chapter 11

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and  her family need to decided how to solve it and so then boo post a prank its called[bird poop prank] sarah went to the woods and saw no home but do see someone said'' EXCUSE ME'' and boo said'' ha'' and sarah said'' are you my daughter's friend'' and boo said'' ya why'' and sarah said'' im sarah platt  her mother'' and boo said'' its nice to meet you miss platt so what's up'' and sarah said'' have you been defending my daughter from lauren in past few weeks'' and boo said'' ya um you better look at this prank '' and sarah said'' oh alright then[notice] OMG THAT IS FUNNY'' and boo said'' see what i told you so anyway to be honest she is most annoying person i ever met and i think know what you are talking about'' and sarah said'' oh good have you told your parents'' and boo said'' i told them everything and you know what lauren call me... A FREAK JUST BECAUSE IM DARK AND MYSTERIOUS PERSON'' and and sarah said'' wow'' and boo said'' YA ITS SO ANNOYING AND WORST OF ALL HER LYING TWISTING ATTITUDE'' and sarah said'' oh my goodness i understand how you feel but thank you protecting my daughter'' and boo said'' your welcome so are you going to lauren's mother home'' and sarah said'' ya'' and boo said'' ok ill call my mom to see she can join you'' and sarah said' 'sounds good'' and so then later sarah keeps banning the door and mom turn into a bat and got closer  show up as a person said'' AH HAM'' and sarah said'' oh hi you must be boo's mother'' and mom said'' yes i am lets go confess her'' and lauren answer said'' WE HAVE A DOORBELL'' and mom cross her arms and sarah said'' ARE YOU LAUREN'' and lauren said''  WHAT IS IT TO YOU'' and sarah sad'' IM BETHANY MOM AND THIS IS BOO'S MOM'' and lauren noticed said''OH SHE SENT YOU HERE'' and mom said'' actully lauren our daughters didn;t sent us, we wanna talk to you in person'' and sarah yelled said''DON'T YOU EVER COME NEAR MY DAUGHTER AGAIN'' and lauren said'' OR WHAT YOU'LL SEND A BODYGUARD ROUND'' and mom said'' EXCUSE ME DON'T GIVE ME YOUR ATTITDUDE VS US YOUNG LADY WE KNOW IT WAS YOU '' and sarah said'' YA DON'T PUT THE PUSSY CAT COMPARED TO ME'' and lauren's mom show up said'' WHAT'S GOING ON'' and sarah said'' I THINK YOU NEED TO ASK HER'' and lauren said'' SHE MAD'' and mom said''OH WE ARE NOT WE WANNA CONFESS HER OF HER BEHAVIOR TOWARD OUR DAUGHTERS'' and sarah said'' SHE BEEN BULLYING MY DAUGHTER AND HER DAUGHTER '' and lauren's mom said'' im sorry'' and sarah said'' SHE BEEN FOLLOWING HER FROM SCHOOL TODAY'' and lauren said'' SHE TALKING RUBBISH MOM'' and mom said''RUBBISH YOU SAY WE KNOW IT WAS YOU AND PROOF IT SO DONT TRY TO BE DENIAL '' lauren said'' are you being sassy on me'' amd mom said'' does it look like im joking[stare and lift eyebrow in serious look]'' and lauren's mom said'' i'm sure there been some mistake'' and sarah said'' oh no i think you are mistaken, IF YOU THINK IM GONNA TOLERATE HER MAKING MY DAUGHTER'S LIFE A MISERY'' and lauren's mom said'' EXCUSE ME WHERE DID YOU GET OUR ADDRESS FROM'' and sarah said'' its on that email they sent round is apparently angry so i think this would make a really interesting topic of conversation'' and mom said'' she does have a point'' and lauren's mom said'' GET INSIDE'' and lauren said'' mom'' and lauren said'' I WARNED YOU ABOUT THIS NONSENSE BEFORE INSIDE NOW'' and so mom said'' IM WATCHING YOU LAUREN'' and so then lauren went inside and lauren's mom close the door almost and listen so then sarah said'' so she done this before then well why am i not surprised'' and mom said'' ha interesting'' and lauren's mom said'' i'm sure there been some kind of misunderstanding'' and sarah said'' oh please just don't ever bother by just clink THAT SNIDE LITTLE COW AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER OTHERWISE GIVE ME HELL TO PAY'' and lauren's mom said'' YOU THINK YOU CAN COME AROUND HERE SHOUTING THE ARM'' mom grab her and pulled her outside on the wall said'' YOU LISTEN HERE LAUREN'S MOM WE HAVE THE VIDEO PROOF THAT YOUR DAUGHTER STARTED IT ALL AND DONT BE SUCH AN IDIOT OR THE SAME THING GOING TO BE ON YOU ARE WE CLEAR[her eyes turn red]'' and lauren's mom said'' UGH ALRIGHT FINE BUT THE SCHOOL WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS'' and mom smack her said'' DONT BE AN IDIOT LAUREN'S MOM YOU WANT WAR YOU GET ONE THAT SAME THING WILL HAPPEN TO YOUR DAUGHTER DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME'' and lauren's mom said'' UGH FINE'' and mom put her down said'' GOOD WE ARE EVEN'' and lauren's mom is shocked and went inside and look again and mom made the stare and sarah was surprised and so then mom said'' there that will teach them some manners'' and sarah said'' wow'' and mom said'' lets go sarah'' and sarah said'' ok'' and then we walk away and lauren's mom will never mess with boo's mother    

boo first love [human world/monster world-monster university,monster incWhere stories live. Discover now