Chapter twenty two

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Question of the day!
What's you're favorite bird?
Can seagulls fly?

Stolas and Blitz sit down at one table as Moxxie and Mille sit at another. Lonna goes to a corner of the room to be on her phone but keeping an eye on her father and Stolas. Fizz goes with Ozzie as they catch up on recent events.

The room is a huge blue colored love themed restaurant. The picture on the walls seems to imply a more lustful nature. But what more do you expect from the Sin of lust himself? The bright blue lights illuminate a truly breathtaking sight, the lights making everything look better. The blue fire hanging from the walls only adds to the awe striking sight and atmosphere.

As everyone gets and enjoys their meals with the most pristine quality, Stolas gets a look in his eyes. Blitz, noticing this, questions "Is everything alright Stolas?"

Stolas looks towards Blitz and pulls out his phone while saying "Yes Blitzy everything is amazing I just had an idea." Stolas quickly texts Loona "Hey, can you do me a favor and get the DJ to play this song by any means possible? It would be greatly appreciated."

Loona sees that Stolas has texted and quickly sent a "You got it" back to him. Loona hurries over to the DJ and asks very promptly "Dude, play this song it's by Prince Stolas' request or I'll need to take over the DJ panel and do it myself. So do you got it?" The guy looked almost scared at Loona's comment and quickly looked at the song and started to slowly start up.

The song Merry-Go-Around By: Joe Hisaishi started to play and Stolas' face lit up with excitement. He quickly grabbed Blitz's hand and dragged him to the floor.

"What is this borning music playing? It's so slow." Blitz says looking up towards Stolas. Stolas smiled down at Blitz and asked him "Do you know how to Salsa my love?"

Blitz eyes meet Stolas' with confusion as he feels butterflies in his stomach. As soon as he thinks he knows what Stolas said he replies. "Bitch, I dont cook, I buy that shit from the store."

Stolas trying to hold in a laugh quickly states, "Blitzy no not the food. The dance where you dance together with someone doing the salsa."

"Oh... No. Why the fuck would I know how to do that" Blitz claims. Stolas quickly grabs Blitz's hands and starts to slowly guide him into the dance.

"Just follow my feet when I step back you do as well okay? Just follow my movements and we will go slow." Stolas quickly steps back and Blitz soon follows. Each step that Stolas took, he took it with ease it looked almost as simple as breathing to him, but Blitz on the other hand was staring down at his and Stolas' feet trying to watch every movement he had made.

Blitz accidently stepped on Stolas' feet each time he did a different movement that was unfamiliar from the last. Each time Blitz stepped on Stolas he quickly looked up to make sure Stolas wasn't mad and each time he did Stolas was staring down at Blitz with a pleasant smile on his face, just enjoying Blitz trying for him.

Stolas kept guiding Blitz at every second and would tell him where to move his feet exactly. He would bring his arm more down on Blitz's back to help steady him so he didn't fall. Stolas, worried about this due to the fact that Blitz doesn't dance much. That is obvious, but Stolas didn't mind that he just liked having Blitz in his company; letting him enjoy the dancing that they were doing.

Stolas just looked amazed at how well Blitz was doing, he wasn't the best dancer that's for sure.

When the music was almost over Fizz had seen both Blitz and Stolas dancing and had the idea to bring them into the spotlight.

Fizz quickly shined the main light onto them, Stolas did not mind but Blitz on the other hand hated it. Once the light hit him he froze up and stopped now well aware of the eyes and spotlight that's now upon him.

He quickly drops Stolas' hands and looks away embarrassed. Blitz hurriedly walked out the front door away from all the people, overwhelmed by all the looks and "awws" that he had received.

He was not used to it and he could also hear the comments people were making. 'Is that the prince with an imp?' 'That's just weird. Why is his highness hanging out with that?' There were countless ruthless comments made about them that suddenly got to Blitz. He quickly hurried to the bench outside of Ozzies and slumped down.

Blitz getting caught in his thoughts has a flashback to when he was a kid. Still in the circus with Fizz and his father. The stage was set for him and Fizz to do what they knew how.


The entertainment business wasn't the nicest for him. Fizz was always much better at that aspect which is why it was easy for him to make a living off of it. But for Blitz he was always a second to Fizz in the eyes of everyone and even his father. But not to Stolas. The one time Stolas ever went to the curious Blitz was his favorite part. Stolas liked him so much his own father bought Blitz for a day to hangout with Stolas as a birthday present.

Blitz and Stolas got along amazingly well for living such vastly different lives. One a prince the other basically a clown. But both knew things the other didn't.

Blitz a spontaneous young boy who had dreams far above the expectations set for him. And Stolas, a young prince who had this plan set out for him since day one. Stolas lived in the lines of the book he carried with him everywhere. Blitz not letting the rules define who he was, how he acted, or what he did.

Both learned from their brief yet meaningful interactions. Stolas, to live a little and have a bit of fun. While Blitz learned that not everyone is an equal.

As Blitz comes back to reality he realizes that Stolas is sitting next to him. Stolas breaks the now obvious silence and says, "Hey, what's wrong Blitzy? I thought you were having fun? If it's what all those people were saying, ignore those bastards. They are just jealous of you. You were doing amazingly well dancing. I was really impressed and you looked like you were having fun." Stolas kindly told Blitz as he pulled him into his side holding onto Blitz to comfort him.

Blitz quietly sniffles and says, "Yeah.. They kept saying stuff and I really was enjoying it. I had fun. I'm just still trying to understand this all and what if your reputation gets ruined because of me?"

Stolas looks into Blitz eyes saying "Blitzy... I don't care about my reputation, I care about you. All those people are just ignorant, don't let them get to you. I'd rather be a nobody and be with you than be unhappy in a whole castle without you."

Blitz looks into Stolas' eyes trying to see if he can find out if he's lying or not but by the looks of it Blitz knows Stolas is being truthful.

It's a lot to take in for Blitz and Stolas as well because this is both something they wanted but have not gotten used to yet.

Stolas slowly stands up and extends his hand to Blitz "Let's go home?"  Stolas asks, with a smile on his face.

Blitz grabbed Stolas' hand and got up as Stolas opened a portal back to Blitz's apartment. In the back of Blitz's mind, doubts that this relationship won't last much like all of the previous ones still lingered.

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