chapter 48

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sully&boo are happy dating and everyone in monsterpolis known and sully begin hanging out with his girl and said'' hey boo can i ask you something'' and boo said'' sure what is it kitty everyone already knows we are dating'' and sully said'' that is true but what im trying to say wanna meet my parents'' and boo said'' meet your parents i dont know kitty will they like me'' and sully said'' im sure they will'' and boo said'' you think so i mean i heard about your dad at collage and not sure heard about your mom kitty'' and sully said'' ya that true'' boo said'' ya'' and sully said'' so boo i know you are nervous to meet them i haven't meet yours too'' and boo said'' ya that true'' and sully said'' ya'' and boo said'' ya lets do it next week'' sully said'' sounds good'' and boo smile and sully left and fungus said'' hey boo'' and boo said'' oh hello fungus what do you need'' and fungus said'' i was wondering if you can check arrengements for the files of the laugh floor in roz office to make sure we got the right onces'' and boo said'' sure thing fungus you can count on me'' and fungus said'' awesome thanks miss dark'' and boo smile said'' anytime'' and so then fungus left and boo sighed said'' time to get to work[enter the office and arrenge them with her magic until notice something about herself and shocked]WHAT THE....[pick it up] A FILE ABOUT ME THIS CAN'T BE[look inside the paperwork] THEY ALL UNKNOWN I NEED TO HIDE THIS'' and so then boo did as put the folder in the cloak and roz said'' WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE'' and boo sighed said'' UGH ROZ HOW MANY TIMES I TOLD YOU NOT SNEAK UP LIKE THAT GEEZE IM JUST ARRENGING THINGS ITS WHAT I DO'' and roz said'' ok fine you know what i mean'' and boo was about to walk away and said'' YA YA I KNOW ROZ ALWAYS WATCHING'' and roz smirk said'' she good'' and so then boo left and went back to the office and hide the file in the drawer and sighed of relief said''PHEW THAT WAS CLOSE BUT SHOULD I TELL KITTY ABOUT THIS UGH I DONT WANT MIKE TO FIND OUT'' and so then boo did her normal duties and after a week later sully drove with boo at his car and said'' so boo ready to meet my parents'' and boo said'' ya i believe so'' and sully notice something is off and said'' boo are you ok'' and boo was nervous said'' well um....there is something i need to tell you'' and sully said'' ok'' and boo said'' well its about this'' and we finally show up and sully said'' oh we finally made and what were about to tell me'' and boo said'' actually ill tell you later lets go meet your parents'' and sully smile said''ok'' and so then we got there and boo took a deep breath and said'' here it goes'' and sully said'' nervous babe'' and boo said'' ya'' and sully said'' just be yourself babe and you will be fine'' and so then boo said'' ok lets do this'' and so then we enter sullivan's home as sully rings the door bell and mrs sullivan said''WHO IS THERE'' and sully said''MOM ITS ME I HAVE SOMEONE YOU WANNA MEET'' and mrs sullivan open the door is shocked said'' omg'' and boo smile and sully said'' hey mom'' and mrs sullivan said'' WOW SON YOU GROW AND YOU BROUGHT UM'' and sully said'' actully mom this is boo rose dark my girlfriend'' and boo said'' hello mrs sullivan its nice to meet you'' and mrs sullivan said'' oh i better get your father[call him]HONEY COME DOWN OUR SON BROUGHT HIS GIRLFRIEND YOU WANNA MEET'' AND bill said'' REALLY I GONNA SEE[come down] woah'' and boo was shocked to see him in person and said'' you must me bill sullivan'' and bill said'' you heard about me ha'' and boo said'' ya a bit since kitty mentend in collage but i can't believe its true'' and sully said'' ya it is true'' and bill said'' oh well then come on in'' and so then we did and mrs sullivan said'' so boo tell us about yourself'' and boo said'' oh well you see im a monster like you but im a vampire'' and mr and mrs sullivan were shocked so then sully said'' its ok mom and dad she didn't bite me'' and boo said'' if i get out of control then i will'' and sully said'' oh'' and mrs sullivan said'' so you are a vampire but do you drink human blood'' and boo said'' yes i do just to keep my thirst of control'' and bill said'' where do you raise'' and boo said'' sorry mr sullivan no'' and bill said''no that means you were raised in the human world'' and boo said'' yes its all true'' and mrs sullivan said'' WOAH'' and boo said'' but hey my parents are monsters too that we keep in the shadows to stay away for our secret identity'' and mrs sullivan said'' oh that makes sense so since you guys call this way why we have something to eat how about meat'' and boo was shocked sais'' um mrs sullivan i dont eat meat'' and mrs sullivan said'' oh how about i cut up vegateribles and fruit instead'' and boo said'' that would be great'' and mrs sullivan went to the kitchen and sully said'' see i told you they like you'' and boo said'' ya they are nice'' mrs sullivan is back with snacks and boo eats some and sully too so then sully said'' mmm these are good mom babe I didn't know you are vegetarian'' and boo said'' oh it's true '' and mrs sullivan said'' anything for my son and his new um girlfriend'' and sully said'' babe show them the thing'' and boo said'' what thing....oh[put her hood down]'' they were shocked and boo smile as put the hood back on and bill said'' woah you are telling the truth'' and mrs sullivan said'' wow me too honey she is a girl this whole time'' and boo said'' i told ya[ kiss sully cheek]'' and sully smile and we contiune talking and told each other everything and bill said'' WOAH I CAN'T BELIEVE MR WATERNOOSE WAS THE ONE WHO BEHIND THIS GOOD JOB MY SON'' and sully said'' thanks dad we are both CEOs anyway'' and bill said'' that awesome son i hope you get grand kids soon'' and boo was shocked said'' um mr sullivan that a little to soon'' and sully said'' ya'' and bill said'' i know im just kidding'' and boo took a breath of relief said'' its getting we should back home kitty'' and sully said'' ya you are right we work in the morning'' and boo and sully stood up and boo said'' it was really nice to meet you'' and bill said'' bye have fun'' and mrs sullivan said'' bye'' and so then boo&sully left the house and went to his car and drove off and sully smile as touch her knee and boo smile of having a best boyfriend ever

boo first love [human world/monster world-monster university,monster incWhere stories live. Discover now