chapter 51

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boo&sully went on a romantic date at lunch and sully said'' hey babe im glad you understand'' and boo said'' of course kitty anytime'' and sully said'' and you want to tell me something'' anf boo said'' well you know mr waternoose is on the lose'' and sully said'' true'' and boo said'' i know you dont wanna be like mr waternoose right but you have me remember i got your back'' and sully said'' that is true but i realized i told mr waternoose about you'' and boo said'' really'' and sully said'' ya but i know its true'' and boo said'' ya lunch is almost over we should get to work'' and cda are chasing a kid and sully saw him said''HEY COME BACK HERE'' and boo was walking checking on everyone and said'' ok everything should be ok for now'' and until sid bumped said'' HEY WATCH WHERE YOU GOING LADY'' and boo said''EXCUSE ME THAT KIND OF RUDE WAIT ARE YOU A HUMAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE'' and sid said'' ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS'' and boo notice he seen a bit off said'' what do you have in the bag there'' and sid said'' I SAID NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS[ran away]'' and boo said'' FINE WHATEVER'' and cda said'' HEY MISS DARK STOP'' and boo said'' ha'' and cda said'' HAVE YOU SEEN A HUMAN KID IN THIS BUILDING HAVE YOU SEEN HIM'' and boo said'' yes i did see it a minute ago it should be down the hallway'' and cda said'' YOU HEARD HER MOVE MOVE MOVE'' and boo saw him said'' YOU ARE SO GOING TO MESS WITH THE WRONG MONSTER KID'' and so then boo chase him and sid was hiding so then boo got an idea to scare him a bit and sid said'' WHAT THE....THIS IS NOT FUNNY'' and boo show up said'' SURPRISE TO SEE ME KID[stare]'' and sid said'' AHHHH THAT NOT COOL'' and boo said'' what did i told you before about what is in that bag'' and sid said'' I SAID ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS LADY'' and boo notice he is about to leave but quikly grab her wimp and got his legs said'' YOUR NOT GOING ANYWHERE MR'' and sid said'' HEY LET ME GO'' and boo smirk said'' NOPE YOU ARE IN BIG TROUBLE'' and sully saw her said'' YOU GOT HIM GOOD JOB BABE[small peck on the cheek]'' and boo said'' see no problem'' and sully carry him and said'' WHAT IM GOING TO DO WITH YOU'' and boo said'' hmmm i think we should return the toys back to the kids room and put that sid teenager kid back to his room ''and sully said'' good idea babe'' and so then we walk to the laugh floor and boo said'' look what we find'' and roz said'' WELL SULLIVAN AND MISS DARK AT LEAST YOU KNOW HOW TO CLEAN UP YOUR OWN MESS'' and sid said'' ARE YOU GOING TO EAT ME'' and sully said'' WHAT OF COURSE WE'RE NOT GOING TO EAT YOU WE'RE NOT THAT KIND OF MONSTER''and boo said'' i would drink his blood through[notice other were shocked] WHAT ITS THE TRUTH'' and other monsters think its gross and so then roz said'' WE WENT THROUGH THE SECURITY FOOTAGE OF WHICH DOOR YOU CAME THROUGH YOU'RE GIVEN US A LOT OF TROUBLE STEANKING KIDS ROOMS THROUGH THEIR CLOSET DOORS AND STEALING THEIR TOYS'' and sully said'' I WAS SAVING THOSE KIDS'' and mike disagree and said'' STEALING FOR WHAT GETTING RICH ADMIT YOU WE'RE STEALING THEIR RARE TOYS FOR BIG BUCKS'' and sid said'' SO WHAT I MADE A FEW BUCKS TOYS ARE DANGEROUS ILL TELL YOU A STORY SOMETIME ABOUT A KID WHOSE TOYS COME TO LIFE AND ATTACKED HIM'' and boo said'' what that is so ridiculous'' and so roz said'' we're going to let you off that easy this time kid once we shred your closet you will never come back here again''and sid was force to go in and said'' YAHHH'' and it was been crazy adventure for sure and hope tomorrow will be better

boo first love [human world/monster world-monster university,monster incWhere stories live. Discover now