chapter 13

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there is no school and bethany was walking her little brother and listen to music and boo saw her said'' HEY'' and bethany said'' oh hey'' and boo notice said''oh is that your baby brother'' and bethany said'' ya'' and boo said'' aww how cute'' and bethany said'' thanks'' and boo said'' hmmm someday when he gets older he will be a man'' and bethany said'' ya he will'' and then lauren show up and boo said'' OH NO'' and bethany said''WHAT IS IT'' and boo said'' ITS LAUREN YOU SHOULD GO NOW'' and bethany said'' WHAT'' and boo said'' just go ill handle her'' and bethany said'' BUT'' and boo said'' please just go'' and so then bethany didnt listen and lauren said'' YOU GIVE ME A HIYA'' and boo cross her arms said'' WHAT DO YOU WANT LAUREN'' and lauren said''OH IS IT THE FREAK'' and boo said''  excuse me and here comes the the annoying jerk'' and lauren said'' DO YOU HERE WHAT I JUST SAID[notice the baby]who's this '' and bethany said'' my little brother' and lauren said'' WHAT 15 YEARS LATER THERE THAT'LL PLAN...NOT[look at the baby]OH MY LIFE WHAT AN UGLY BABY''and boo is shocked but her inner self wanna to take over and said'' ENOUGH LAUREN YOU NOTHING BUT A STUPID LITTLE HUMAN AND YOU THINK YOU CAN GANGINGUP MY FRIEND LIKE THAT YOU GOT ANOTHER THING COMING'' and lauren saw her powers said'' EXCUSE ME'' and boo said'' YOU REALLY WANNA FIGHT ME LAUREN BRING IT ON BETHANY YOU BETTER STAND BACK FOR THIS ONE'' and bethany said'' ok'' and boo ran in said''GAAA[ran toward them]'' and lauren said'' WHAT THE YOU ARE SERIOUS'' and boo said'' LEARN YOUR PLACE'' and boo kick all three at the same time as they fly across the room and lauren said''AHH[she was kicked]'' and shelly said'' UGH[she was kicked]'' and girl said'' UMPH[she was kicked]'' and boo landed softly and saw her bag fell off and in the air and bethany said'' OMG'' and lauren saw her bag said'' NOOO MY BAG'' and as the bag landed and boo went over and destroy everything in it lauren said'' NOOOOO'' and boo finally have enough of lauren pathetic excuses and said'' NEXT TIME LAUREN DON;T GO RUNNING YOUR BIG MOUTH AND TRY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE BECAUSE YOU NOTHING BUT A ENEMY FOR NOW ON OF HOW TOTAL DISRESPECTFUL YOU ARE TO MY FRIEND MAKING HER LIFE IN HELL AND YOU WILL GET NOTHING OUT OF ME SO GET LOST YOU USELESS MONSTERS AND STAY OUT OF OUR WAY'' and girls got hurt and trying to get up and lauren said'' YOU LITTLE'' and boo said'' SHUT UP LAUREN I DONT EVER WANNA HEAR THE LIGHTS OUT OF YOU AND YOUR PATHETIC FRIENDS THERE YOU WILL BE LEARN THE CONSQUENCES OF YOUR ACTIONS SO I DON'T EVER WANNA SEE YOU NEAR BETHANY EVER AGAIN AND YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE ANNOYING UMPH[walk toward bethany] lets go bethany'' and bethany said'' ok'' and so then lauren got up and walk to her bag said'' UGH GREAT MY BAG IS RUINED[remember the cold words that boo said] SHE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT'' and shelly said'' um i think we took this way to far'' and lauren said'' NO THIS IS NOT OVER''

boo first love [human world/monster world-monster university,monster incWhere stories live. Discover now