Chapter thirty eight

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Blitz returns home from the bar, Lonna, already asleep in her room. Blitz walks through the door into his dimly lit apartment, some trash coating the floor. This isn't abnormal for Blitz's living space but tonight it seemed to make him just a bit annoyed. As Blitz continues to look around the floor seemingly aware of just how messy it is he begins to move the trash from the floor to the bins.

Some time passes as he continues to do this, occasionally his phone buzzing in his pocket distracting him from his process of cleaning. A few texts from Mille fire off in his pocket. He looks at the lock screen seeing who it's from and doesn't open it. But rather continues cleaning the floor off, once he finishes seemingly on que he gets another text. This time a different unmistakable buzz.

Blitz quickly looks down at his phone, unlocks it and opens the message Stolas has sent.

"Hey Blitzy. I know it is quite late but I just wanted to inform you that I won't be available for quite some time in the near future. We have some meetings and other things that are of the highest priority. I hope this isn't too bad of news but i'll see you when I can dear."

Blitz stares blankly at the screen. Blitz begins to form a response but thinks better of it as the "..." disappears on the screen. Blitz thinks to himself 'If he said this a few months ago I would be the happiest guy alive. Why now does this matter? It's a few days or something not that big of a deal.' Blitz reasons to himself.

Blitz eventually replies saying, "Okay i'll see you on Sunday then?"

Stolas immediately replies, "It might take longer than 4 days Blitzy"

"Okay fine i'll see you when you're done"

"Have a nice night dear. I'll update you throughout the time to let you know when I can see you."


Blitz turns his phone off as he lays down on the couch, staying there motionless for a bit before sitting up. He stares at the wall blankly before laying back down on the couch, the soft cushions supporting his body as he sinks into them.

As Blitz drifts off to sleep he begins to dream. He has a dream where he and Stolas are back in the cave with Striker which seems like a long time ago but was in reality only a few months.

Moxxie, Millie, Lonna, Blitz, and Stolas are all there. Striker with a knife to Stolas' throat says, "I'm not going to be leaving here without my job being finished."

Blitz's eyes fill with panic as he falls to the ground pleading. "Please just... Stop! Please!..." Blitz cries out in agony.

Blitz's eyes tightly shut only hearing the echoed cries of Stolas as he awakes. He darts up and begins breathing heavily. Now fully aware of just how bad things could have gone.

Blitz looks over to the clock and sees that it's almost time to go. As Blitz gets up to wake Lonna he sees that she is already awake and sitting in the kitchen.

Blitz walks over to her and says, "Good morning dear. How are you feeling today? It's time to go soon so make sure you're ready."

"I'm good and I'm ready." Lonna replies. Lonna continues "Anyways... What was that... You jumped up when you woke up. You okay?" Lonna asks with a slight look of worry in her eyes.

"... I'm good, it was nothing I just... Hit my knee when I got up." Blitz says with a slight pause and a reassuring smile.

The ride to IMP is silent, not any words being spoke the only interaction they had was Lonna occasionally looking over at Blitz. Blitz only with his eyes on the road doesn't realize this and continues driving.

As they arrive at IMP they see Moxxie and Mille getting into the office. Blitz pauses for a moment before exiting the van and heading up the stairs, Lonna following close behind.

Blitz arrives in the office as Moxxie is complaining about his experience the night prior due to Blitz giving him drinks without him knowing. Blitz then reads off the list of clients with a smile and comments about getting his mind straight. Moxxie replies in a worried tone asking if he wants to share.

"Not much to share... Just some personal stuff." Blitz replies with the same smile.

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