chapter 46

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boo and sully begin to feel the love tonight and boo notice she didn't eat anything and so then sully said'' boo are you hungry'' and boo said'' ya'' and sully said'' well boo i brought us lunch'' and boo was shocked said'' OH SULLY BUT IS IT VEGATERIAN'' and sully said'' ya'' and boo said'' oh sully you know what I like lets eat'' and sully said'' ya I do let's eat' and so then we did and boo said'' mmmm this is good'' and sully said'' ya me too it is good'' and so then boo said'' so sully since this is our first date so what do you wanna know'' and sully said'' oh well i wanna know what happened between you and johnny'' and boo was shocked said'' well sully the truth is johnny is my ex but also a complete jerk to you guys and ooze kappa'' and sully said'' really what happened i'm listening'' and so then boo sighed said'' the truth is i dont know what i did wrong i keep trying to find love but all they ever do is cheated from me but i always keep having bad luck to my friends bethany and shadow i just feel so...hurt but i hated lauren and she an enemy if you may known'' and sully was shocked and hug her and said'' that crazy how do you feel so dislike you, you always try to help everyone if you have a generous got you friends here that i like and i....i like you very much and i think you most beautiful monster who ever lived[put her hood down]'' and boo smile said'' but sully when you say you like me ever since the beginning which it feels like'' and sully said'' oh well boo i [nervous] do you want to know the truth'' and boo said'' yes'' and sully took her hand said'' okay so the truth is i love you boo ever since monster high and monster university when i first laid my eyes on you and of course i thought it was a silly crush but then i started to know you better and that crush might think of us come to last level you must love[notice boo was shocked and speechless ,sighed] im sorry boo because i made things wearing our friendship[about to leave]maybe i should just go'' and boo was shocked and stopped him as grab his hand said'' oh sully you didn't make things werid are you say was very sweet nobody had ever told me something like that i can see that your feelings are true now what im trying to say is....i love you sully'' and sully was shocked and bring her to his lap and smirk for love and said'' will you be my girlfriend'' and boo smirk of love and put arms around his neck and said'' yes kitty yes'' and we kissed for real and sully said'' mmmm'' and boo said'' mmm'' and so then boo want him down with her and so then they did and sully was at the bottom as we stay there for a while and we let go for a kiss and sully said'' um this is arkward and that was um''  and boo said'' ya[quickly got off of him and sat down by the side] nice'' and sully said''ya um im sorry boo'' and boo said'' WHAT WHATEVER DO YOU MEAN[seem confused]'' and sully said'' but what we just did not even sure it could work we're so different not just for same age but we're different monsters in different worlds as well you understand if you don't want to talk to me again'' and boo smirk and touch his hand said'' oh kitty i didn't say i love you for nothing you may not be a statilion or being too different but you have feelings with s lovely personality you mean a lot to me not just from the outside but the inside it counts so i dont want you to go[notice sully was speechless and love by her words]that why i choose you as my boyfriend'' and sully smile and smirk said'' OH BOO COME HERE'' and we kissed again and we both moaned as we let go and cuddle each other close and boo smile and said'' kitty'' and sully said'' ya babe'' and boo said'' promise me that you'll always be in my life and never stop being a sweet as little monster you are'' and sully said'' a promise'' and boo said'' well then lets have a little fun'' and boo smirk and went on top of him and said'' ok then kitty tell me are you ticklish'' and sully said'' me um no'' and boo smirk and said'' ok then lets find out[tickle his armpits]'' and sully said''PFF'' and boo said' 'COME ON KITTY[went faster]'' and sully can't take it anymore and said'' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA'' and boo said'' pff figures'' and sully said'' HAHAHAHAHAHA COME HERE YOU[brings her in and flip her as tickle her]'' Aand boo said'' AHHH HAHAHAHAHAHA KITTY'' and sully continues tickle her and boo laughing hard so then sully stopped to let her breath and boo smirk and tackle him and said'' HAHAHAHA GOTCHA'' and sully said''UMPH'' and boo said'' REVENGE[tickle back but everywhere]'' and sully said'' HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH BOO'' and boo got off and ran away and said'' CATCH ME IF YOU CAN SOFTY'' and sully chuckles and said'' softy ill show you who is soft[smirk] READY OR NOT HERE I COME'' and boo was hiding and giggling so then sully got an idea as smirk and so then boo look around and to see sully is around and sully sneak up and tackle her and boo said'' HA...AHH[felt the tackle]'' and sully said'' HAHAHAHAHAHA'' and boo said'' HAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH SULLY YOU BIG LUG'' and boo kiss his cheek and feel the love and sully notice and looks at her and boo smirk and sully notice as smirk back as we lean in and feel our noses touches in the flesh and boo use her magic to made a heart with our names inside and sully notice and said'' oh boo this is perfect'' and boo said'' ya me too kitty'' and sully said'' ya come on lets go home babe'' and boo giggled said'' ya it is getting late'' and so then we walk home hand in hand as we last kiss goodbye and go on our separate ways and we will keep it as a secret from our friends

boo first love [human world/monster world-monster university,monster incWhere stories live. Discover now