chapter 43

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Tyler is new and just graduated from collage and just find out they no longer hiring scarier and saw sully and boo together and said'' HEY SULLY UM'' and sully said'' oh hey Tyler this is boo rose dark my strategic assistant'' and boo said'' hello you must be Tyler Turkmen that you graduated from collage that nice did you know me mike and sully went there'' and tyler is shocked said'' WOAH REALLY'' boo said'' ya really it was way before it was laughter'' and tyler said' 'you mean screaming'' and boo said'' yes tyler that is what i meant'' and tyler said'' wow'' and sully said'' now everything changed since i know a truth about my old boss and its a long story'' and boo said'' sully you never told me about the'' and sully said'' ill tell you later'' and tyler said'' ok so im going to be going now'' and boo said'' tyler hold on wanna show me the MIFT'' and tyler said'' sure'' and so then we did and as we enter the room everyone was shocked and boo said'' um this is arkward so hello everyone in the MIFT im your boss the strategic assistant to make sure everyone is ok at monsters inc and person who is the ceo is sully'' and tyler said'' ya mr sullivan is in charge i seen it'' and so then fritz said'' welcome to the mift'' and tyler said'' um miss dark its called monsters inc Facilities Team and watch out for duncan over he tends to be in charge and boss people around '' and boo said'' oh i see thank you tyler'' and duncan said'' so you are miss dark'' and boo said'' actully its boo rose dark but you call me miss dark if you want'' and duncan said'' oh right my bad its so nice to meet you ya so since borrow you to mention couple of things in private'' and boo said'' sure'' and duncan fly smirking and boo notice something off about him and duncan said'' i get it a first impression everybody seems a little uh you know a little bit crazy right you know down here there's no daylight and the repetitive din of machinery is forever hammering into your brain but look[open the door]the mift team you know they mean well '' and boo comes in and said' ah ha sure'' and duncan said'' you know what we do'' and boo said'' i guess'' and so then duncan said'' wow alright then we see eye to eye'' and boo said'' wow that nice someone finally sees it and what is your name'' and duncan said'' oh hey sorry the name duncan'' and boo said'' hi duncan'' and duncan said'' the people around refer to me as [went in serious as press the button to close the door] DEPUTY SUPERVISOR YOU KNOW WHY BECAUSE WHEN FRITZ RETIRES OR DIES I'M TAKING IT JOB SO YOU CAN FORGET ABOUT YOUR LITTLE PLANS[flying to her]WALTZING IN HERE AND TAKING WHAT'S RIGHTFULLY MINE YOU UNDERSTAND[point at her as a threat]'' and boo frown said'' you got to be kidding me'' and duncan said''IM ON YOUR SCHEME'' amd boo said'' duncan what are you talking about'' and duncan said'' OH SO THAT HOW YOU WANT TO PLAY THE GAME IS IT'' and boo said'' what is that post to mean'' and duncan fly to the stairs and said'' OF YOU BECOMING KING A LITTLE BITTY PAWN ITS GOING TO GET KNOCKED OFF THE BALL[pinging]'' and boo sighed said'' DUNCAN[why he is being a jerk]'' and duncan said'' IM ON TO YOU[point to her and fly to the underneath the stairs] I'M ON TO YOU'' and boo begin to make the stare said'' ok duncan that enough[put him to the wall] IM YOUR BOSS NOW'' amd duncan felt the power said'' UGH HEY WHAT GIVES'' and boo said'' YOU LISTEN HERE DUNCAN YOUR LITTLE THREATS THINK CAN SCARE ME BECAUSE RIGHT NOW YOU NOTHING BEING A JERK SO FIRST OF I AM QUEEN NOT KING AND SECOND DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM'' and duncan said'' A QUEEN'' and boo said'' YA THAT RIGHT IM A GIRL NOT A BOY AND YOU THINK ITS FUNNY TO CALL TYLER A COLLAGE BOY HMMM'' and fungus said'' WHAT ITS JUST AN EXPRESSION'' and boo said'' oh really tyler here was getting a little bit annoying about it so you are not going to boss me around its me sully and mike are in charge do you understand'' and duncan is shocked said'' OK OK IM SORRY I DIDN'T KNOW MR SULLIVAN AND MR WAZOWSKI ARE IN CHARGE'' and boo said'' WELL THEN NOW YOU KNOW SO DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT TORMENTING TYLER HE IS NEW SO SHOW SOME RESPECT AROUND HERE SO IM ON TO YOU FOR NOW ON '' and duncan is shocked said'' UM'' and outside of the room is when tyler was shocked said'' woah did miss dark scared duncan'' and val said'' ya i believe so'' and boo said'' SO NOW DUNCAN OR YOU WILL BE FIRED OR BANISHED IF YOU BETTER WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE VS ME OR I WILL TELL SULLY AND MIKE IS THAT UNDERSTAND MR DUNCAN P ANDERSON ALSO ONE MORE THING DONT LIE TELL THE TRUTH '' and duncan was shocked and have nothing to say and scared of boo's evil stare and boo let him go and got out of the door and mift was shocked so then fritz said'' wow'' and boo touch tyler said'' tyler if duncan does anything funny let me sully and mike know'' and tyler said'' ya i will'' and boo left the mift and told her friends about it and sully said'' ya lets keep close eye on him boo'' and mike said'' ya thanks for telling us'' and boo said'' of course its what i do'' and so then as they take of the fixes and when duncan looks at tyler said'' im on to you...[when look at boo as notice the stare]EEEK'' and tyler said'' wow um miss dark i know you are in second in charge but how did you get so good scaring duncan'' and boo said'' well tyler its easy duncan here needs to learn to respect others not getting away with crazy lies you know'' and tyler said'' ya you are right about that i mean you got duncan scared really good'' and boo said'' its what i do when i give them the stare they know im not kidding'' and tyler said'' that makes sense and thanks for defending me from duncan he does tend to be a jerk sometimes and it was annoying he call me collage boy'' and boo said'' see tyler i got your back'' and tyler said'' maybe i should be more smarter'' and boo said'' ya'' sully said'' let all 3 of us know if anything bother you we are always around'' and tyler said'' ya i will'' and so then we got to work and duncan learn his lesson not to mess with boo when she does the stare and maybe a bit scared

boo first love [human world/monster world-monster university,monster incWhere stories live. Discover now