarcastic tone.

Blitz looks at Moxxie with a smile as he walks back into his office. His mind at peace as now he just has to wait a few hours before him and Stolas can deal with their ¨Work stuff¨.

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