chapter 45

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sully feel like a man that he told mike his secret crush for a long time and wanna impress her and boo was working as usual and sully was nervous to ask her out said'' hmmm i need a plan to get her attention'' and so then mike noticed said'' oh you want to get your crush attention'' sully said'' ya'' and mike said'' hmmm maybe a secret admire or maybe a secret a note or do something she likes'' and sully said'' hmmm'' and so then brought her like red roses,secret love note and left the room and hopes she loves it and so then boo enter the office said'' oh my someone brought me gifts and roses awww how sweet and what is this a note it says[You're the one who makes my heart race, my secret crush. I wish I could tell you how I feel, but for now, my love for you remains a secret, hidden away in the depths of my heart] awww who can it be and im someone secret crush i wonder[notice blue hair] sully it can't be'' and inner boo said'' HEY YOU DIDN'T KNOW SULLY HAS A CRUSH ON US'' and boo said'' wait inner me you know'' and inner boo said'' OH COURSE I KNOW YOU ARE BOTH ARE THE SAME BODY'' and boo said'' ya you are right ever since we were born'' and inner boo said'' YA THAT MY POINT'' and boo said'' do you think sully is cute'' and inner boo said'' well yes a bit'' and boo said'' awesome but wait if he finds out we are the same person but completely 2 different souls'' and inner boo said'' yes that might be true but will see if we can tell him our secret'' and boo notice said'' ya you are right'' and so then boo begin to feel her crush on sully and so then later as we all hang out it was all arkward and celia and mike notice sully&boo were blushing and look away from each other and mike said'' do you see what im seeing smoochy poo'' and celia said'' i sure do googly bear'' and so then mike and celia put those two together and closer and boo said'' um this is arkward'' and sully said'' ya'' and mike said'' oh come on guys talk'' and sully said'' um ok'' and boo said'' um thanks mike'' and celia said'' they got this'' and boo said'' sully wanna talk in private'' and sully smile said'' sure'' and so then we did and boo said'' so sully um i know we been friends for a while and i think we should take our relationship to the next level and those giftsi know it was you'' and sully said'' you mean'' and boo said'' ya what im trying to say is wanna go out sometime and i do really like you'' and sully said'' oh boo on a date yes and i like you too ever since the beginning but should we keep as a secret'' and boo said'' i mean it would be fun'' and sully said'' maybe we can sneak away when mike and celia aren't looking'' and boo said'' good idea sully'' and sully said'' it could be fun'' and so then boo said'' you know that we did last time mike was interrupting our fun'' and sully said'' ya i remember when we were friends'' and boo said'' ya that my point'' and sully said'' ya lets do it together[show his hand]'' and boo said'' yes lets do it[accept it]'' and so then we walk away happy and we are in love tonight

boo first love [human world/monster world-monster university,monster incWhere stories live. Discover now