chapter 1

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long time ago when they hated the sun because they are vampires and dont know each other and so then mom was hanging out but decided to get a cloak dad was working at dark store and mom hissed from the sun because hate humans so then come in the store said'' phew that was close''and dad saw said'' hello there woah[zing]'' mom said'' hi...[zing] um '' dad said'' um i know we just met so wanna hang out'' mom said' sure but not from the sun'' dad said'' oh i got just a thing[got a cloaks]'' mom look at it said'' a cloak'' dad said'' ya i use it to protect from the sun'' mom said'' are you a vampire like me'' dad said'' to be honest yes'' mom said'' awesome'' dad said'' try it on first'' mom said'' ok[put it on] oh my'' and dad said'' wow you look great'' mom smile said'' thanks im gonna test it out'' dad said'' ok'' mom went outside and put hood on and said'' oh my its working'' and so then mom come inside and dad said'' well'' mom said'' it works'' and dad said'' that awesome'' mom said'' ill take it'' dad said'' ok that will be $5'' mom gave him $5 and dad said'' thanks'' mom said'' no problem ill see you later'' and so then when its night time mom was drinking blood and dad sniff said'' mmmm juicy blood'' and so then dad said'' hey'' mom saw him said'' oh hey'' dad said'' may i have some too'' mom said'' sure'' and so then we did and dad said'' hey um wanna go out'' mom said' 'are you asking me'' dad said'' yes'' mom smile said'' of course'' and so then later they been dating ever since then and sometimes have sex so then dad went down in one knee said'' will you marry me'' mom is shocked of this surprise said' yes'' dad is happy so then we have  perfect wedding with the animals and family like cousin draculaura and other Dracula too  right before halloween and after a while living together in the woods and mom become pregnant and dad is so happy also keep other humans out of secret barrow of our home and mom said'' honey what should we name our son or daughter'' dad said'' hmmm let see how about a girl name boo rose dark and if it is a boy we will call him ben rose dark'' mom said'' fair enough honey'' and so then dad said'' but most important i love you and our child'' mom smile said'' me too'' mom is 5 months pregnant and felt it said'' dad said'' it seems our baby want someblood'' mom said'' yep'' and so then dad got some blood and mom drinks it and notice the baby calm down so then mom took it easy and dad did all the work and mom use her magic to get herself something and until 4 more months later mom notice her water broke said'' oh no HONEY'' dad said'' what is it'' mom said'' WE NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL FAST''dad said'' no no we will get out family'' and mom said''OK BUT HURRY'' and so then dad call animal friends and they come in and bear saud;;WHAT THE EMERGENCY'' dad said'' WE NEED TO OUR FAMILY AT ONCE BECAUSE MY WIFE IS HAVING A BABY'' bear said'' OH IT'' and so then bear did and dad join in the run and mom is breathing hard and so then after couple of hours its not a boy its a girl and so then boo is inner vampire and mom said'' oh my god she is so beautiful'' dad gave the baby to his wife and mom hold her and said'' lets call her boo rose dark'' dad smile said'' she is perfect'' and boo was trying to punch and kick so then mom smile said''awww she is learning to fight'' dad said'' yes she is'' and we took her home and mom said'' welcome to the world little one'' boo is happy to be a new born baby girl 

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