chapter 31

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johnny have a crush on boo and wanna impress her and so then boo was studying as usual and so then johnny said'' so boo like guys who are tense ha hmmm'' and boo continue reading and saw him said'' hmmm he is kind of cute'' and so then johnny waved and boo waved back and so then johnny walk over said'' hey boo'' and boo said'' hey so what;s up'' and johnny said'' well you see i know we been friends for a while and i was wonder if you wanna go out with me'' and boo said'' i suppose i have nothing going on'' and johnny said'' awesome ill see you at 7'' and boo said'' AND NO PARTIES JUST US'' amd johnny said'' no problem'' and until johnny invite you to parties and boo growled said'' UGH THIS IS NOT WHAT I HAVE IN MIND[walk away angry]'' johnny said' um what did i do'' and other ror were shocked and others were too and javior said'' dude i think it means like alone time not just about parties'' and johnny said'' OH NOW I UNDERSTAND,MAYBE I SHOULD APOLOGIZE TO BOO'' and javior said'' ya'' and so then boo was sitting away from the party area and johnny ran off said'' BOO....[finally saw her] BOO IM SO SORRY I DIDNT KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN'' and boo said''UMPH''and johnny said'' are you still mad at me'' and boo said'' do i look like im mad at you[cross her arms]'' and johnny said'' you want us to be alone'' and boo said'' yes i want you to be more romantic not a party animal'' and johnny said'' oh now i understand'' and boo said'' you know why i wanna date you because i think you are cute'' and johnny is shocked said'' you think im cute'' and boo said'' ya'' and johnny said'' oh boo you like me'' and boo said'' ya'' johnny said'' oh boo i like you too'' and boo was shocked said'' really'' and johnny said'' ya i do you maybe scary but also beautiful in the inside'' and boo said'' awww thanks johnny'' and johnny put her hood down said' come on lets forget about the party lets go somewhere quiet'' and boo said'' ok'' and so then johnny held out his hand said'' so will you forgive me'' and boo notice said'' yes[accept his hand]'' and so then we walk away from party area and johnny said'' lets have a picnic'' and boo said'' sounds good'' and so then we did and enjoy it and boo said'' so johnny i was wondering are you ticklish'' and johnny said'' me um no'' and boo said'' oh come on johnny[tickles his sides]'' and johnny noticed said'' um.....'' and boo said'' come on johnny i wanan hear you laugh'' and johnny said''pfff'' and boo smirk and johnny finally laughed said'' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA BOO NOT THERE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA'' and boo said'' that i wanna to hear '' and boo contined for a bit then went to the thighs then armpits and johnny said''' AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OK OK YOU WIN'' and boo stopped said'' that better'' and johnny breath hard and said'' now its mine turn'' and boo said'' oh no'' and johnny smirk and boo wanna get away and johnny said'' where do you think you are doing'' and boo said'' johnny dont please im not gonna tell you'' and johnny said'' oh is that so if you dont mind[tickle her armpits]'' and boo said'' um.....pfff[come on hold her laughter]'' and johnny said'' come on boo'' and boo can't take it anymore said'' AHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA JOHNNY'' and johnny said'' oh i see you want more well then'' and boo said'' NOHOHOHOHOHO''  and johnny went in different to places and boo said'' JOHNNY NO FAIR HAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU ASK FOR IT[tackle him] HA'' and johnny felt the tackle said''UMPH'' and boo said'' THIS IS MY WAY OF FUN JOHNNY WORTHINGTON'' and johnny smirk and we have a tickle war and rolled over each other as after couple of hours and boo&johnny panting hard and johnny said'' that was most fun i have'' and boo said'' me too'' and johnny said'' so boo will you be my girlfriend'' and boo said'' oh johnny yes'' and johnny comes closer to boo and boo said'' you wanna kiss me ha'' and johnny said'' maybe'' and boo smirk and grab his shirt and tug him and gave him a passionate kiss on his lips and johnny was shocked at first then calm down and kiss back as put his arm behind her head and we let go and johnny said'' woah that was'' and boo said'' nice'' and so then johnny said'' alright then since the dates you want i'll give you one'' and boo said'' if we go on more then one we can do the s.e.x'' and johnny is shocked said'' ok then ill be waiting'' and boo said'' good babe'' and johnny said'' ok then beautiful'' and boo smirk said'' mr tough guy'' and johnny said'' babe'' and boo giggled said'' that the way i like about you and dont ever cheated from me and ill tell you everything'' and johnny said'' ok beautiful'' and boo smile of having johnny as a new boyfriend 

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