chapter 18

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boo&her parents, bethany with her mother and uncle.lauren with her mother and boo said'' this is it'' and shadow told her parents about it as well and they are not happy about it and so then bethany is nervous for this whole thing and shadow said'' bethany we got your back'' and boo said'' ya'' and bethany said'' thanks guys'' and mom said'' alright lets get this over with'' dad said'' yes'' and so then sarah said'' i want you to stay calm and think before you speak'' and we all went in and mr griffon said'' RIGHT THANK YOU ALL FOR COMING,BETHANY YOU MADE SERIOUS ALLEGATIONS ABOUT LAUREN HERE'' and bethany look at friends and they wink and do then sarah said'' so you dont have to be scared you tell mr griffin exactly what you told me'' and bethany took a deep breath said'' ITS BEEN HAPPENING FOR AGES IT'S JUST GETTING WORSE'' and sarah said'' LAUREN BEEN MAKING BETHANY'S LIFE HELL FOR MONTHS IT HAS TO STOP'' and boo fish pump with shadow and so then and uncle said''  I SAW IT ON MY OWN EYES AT THE GYM''and lauren said'' WHEN SHE DO THIS[show the bruised]'' bethany said''YOU STARTED IT THAT LITTERY THE FIRST TIME I EVER FIGHT BACK AND BOO SAW IT TOO'' amd boo said'' ya true and i saw the whole thing ' and bethany said'' thanks boo,AND AS I WAS SAYING I'VE LOADS OF BRUSIES FROM YOU BECAUSE YOU BEEN VIRAL TO ME ATTACKED ME OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND BOO WAS BEEN THERE HELPING ME  DEFENDING MYSELF AND I WAS SCARED TO LEAVE HOUSE AND SHADOW SAW IT TOO'' and lauren said'' we only twisted things bethany she the one doing the bullying sir and now she trying to blame it on me and i've never lay a finger on her'' and bethany said'' LIAR'' and boo have enough bang the table and  said'' YOU ARE A COMPLETE LIAR I SAW YOU CALL HER PLATTE FAT AND THE GYM AND AT SCHOOL I SAW YOU ABOUT TO PULL BETHANY HAIR SO I PUSH HER AWAY FOR HER SAFELY AND GET PULLED INSTEAD UNTIL YOU FIND OUT I WAS A GIRL BUT HONESTLY I TOLD BETHANY TO GO GET HELP AND THEN YOU PLAYED MY HAIR AND THINK YOU KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT ME BECAUSE I FIND OUT YOU ARE A COMPLETE ANNOYING AND I DONT TELL YOU ANYTHING  AND IT WAS ALL COMPLETE LIE'' and lauren is shocked said'' HOW DARE YOU'' and boo said'' YA THAT WHAT I THOUGHT'' and sarah said'' WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT'' and bethany said'' SHE JUST MAKING IT ALL UP'' and lauren's mom said'' SO YOU SAY'' and lauren said'' I'VE BEEN TOO SCARED TO TELL ANYONE WELL SHE THREATENS ME ALL THE TIME WELL THAT WHY SHE MADE ALL THIS STUFF UP TO COME FOR A TRAP'' and bethany said'' YOU LYING COW'' and boo said'' LIAR WHEN ME AND BETHANY WERE TALKING AND HANGING OUT AS USUAL AND WHEN UNTIL SHE SHOW UP TRYING TO BE ALL NICEY NICE AND TRYING TO BE FRIENDS OR WHATEVER  BUT I KNOW ITS ALL A COMPLETE LIE AND I  WARNED BETHANY NOT TO GO WITH HER AND I TOLD LAUREN TO LEAVE BECAUSE I KNOW YOUR FRIENDS ARE OUTSIDE TRYING TO GET BETHANY FEEL BULLIED AGAIN YOU IDIOT'' and lauren said'' AH HOW DID YOU'' and boo said'' I KNOW STUFF MORE THEN YOU DO AND I CAN HEAR AND EVERYTHING'' and griffon said'' BETHANY'' and mom saids''MR GRIFFON DONT BLAME ON BETHANY WE ARE TRYING TO PROOF THE POINT'' and griffon said'' sorry mrs dark'' and lauren's mom said'' I SEEN PROGRAMS ABOUT STUFF LIKE THIS ALL'S CAN BE DEAD CLEVER IT CAN TWIST EM'' and sarah said'' PLEASE THE ONLY ONE TWISTING ANYTHING YOUR DAUGHTER'' and lauren's mom said'' SHE LYING THROUGH A TEETH AND YOU'RE DOING'' and mom said'' SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU SARAH YOU JUST LET ME HANDLE IT AND YOU LAUREN' S MOTHER DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DEALING WITH'' and shadow said'' I HAVE PROOF ABOUT THE BEGINNING PART MR GRIFFON IN MY POINT OF VIEW'' and griffon said'' WHAT'' and shadow show it and boo said'' I HAVE COUPLE OF PRANKS ON HER WITH HER FRIENDS BEING TOTAL ASSHOLE TOWARDS BETHANY'' and so then we show it and mr griffon listened and said'' hmmm interesting but this behavior is disgraceful from all of you boo lauren you are both suspended until further notice and bethany will stay''and boo said'' mr griffon also get her friends expelled as well for their behaviors for bullying bethnay as well'' and mr giffon said'' very well then ill keep that in mind'' and bethany was shocked said'' BUT'' and griffon said'' this decision is final'' and boo said'' thanks a lot lauren i hope you are happy and get out'' and lauren's mom said'' LETS GO LAUREN'' and dad said'' WE ARE WATCHING'' and so then later bethany work in the salon with her uncle as was listen to music and lauren show up not feeling a warm welcome and bethany was shocked and said'' GET OUT'' and boo was reading until hear it and said''UGH YOU IDIOT LAUREN'' and bethany said'' HE WILL BE BACK ANY MINUTE'' and lauren said'' OH IM TREMBLING THE TRAINERS SHOULD COME BY THE WAY BUT I GOT ON ME BECAUSE I WAS UPSET IT GETS PRETTY TIGHT PEOPLE LATER'' and bethany look at the phone and about to grab it and boo notice the handcuffs and grab the quickly said'' SORRY THIS IS EMERGENCY'' and mr and mrs said'' WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON'' and so then boo ran in saw bethany trying to grab the phone and lauren was about to hurt her and so then boo quickly tackle her and said'' LEAVE HER ALONE'' and lauren said'' AHHH GET OFF OF ME'' and boo grab her arm and put it behind her back as put one cuff on said'' YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR PROPORTY DAMAMGE AND HURTING MY FRIEND'' and police come in and see what is planning and help out and lauren said'' HEY GET OFF OF ME'' and mr said'' YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR HARRESSMENT, PROPORTY DAMAGE AND HURTING HER FRIEND FROM SCHOOL AS SUSSPENDED AND BATTERY TO AN OFFICER AND RESISTING ARREST FOR VIOLENCE'' and boo said'' get her friends too they did the same thing too 4 of the other girls'' and mrs said'' GOT IT'' and so then lauren said'' UGH YOU WONT GET AWAY WITH THIS FREAK'' and boo said'' YOU TO LATE LAUREN WE HAVE ENOUGH OF YOUR HARRESSMENT AND ASSULTING ALSO CYBERBULLYING /BULLYING OF THIS YOUR BULL SHIT ATTITUDE OF YOURS AND GET OUT FOR REAL'' and mrs said'' GET UP'' and lauren did and said'' YOU ARE SO GOING TO GET IT'' and boo gave her a finger said'' SCREW YOU LAUREN AND YOUR FRIENDS SO HAVE FUN JAIL AND LEARN THE CONSQUENCES OF YOUR ACTIONS AND YOU THINK YOU ARE ABOVE THE LAW AND HONESTLY YOU ARE NOT SO BYE BYE'' and lauren said'' I HATE YOU NEW GIRL I REALLY HATE YOU '' and boo said'' I HATE YOU YOO'' and bethnay said'' YA GET OUT OF HERE OF ALL YOUR LIES'' and so then mr and mrs lauren out and her parents saw their daughter arrested and lauren's mom said'' WHAT IS GOING ON'' and david said'' YA'' and police said'' SHE UNDER ARREST FOR HARRESTMENT,ASSULTING CYBERBULLYING/BULLYING,DAMAGE PUBLIC PROPORTY, SUSPENDED FROM SCHOOL AND BATTERY TO THE OFFICER SO SHE WILL STAY IN JAIL FOR A LONG TIME LIKE 10 YEARS OR MORE IF SHE CONTIUNES LIKE THIS AND HER  4 FRIENDS FOR CYBERBULLYING/BULLYING THOSE GIRLS THEY WILL BE IN A YEAR OR LONGER UNDERSTAND'' and lauren's mom was shocked with her husband and so then later boo was just hanging out and in school shadow stay close to bethany and until police show up and arrested her 4  lauren's friends who were also involved of the cycberbullying/bullying on other students and bethany said'' im glad they are gone'' and shadow said 'me too since boo is suspended'' and bethany said'' ya she did the right thing'' and shadow said'' ya'' and so then boo was just hanging out on her own peacefully at the rooftop and saw the 4 of lauren's friends gone into the police car staraight to jail and so then shelly saw her and growled and they will learn the consquences for real   

boo first love [human world/monster world-monster university,monster incWhere stories live. Discover now