chapter 10

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bethany feel scared and was about to go to the next class and  boo was at her locker doing her thing and lauren grab bethany to talk to her and said'' BUT IN THE LOSER CLASS AGAIN YOU THINK BEING AS UGLY AS YOU ARE'' and boo growled as close her locker walk toward them and bethany saw her and said'' oh hey'' and boo said'' hey'' and lauren said'' YOU DON'T LEAST BE A LITTLE BIT RAINY BUT YOUR NOT'' and boo said'' LEAVE HER ALONE LAUREN'' and lauren said'' EXCUSE ME IM TALKING TO BETHANY WHY YOU JUST GO YOU FREAK'' and boo said' 'excuse me you dont talk to me that way the way you talking to my friend here'' and bethany didn't say anything and lauren said'' WELL SHE IS NOT SAYING ANYTHING,ARE YOU SCARED'' and bethany said'' NO'' and lauren said'' YOU SHOULD BE NO ONE PUNCHES ME AND GETS AWAY WITH IT''and boo growled and hated her attitude and said'' THAT ENOUGH OUT OF YOU LAUREN'' and lauren said''EXCUSE ME'' boo said'' YOU HEARD ME LEAVE HER ALONE NOW[cross her arms as in front of her]'' and lauren said'' YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS RIGHT A FREAK HERE THINKS SHE TELLS ME WHAT TO DO EXACTLY WHO DO YOU THINK[notice the grab and throw to the lockers by her enemy] UMPH,WHAT THE HECK IS YOUR PROBLEM'' and boo said'' YOU LISTEN HERE LAUREN AND LOOK ME IN THE EYE YOU WILL LEAVE BETHANY ALONE UNLESS YOU WANT DEATH WISH YOU'D LIKE ME TO GRANT YOU[smirk]'' and lauren said'' EXCUSE ME NOBODY PUNCHES ME AND GETS AWAY WITH IT BETHANY HERE IS NOTHING BUT A PATHETIC LITTLE GIRL'' and boo slap her and lauren said'' WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR FREAK'' and boo said'' NOBODY TALKS TO MY FRIEND LIKE THAT SHE IS NOT STUPID THE REAL ONE WHO IS THAT IS YOU SO FOR NOW ON IF I CATCH YOU MESSING WITH BETHANY AGAIN I WILL FIND YOU AND I WILL MAKE YOU PAY...GOT IT[serious stare face]'' and lauren said'' YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS'' and boo said'' SO WHY YOU SHUT UP AND GET OUT OR I WILL PUT YOU INTO THE GRAVE'' and lauren was shocked and walk away and boo let her go and mr griffon said'' are you two girls ok'' and boo said'' oh we are fine thanks just keep close eye on lauren she nothing but trouble anyway'' and mr griffon said'' ok'' and so then boo said'' lets go bethany'' and bethany said'' ok'' and so then we went off so then three of us hang out having fun until lauren show up again and boo got an idea and turns into a snake and slither away and hide behind the trashcan and lauren said'' WELL WELL IS IT THE FREAKS'' and shadow said'' GO AWAY LAUREN NOBODY WANTS YOU HERE ANYWAY'' and lauren said'' OH YOU THINK YOU CAN TELL ME WHAT TO DO'' and shadow said'' omg lauren why you acting like this'' and lauren said'' excuse me'' and boo turn herself back and got an idea and lift it with her magic and said'' this going to be fun'' and so then shadow notice said'' bethany we should step back'' and lauren said'' WHY YOU GUYS STANDING BACK'' and boo got it above them and said'' 3,2,1[pour it]HEY LAUREN HOW FEEL LIKE BEING DUMPED'' and lauren notice said'' WHAT THE AHHHH'' and shelly said'' NOOO I FEEL SO STINKY ITS GOING TO TAKE WEEKS TO WASH OFF'' and lauren turn around said'' YOU'' and boo said'' SURPRISE TO SEE ME LAUREN SO WHY YOU GO WASH UP WITH SOAP AND GET OUT'' and lauren was shocked said'' YOU GONNA REQUET THIS'' and boo said'' PFFF[stick her tongue out]GET OUT AND DONT CARE'' and so then they ran off and hope they learn their lesson not to mess with her period 

boo first love [human world/monster world-monster university,monster incWhere stories live. Discover now