chapter 47

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boo&sully been dating in a past week behind mike&celia back and did all kind of things together[hang out on the rooftop,drink milkshakes,hang out at the park,go to a amusement park etc] and boo was at the office taking care of the paperwork and sully tooks care of the laugh floor and sully comes in said'' hey babe'' and boo said'' oh hey kitty'' and sully said'' nobody knows we are dating'' and boo said'' of course not even our friends too'' and sully said'' that is true'' and boo said'' im glad we are together'' and sully said'' ya me too'' and sully&boo kissed and so then sully said'' i wonder johnny is been up too'' and boo said'' probably didn't like when things changed'' and sully said'' true and your ex and you have two friends bethany and shadow which are humans and enemy name lauren am i right'' and boo said'' ya if you see it in person you will understand why and reason i hated her'' and sully said'' ya i will but im glad you tolds me'' and boo said'' me too kitty'' and sully smile and so then mike show up and boo notice said'' ah oh mike is coming'' and sully said'' oh'' and so then we act normal and mike said' 'WHAT IS GOING ON'' and boo said'' its nothing mike right sully[elbow hit him gently]'' and sully said'' ya nothing going on here'' and mike said'' hmmm ok.....'' and boo said'' so what brings you up here'' and mike said'' oh im just checking on things'' and sully said'' ya like what'' and boo give mike a lift eyebrow look and mike said'' OK FINE I WAS CHECKING ON SULLY ALRIGHT'' and boo said'' i thought so but sully is fine remember and you have celia'' and mike said'' that is true'' and boo said'' i thought so why you go check up on her instead or maybe set up a class'' and mike said'' i suppose i can'' and boo said'' ya[push drag him] where let me show you where the door is'' and sully was impressed and boo put him in and press the button and waved goodbye and sully said'' PHEW THAT WAS CLOSE'' and boo said'' YA I KNOW RIGHT UGH'' and sully said'' i thought he never find out that we are dating'' and boo said'' ya i dont know we can keep it for very long kitty'' and sully said'' that is true babe we have to tell them some point'' and boo said'' ya that is true'' and so then we hang out as usual and celia notice something is off between boo[her new best friend] and sully behavior and so then celia said'' ok i think its enough are you two acting werid'' and boo said'' WHAT NO'' and sully said'' NO'' and mike said''um what is going on'' and celia said'' are you two dating'' and boo said'' ugh i guess there is no point hidding it and yes celia we are actully we are dating'' mike was shocked said'' WHAT SINCE WHEN'' and sully said'' in a past week'' and boo said'' ya sorry we didn't tell you guys sooner'' celia said'' OMG THAT IS PERFECT WE SHOULD HAVE A DOUBLE DATE'' and boo said'' oh you are right we should'' and mike said'' sully is this true'' and sully said'' ya'' and mike said'' WOW NO WONDER YOU TWO ACTING WERID'' and boo said'' right just you know both now we will make a annousment at work that we are in fact dating'' and sully said'' ya or you can celia'' and celia said'' sure'' and so then later at work celia said'' WE HAVE A SPECIAL ANNOUSMENT SULLY AND BOO ARE DATING'' and other cangrats sully at the laugh floor and boo comes down they say cangrats to her too and boo never felt so happy in her life

boo first love [human world/monster world-monster university,monster incWhere stories live. Discover now