chapter 12

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sarah was surprised that boo's mother can do a stare on lauren's mother  and so then shadow was just hanging out and saw boo said'' hey'' and boo said'' oh hey'' and bethany said'' who is this'' and boo said'' im not sure'' and shadow said'' oh sorry im shadow hunter so nice to meet you both'' and boo said'' ok im boo rose dark and this is my friend bethany platt'' and shadow said'' oh so boo you are a girl'' and boo said'' ya and why you are asking'' and shadow said'' im just curious so um did you saw the video i posted online'' and boo said'' let me see[takes a look and show it to bethany'' wow'' and bethany said'' YES THAT EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED'' and shadow said'' ya i put it every single word in there and boo that was amazing when you stood up to her'' and boo said'' hey its what i do besides i dont like her anyway'' and shadow said'' ya i got her caught online'' and boo said'' yes but we need more evidence vs her and her stupid minions'' and shadow said'' ya true'' and bethany said'' um yes we do need more evidence for the police as well'' shadow said'' ya im also a hacker and police reporter'' and we girls are shocked said'' really[at the same time]'' and shadow said'' ya its true my dad is a detective and mom is a police chief so ya'' and mom said'' wow lucky'' and bethany said'' ya very lucky'' and boo said'' did you guys saw the prank i did on lauren'' and shadow said'' i did that was funny'' and bethany takes a look and giggled said'' that is funny'' and boo said'' see everything of her as bird poop'' and so then until shadow said'' oh here she comes'' and lauren said'' WHAT IS SO FUNNY'' and shelly said'' um lauren you better see this'' and lauren said'' LET ME SEE THAT[notice]WHAT THE HELL'' and boo smile and stood up said''LOOK EVERYONE THERE IS A BIRD POOP PEOPLE OVER THERE'' and lauren said'' WHAT'' and everyone laughed at them and lauren growled said'' YOU...YOU DID THIS'' and boo said'' what does look like to you'' and shadow protects bethany and lauren said'' THIS IS NOT OVER YOU FREAK''and boo said'' actully lauren this is just the beginning of how most annoying bully you really are and you know what i dont like you at all period'' and shadow said'' ya you are viral online everyone gonna know who you are'' and boo said'' yes  why you and your stupid minions leave or else it will be more'' and boo made her the stare'' and lauren said''UGH FINE WHATEVER ITS NOT OVER YET'' and boo said'' just go lauren'' and lauren said'' FINE[walk away] YOU WONT GET AWAY WITH THIS'' and so then boo ignores her words and they walked away and until later lauren notice bethany comes out and grab her head phone said'' WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TOO'' and boo was walking said'' OH NO'' and lauren is trying to get her phone and bethany said'' UM NO' 'and lauren said'' did you write look likes the harry styles online no hot in the curtain on your head and bazaine you marry u annu '' and bethany said'' LEAVE ME ALONE LAUREN'' and boo growled and ran in fast said'' IS THERE A PROBLEM BETHANY''and bethany said'' yes she wont leave me alone and my headphones back'' and boo said'' lauren give it back'' and lauren said'' oh i wanted right in my  face'' and shelly said''  your fieces gives us hustle'' and boo growled and punch her right in the face said'' how that for hustle'' and shelly said'' AHHH MY NOSE'' and lauren is shocked said'' THAT NOT VERY NICE FREAK''and boo said'' YOU ALL NEED TO LEAVE AND GIVE BACK THOSE HEAD PHONES RIGHT NOW AND GET LOST OR YOU WILL BE NEXT''and bethany said'' YA YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE'' lauren said'' oh im so scared'' and boo said'' OH YOU WANNA GO FOR ROUND 2 AND GET LOST'' and they took it her phone and boo sighed and  use her magic and freeze them and lauren notice said'' WHAT THE'' and boo walk over and grab her phone and head phones from lauren's hands and said'' thank you lauren ill take those and also by the way this is fun and maybe you should lean to keep your mouth shut for now on[walk away toward bethany] here you go bethany'' and bethany grabs them said'' thanks'' and boo said'' hey they are trouble makers anyway lets go bethany'' and bethany said'' ok'' and boo snap her fingers and got them unfreezed and shelly said'' AHHH SHE BROKE MY NOSE'' and lauren said'' ah i can't believe she did that stuff on us and she wont get away with this'' and boo doesn't care about lauren she cares about bethany her friend   

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