Chapter nineteen

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The morning arrives, Moxxie being woken up by a phone call. Moxxie thinking to himself. "Who is calling me this early? It's only 6:30. Moxxie answers the call.

"Hello this is Moxxie, how can I help you on this fine morning?"

"Hey Mox it's Blitz... Uh, I'm gonna be a little late to work today for ...reasons." Blitz says with a pause

"What types of reasons sir?" Moxxie asks with a smile on his face.

"None of your damn business reasons, Mox!"

"No need to be harsh, sir." Moxxie says as Mille reaches for the phone.

"Sir Mille wants to talk to you." Moxxie says with a happy tone.

"Okay." Blitz says seemingly annoyed

"Hey Blitz it's Mille."

"Hey Millie."

"I have a question."


"How do you feel?" Mille asks with a smile.

"I feel fine... Why?" Blitz says confused.

"No reason just because I heard that you and Stolas-"

"I didn't do anything with Stolas who told you that? That's outrageous. Me and him pffff I would never. Not in a million years!" Blitz says quickly, cutting Mille off.

"Oh Blitzy, who's on the phone?" Stolas asks in the background clearly just waking up.

"I got to go!" Blitz says as he hangs up.

Moxxie and Mille laugh as they sit back down on the bed. "So what do you want to do with our day off?" Moxxie asks, looking at his wife for an answer.

"Well I was thinking we could go see that new movie that came out? If you want."

"Of course we can let's go!" Moxxie says, taking her hand.

"Stolas I was on the phone, why'd you say something now they have to know!"

"Is it so bad if they know now? They would have figured it out anyway Blitz." Stolas says with a smile.

Blitz looks at Stolas thinking for a moment before saying "You know you don't always have to be right about everything." Blitz says annoyed

"I know but it's more fun." Stolas replies with a smile.

Stolas looks at Blitz chucking to himself.

"What's so funny?" Blitz asks, looking at Stolas as he busts out in laughter.

"WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT!" Blitz repeats himself.

"Nothing, it's just that... I made you have to call out of work."

"You didn't make me. I call out of work all the time." Blitz protests.

"Aren't you the boss? What type of example is that?"

"You're right Stolas, I am the boss. You know what that means right?"

"What does it mean?" Stolas asks hoping for a reasonable answer.

"It means I get to do what I want!"

"You sure are a hell of a boss, Blitz."

"Oh I know I am. I also know you love it don't you."

"Unfortunately. I do." Stolas says as he lays back down on the couch.


"Yea?" Blitz responds, looking towards Stolas as he gets up.

"Do you think you're going to be getting a bigger apartment soon?"

"W-what's wrong with my apartment!?" Blitz says as he sniffles jokingly.

"Nothings wrong with it per say but it's just that... You're fitting three people in here."

"I don't see the issue. I grew up living in places smaller than this. I know you as a prince surely didn't but this is how we live."

"Oh Blitz, I didn't mean it like that. I just... I'm sorry you're right."

"Sorry but I just don't have the money for it. Anyways speaking of three, where is Lonna?"

"I'm not quite sure but she's capable of taking care of herself. She seems quite, independent Blitz."

"I know that but I just get worried about her."

"Well Blitz you raised her well enough to be on her own."

"I don't want her on her own. What if she gets hurt?"

"I'm sure she'll be fine, Blitz. Let's get back to bed." Stolas says, with a wink.

"Okay but you asked for it." Blitz says, jumping into the bed.

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