chapter 44

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boo is happy to be friends with mike and sully  and we have to keep watch of duncan in the mift and so then boo was around and celia saw her said'' hey boo'' and boo said'' oh hey celia'' and celia said'' so i heard googly bear told me you two you were friends'' and boo said'' ya but i was curious does mike tend to be jerk sometimes or lies'' and celia said'' hmmm well sometimes and googly bear tends to forget things sometimes'' and boo said'' ha interesting'' and celia said'' so wanna hang out sometimes like girls night out'' and boo said'' you know what i do that in my own world all the time yes'' and celia said'' AWESOME WE WILL HAVE SO MUCH FUN WE GO SHOPPING, SLEEPOVER, TELL EACH OTHER SECRETS'' and boo said'' ya that is true celia we girls wanna have fun'' and celia said'' oh ya'' and so then boys show up and mike said'' hey girls'' and so then boo said'' hey boys'' and celia said'' hey'' and sully said'' so[nervous]'' and boo said'' so boys me and celia wanna do girls night sometime'' and mike said'' nice'' and sully said'' ya i guess we do guys night out'' and mike said'' we do this all the time but[look at celia] are we invited'' and celia said'' sorry boys just girls only'' and boo said'' mike said'' oh man'' and boo said'' sorry mike and sully''  next time celia we do the girls night out'' and celia said'' sounds good'' and boo smile and so then we all begin hanging out at lunch at cafeteria so then boo sighed and celia said'' boo is something wrong'' and boo said'' oh its nothing really but im glad we all friends'' and sully said'' ya boo is right we are friends'' and mike said'' so boo welcome to our group boo'' and boo said'' aww thanks guys'' and boo never feel so happy and having friends of her own in this world but sully feel his heart beat skip a beat said'' um excuse me[went the bathroom] am i in love with boo'' and sully notice his cheeks turn red and feel nervous and his heart skip a beat as he look in the mirror and notice its true ever since the beginning of monsters and now monsters university and feel total in love with her all over again and but nervous ask her out on a date for real and mike said'' sully been out there for a long time i should go check on him...excuse me ladies'' and boo said'' sure mike' 'and so then mike said'' sully are you ok in there'' and sully said'' oh hey mike'' and mike said'' sully what is going on'' and sully said'' you remember i told you my secret crush but i didnt tell you this but its um'' and mike said'' ya what is it'' and sully took a deep breath said'' its um boo'' and mike was shocked said'' WHAT YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON BOO THIS WHOLE TIME'' and sully said'' SHHH MIKE DONT SAY IT OUT LOUD THE GIRLS CAN HEAR YOU'' and mike said''' oh sorry why didn't you tell me sooner'' and sully said'' well you know we were not friends before but now please dont say it to anyone'' and mike notice sully is blushing red said'' woah sully that kind of huge'' and sully said'' ya i did saw her face for the first time when we bump into each other  and when see two sides of her at monsters high and but i did notice she kind of my type so'' and mike said'' woah sully oh you wanna ask boo out on a date ha'' and sully said'' ya'' and mike said'' hmmm maybe try impress her'' and sully said'' i dont know i been like this since you know'' mike said'' hmmm look like you need a new look'' and sully said'' um ok'' and as we guys come out and boo said'' are you boys ok'' and mike said'' oh ya we are fine just need something to do so lets hang out more later'' and sully said'' ya um bye'' and mike grab his hand said'' lets go'' and so then boo saw the boys running away and said'' hmm that was werid'' and celia said'' ya that was werid'' and so then sully went to the salon with mike and salon said'' oh mr sullivan what would i help you today'' and sully said'' oh um i was just wanna get nice little new look for someone special'' and salon said'' of course mr sullivan'' and mike said'' you will do great'' and so then sully got a little bit of a new look and salon said'' well mr sullivan'' and sully notice said'' woah i look great thanks'' and salon said'' your welcome come back anytime'' and sully feel like a new man  

boo first love [human world/monster world-monster university,monster incWhere stories live. Discover now