chapter 23

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boo is happy being single again and until valentine show up and said'' oh great another boy'' and valentine said'' hey there have you seen draculaura'' and boo said'' um no she is my cousin and wait you must be valentine's one of my cousin's exs'' and valentine said'' how did you know'' and boo said'' she told me everything'' and valemtine said'' oh i see im here for draculaura's heart'' and boo said'' WHAT'' and valentine said'' oh i mean  hang out with her'' and boo said'' um she has a boyfriend valentine'' and valemtine said'' WHAT'' and boo said'' ya his name is clawd and she moved on and i think you should do the same'' and valentine said'' WHAT HOLD ON[stopped her] HOW CAN I MOVE ON WHEN WE WERE CLOSE IN THE PAST'' and boo said'' ugh valentine i know you have the same powers as i have but i dont think its a good idea clawd gonna pound you'' and valentine said'' WHAT, im most popular guy in school'' and boo said'' UGH VALENTINE YOU LISTEN TO ME[put him to the wall] I DONT CARE ABOUT POPULAITY RIGHT NOW JUST WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T HYPOTIZE HER SO THAT MEANS YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO ME UNDERSTAND'' and valentine said'' WOAH YOU ARE STRONG, BUT OK'' and so then boo said'' I AM SERIOUS VALENTINE'' and valentine said''OK OK'' and boo said'' GOOD[let him go] im watching you'' and valentine notice she is scary when she is angry and so then later valentine and draculaura were happy to see each other again and begin hanging out when valentine have to make a choice between her real boyfriend clawd or her ex boyfriend valentine but she knows the answer and boo was walking down the hall way and so then draculaura said''OH VAL THAT IS SO SWEET'' and boo notice said'' hmmm what is going on'' and so then valentine said'' YOU KNOW ME DARLING MY HEART IS IN YOUR HANDS'' draculaura said'' i REALLY ENJOY THIS ALL THE GIFTS AND ATTENTION AND EVERYTHING BUT ITS NOT REAL'' and valentine is confused said''WHAT'' and draculuara said'' I GOT SOMETHING REAL WITH CLAWD'' and valentine can't take it anymore and said'' I DONT WANNA RESALT TO THIS BUT IM GONNA HAVE YOUR HEART DARLING ONE WAY OR THE NEXT[about to hypotize her]'' and boo went in and block it with her magic] VALENTINE NO'' and draculaura notice said'' BOO''and valentine said'' WHAT THE'' and boo said'' HE IS TRYING TO TAKE YOUR HEART DRACULAURA HE IS YOUR EX AFTER ALL'' and valentine still trying and said'' GET THEM'' and boo said'' THE ONE WAY I CAN SAVE YOU IS PULL MY CLOAK'' and draculaura said'' YOUR CLOAK'' and boo said'' JUST DO IT'' and draculaura said'' ok[pull her cloak'' and it finally came off and boo look at valentine said'' YOUR IN BIG TROUBLE NOW'' and valentine said'' WHAT'' and so then boo finally transform into a inner vampire and so then valentine said'' UM'' and boo said'' SO YOU ARE VALENTINE MY COUSIN EX BOYFRIEND'' and valentine said'' EEK RED EYES SILVER HAIR MONSTER ENERGY A REAL VAMPIRE'' and everyone at monster high is shocked and sully said'' WOAH THAT IS HER TRUE FORM''  boo said'' SO YOU THE ONE WHO TRYING TO STEAL GIRLS HEARTS HA'' and valentine said'' um'' and boo said'' SO YOU WANNA DO MINE AS WELL''and valentine said'' I WAS ONLY TRYING TO'' and boo said'' YOU THINK ITS FUNNY MY COUSIN ALREADY HAVE A BOYFRIEND AND TOLD ME EVERYTHING'' and valentine said'' UM'' and boo said'' YOU THINK YOU CAN DO WHATEVER YOU WANT YOU IDIOT''and valentine said'' i was just'' and boo is mad said'' I THINK ITS TIME FOR[ran toward him] LEARN YOUR PLACE'' and valentine scream and he went up and boo said'' UMPH WHAT AN IDIOT HYPOTIZE ANY GIRL HE WANTS AND NEXT TIME VALENTINE GROW UP AND MOVE ON WILL YA'' and valentine felt the pain as he landed hard said''UMPH YES MAM ILL REMEMBER THAT'' and draculaura said'' here cousin'' and boo grab it and put it back on and sully said'' WOAH'' and so then mike doesn't care at all and so then we left the scene and boo begin hanging out with her humans/monsters friends sort of

boo first love [human world/monster world-monster university,monster incWhere stories live. Discover now