chapter 20

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dad call the school called monster high and head mistress bloodgood answer said'' HELLO THIS IS HEADMISTRESS BLOODGOOD HOW MAY I HELP YOU'' and dad said'' i want my daughter to transfer into your school'' and bloodgood said'' OH I SEE YES SHE CAN COME IN TOMORROW'' aand dad said'' THANK YOU HEAD MISTRESS BLOODGOOD ALSO CAN YOU HER COUSIN DRACULAURA AS WELL '' and bloodgood said'' OH COURSE MR DARK SEE YOU LATER'' and dad said'' bye'' and so then dad close the call and told her wife about it and mom agree said'' yes lets talk to our daughter'' and dad said'' ok[call her] BOO CAN YOU COME HOME FOR A SECOND'' and boo said'' COMING DAD[enter the room] yes mom and dad'' and mom said'' we wanna talk to you about something'' and dad said'' ya'' and boo said'' ok what is it we all know that lauren is gone for good'' and dad said'' that is true mom took care of lauren's mother and i took care of her father'' and boo said'' true' 'and mom said'' the reason you are here sweetie is you are going to school called monster high'' and boo is surprsied said''MONSTER HIGH THAT IS SO FAR WHAT ABOUT MY FRIEND BETHANY AND MY BOYFRIEND SHADOW'' and dad said'' we are sorry sweetie we think you belong there'' and boo said'' MOM DAD IM FINE HERE WHERE I AM AND I KNOW I WAS EXPELLED BECAUSE OF LAUREN BUT WHY MONSTER HIGH'' and mom said'' well sweetie your cousin goes there'' and boo said'' REALLY I HAVE A COUSIN THERE NAMED WHO'' and dad said'' draculaura remember she always come in family reunions'' and boo said'' oh right i forgot about that'' and mom said'' let us show you[use her magic] see'' and boo notice said''OMG YOU GUYS ARE RIGHT'' and boo said'' i think you guys right i should go but i have to tell my friends about it'' and mom said'' go for it sweetie'' and boo said'' thanks mom and dad[went off] GUYS'' and shadow &bethany were hanging out and said'' HEY BOO'' and shadow said'' WHAT IS GOING ON BABE'' and bethany said'' what is the rush'' and boo said'' well guys im going to the new school called monster high tomorrow'' and shadow said''MONSTER HIGH IS THAT A SCHOOL FULL OF MONSTERS'' and boo said'' ya you guys know who i am'' and bethany said'' ya true but lauren's friends are also expelled and got worse consequences too[show it] see'' amd boo notice said''OMG THEY GONNA HAVE A LONG TIME'' and shadow said'' ya but will i see you again'' and boo said'' ya you will its just i have to learn new things and we will hang out again'' and bethany said'' ya we will'' and boo said'' so what should we be though'' and shadow said'' hmmm since we all emo how about EMO MONSTERS GANG'' and bethany said'' that not bad'' and boo said'' you know what that sounds good'' and so then we high five said'' EMO MONSTERS GANG FOREVER'' and shadow said'' good luck for your new school'' and boo said'' ya i will shadow keep close eye on her'' and shadow said'' i will babe'' and bethany said'' ya we will hang out soon'' and boo went off shopping for new school for monster high still hiding her face as usual under the hood and hears other people said'' OMG DID YOU HEAR LAUREN GOT EXPELLED AND HER FRIENDS TOO FOR BULLYING THE NEW ONE AND BETHANY'' and boo said'' pfff i can hear ever since word of my super hearing but im expelled with her....ugh humans'' and boo went off doing her own thing and so then bloodgood said'' DRACULAURA PLEASE COME TO MY OFFICE RIGHT AWAY'' and frankie said'' oh no what is going on'' and draculaura said'' i dont know what is going on so i better find out'' and so then clawdeen said'' good luck'' and so then draculaura went to her office said'' yes bloodgood'' and bloodgood said'' ah draculaura have good news for you'' and draculaura said'' yes bloodgood'' and bloodgood said'' your cousin is coming to monster high tomorrow'' and draculaura said'' WOAH REALLY YAY'' and bloodgood said'' yes it is you are good to go'' and draculaura said'' awesome'' and so then then next day draculaura waited for her cousin to come 

boo first love [human world/monster world-monster university,monster incWhere stories live. Discover now