chapter 55

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Tyler feel bad at the football game and went to the MIFT area and to see what is going on and so then u til they find out there was a replacement and so then boo been dating kitty for a while so then Duncan said''oh I never known such joy'' and so then boo was getting things organized and sully said'' ready babe'' and boo said'' ya just making sure we got everything'' and sully said'' ok then we are going to the creep'' and boo said'' the conversation center'' and sully said'' ya'' and so then we got there and Mike said'' WELCOME TO THE CREEP SHOW'' and sully said'' when a creep is a good thing'' and boo smile checking everything and said'' ok guys we should get ready to go'' and smitty and needleman help out too for the canisters and so then we arrived Mike said'' MONSTERS INC HAVE ARRIVED WOULD YOU BE SO KIND AS TO DIRECT US TO OUR USUAL BOOTH.. IM SURE ITS IN THE CENTER WITH ALL THE OTHER BIG SHOTS' and boo crooked her eyes and so then sully said'' HMM WELL WE'RE DEFINITELY NOT NEAR SCREAM ENERGY ANYMORE'' and boo said'' so true kitty'' and Mike said'' THEY BEEN AN INSULTING MISTAKE'' and we got to our booth it was small but it's fine and as we set it up and Mike said'' it's perfectly fine'' and so then sully said'' looks like we got our work cut out for us then, you're all set up for Mike and I big laugh power presentation'' and so then sully put Tyler and Val in booth duty and so then Tyler feel down and said'' um I don't know if I'm the best spokesperson'' and sully said'' come on, your the poster boy of a former scarer becoming a jokester'' and Tyler said'' yeah but when I tried to talk about it at the football game it didn't exactly go well'' and boo said'' oh Tyler'' and sully said'' we understand I'm a little nervous about today myself'' and boo was shocked said'' you are nervous why didn't you tell me'' and sully said'' sorry babe but you will support me right' and boo said'' of course'' and so then Tyler was shocked said'' you get nervous'' and sully said'' [chuckles] yes but life is a lot like the laugh floor we can't stop going through doors just because one doesn't work out'' and Tyler said'' I'll try'' and boo said'' if you need anything Tyler just ask us for help we will be around but remember I told you'' and Tyler said'' ok thanks miss dark I remember stand up what you think it's right'' and boo said'' YOU GOT IT TYLER'' and so then Mike said'' COME ON SULLY, ITS TIME FOR SCHIMOOZE AND KISS SOME BUTT'' and boo sighed said'' you mean kick some butt'' and Mike said'' right'' and sully said'' ya what my girl said'' and so the sully grab boo hand as we walk away and so then Duncan hates then things get ruined because of smith and needleman so then Tyler feel down and those jerks bully him for teasing and so then we decided to take a walk and saw those jerks again at the scream extractor and boo notice said'' kitty look'' and sully said'' oh those kids just ignore them babe'' and Tyler saw boo as she wink said'' ok you can do this'' and so then boo said'' excuse me'' and so then boo sneak behind them and Tyler smile said'' um look behind you'' and boy said'' um dude'' and jerk said'' what...[turn around saw her face]AHHH'' and boo said'' did I scare you boys[smirk] you guys are really not the scary honestly'' and boys said'' WHAT'' and boo said'' Tyler tell them why you are jokester'' and Tyler said'' oh well you see'' and boo notice they are teasing you and his mind said'' ignore them show those jerks  what you can do'' and Tyler notice and realizes and agree and so then went in raged and roared it loud and broke it completely and sully said'' woah'' and as Tyler comes out everyone was impressed of his roar and boo walk back to kitty and Tyler saw her and boo wink at Tyler  so then he smile and scared those jerks bullies away and sully said'' how'' and boo said'' those bullies being jerks of teasing I give him the signal and he scared them away and honestly they not that scary no matter how hard they tried'' and sully said'' fair enough the presentation is about to start'' and boo said'' well then let's go'' and so then we did and sully said'' oh man is it hot in here it feels hot''and boo went over said'' kitty look at me calm down remember I told you'' and sully said'' oh right[take a breath in and out] ok'' and boo notice the flash cards said'' you got this kitty and did Mike gave you those flash cards again'' and sully said'' well ya to help me'' and boo said'' ugh Mike really just say it from here[point to the heart]not here ok kitty'' and sully said''so just say it by the heart not the brain got it'' and so then boo said'' you got this kitty ill be right there to support you'' and sully said'' thanks babe' and boo smile and so then Tyler notice the canister is off and panicked as talking to smirky and needleman so then said'' oh no this can't be good'' and boo notice something is not right and sneak out as hiss in the shadows and saw Tyler and Duncan arguing and said'' boys'' and Tyler did it anyway and close or right away or it will get worse and so then sully throw the cards at Mike and said'' YOU KNOW WHAT ENOUGH OF THIS REHEARSALS STUFF LETS HAVE A CONVERSATION WHO GOT QUESTIONS[throw the cards]'' and Duncan said'' YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS TUCKMON'' and boo said'' DUNCAN P ANDERSON SHOW SOME RESPECT AROUND HERE APOLOGIZE TO TYLER RIGHT THIS INSTANT[serious look]''and Duncan was shocked said'' sorry ma'am'' and boo said'' what is going on Tyler'' and Tyler said'' oh well you see this canister has laughter mix with scream and it's about to explode'' and boo said'' OH GOD GO TYLER ILL TAKE CARE OF THE REST' and Tyler said'' OK THANKS BOSS TELL MR SULLIVAN AND WAZOWKSI IM SORRY'  and boo said'' DON'T WORRY TYLER I GOT THE REST JUST GO'' and so then Tyler did just in time as went to the bathroom and sully look said'' WOAH WHAT HAPPEN HERE'' and boo sighed and explain everything and so then sully and Mike were shocked and so then sully said'' thanks,for telling us babe'' and boo said'' your welcome I'm just saying next time  let's use a different canister on the model'' and sully said'' ya I agree[look at mike] RIGHT MIKE'' and Mike nervous laugh and so then everyone was impress of the model and Tyler tried to fix it and scream and sully said'' everyone did great work today, and lots of monsters were really engaged except Mike and celia because someone has commitment issues'' and boo smile and Mike said'' WHAT ARE YOU MY MOTHER'' and boo sighed said'' UGH BOYS'' and Tyler said'' miss dark[want her to come closer]'' and boo said'' hmm yes Tyler[walk over] oh'' and Tyler said'' did you tell them'' and boo said'' yes I did they know accidents happen'' and Tyler said'' oh that good thanks for watching my back miss dark'' and boo said'' of course Tyler always here to help'' and Tyler smile and so the boo help clean up and Tyler talk to Val and Johnny gave him a card to keep in touch and so then hope never go back again next year and boo went home with sully and Mike as walking home and hope everything will go normal

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